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South West, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... IMETEnAIY VAZLETIES. DiseaeoPaTION or WHIOLTH.-A too groat disproportion of wealth amonig citizens wveakens any state. Etery poe'sae, if possible, ought to enjoy the fruits of hos labour, in a foil :poa- oession of all thu necessaries, and many- of the canvenieneso of life. No one can-doubt bitt Sucth an equality is most suitable to 'his hmmm n batuera and diminishes much less from the ...


... :l.: . TE . : . .- M..ETZES. l~I PIitixicE AN XESS0'Yus.Teexcesses s- of our youth arc dlrafts' upon our age, paysable with inters d: home five-and-twenty years afterwards.-Seneca. *~ The good wire comtinandeth herlhusband,i iinanequnli an- a*ner, biy constantly.oibeying him., It~wassalways observed, that what the Engligh ga ine f'the French in battle by valour, the French regained of' the ...


... i0varp. PROROGATION STANZAS. Fie (Sir R. Peol) could not but thitik that exaggerated descriptions f~v6the-iitreC9 ial tieooiitryj reere calculated to do much muischief. -Any honest, hard.workinsg manl may, hit Elgland, acquire a coot- ?? or NV\ELLINOrMo. -The Dtske of Weltlngton stated, in the House of Peers, oal Frilay qvanirg, that ' there was no real distress in, the country from want Of ...


... p)ottri). 'iHE SANDWICH ISLANDS: A PRIZE rogar, RECITED tti TaE THEATRE, OXFORD, JUNE ifi. BY SAOIUEL LUCAS, Queen's Co.1. Oat Albion's shores, whl~e blcnding shades of Eve Their star.preaid nalittle I tbe twilight wcave, And whil't in peace it folds earthl's weariea breast, And pale; the aseber glavier of the West;i hu -What if our thoughts, at that soft tranquil hour Tio yed us iljtis'e to ...


... &ZTF.RAL1. VAILZDTIEB. ANTIQUITIrES AND Cuitiosiaroes.-The collectors of relics will perhaps feel interested in th sbji'sd statemnent of the prices paid within the last few years for various objeicts of his-. torical curiosity :-The ivory srna chair, presented by the city of Luboeck to Gisetasus Vasa, was sold in 1825. to the SivedIoli .chosberlain, 15,1 Schsonekel, for the sum of 58,005 ...


... - U CGZOVSTE1 MTUSXZCAM.!1BTSV.. . LFRO31 THE G.LOBE. The one hundred and eighteenth meeting of the three clhoirs of Gloucester, Worcester, and Heieford, for the be- nefit of the widows and orphans of the clergy in the three dioceses, commenced on Tuesday morning at the cathedral. ..It was generally supposed in the city that the present festival twould have been a failure, principally founded ...


... LETER&LY VA2!.ZzITIMS, Clergymen, says Dr. Divight, nbaho are always attacking a rival creod from.their pulpits, would find, if they thoroughly uxamined themselves, that their conduet proceeded from a lurk- ilg suspicion that their aivwl was assailable and unsound INTEGIaITY COr THE DoG.-The Almighty,_ who gave the dog to be the companion of our pleasures and our toili, hall invested him vvit ...


... 1.ZT1 T: : V A I - I .MTz2zlL3N'X ,§ARXN.MTXlES. ot If promises from main to man have force, why not from in man to woanan n Their very weakness is the charter of their e power, ond tbey should not be injured because they can't re- id trn ?? : e No imporant reform ws ever effected in a period of 55 ?? Jo~iner Il'ckistocsh. : Disease is the begitnniug of that equalify which death id empletes. ...


... 'se R&IT Kwk urzIi'i. I The first requisite in dotversxtien is truth; the second, sense; the third, good-humour; and the fourth, wit. Slaiderersare like fties.,they pass over the good parts of a man1 and indulge an his sores.u ?? ' Well, John, which do you think wvas right ? 'Why, hlaster, I think the bald-headed gentleman was wroil-'? Why do you think so, John51 Because, Master, he lost ...


... Dr. W. B. Carpenter's 5xvisesacn 1,eetures. LECTURE XXX. Dr. C. couimeesced this lecture with a recapitulation of the general oharacters of Articulated aniimals, and of theirrelations to Alollusveat-rticulatu are the most highlyorganized,as regards their powers of sensation alid locomotion, being mostly adapted for progression onl the earth ; and the greatest part of tbe ex- tensive class of ...


... 1poetu,- A WARNING VOICE TO ENGLAND, OR, FRANCE ilE'OttE THE RtrVOLUTIOD'. I is seisdom it o reverentle to unroll- Of the hillshy pasttle retrdiiog scuoll: Frnc O!sout? that Its lore migtht in searniiig be givr, 0er tir voc ef thre i'est is a ebshlser front heaveni. I stos whjere thle tide of a gathering throng, Ia the might Of its t~iouisancs, woos rolling along Like a torrent's rush was that ...


... f it t ra t rt. Ireland, its Seenertl,Charcter, 6-c., Part V. oy b r. r& Mirs. C. Hall,-How & Parsons, London. 'the 1.resent number contains tho same judicious mixture of amusement and instruction which distinguished the preceding parts, and whlichl has gained for the wvork the character of bein, ne of the most algreeable publications of the day. These are this mouth fewer of Mrs. Hall's ...