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Original Poetry

... I I I . I GTi-*f(fvoctT- i I A MOTHER'S EXCLAMATION, ON VIEWING THE MORNING STAR. ' Oh, could I,. with prophetic glance, Survey foturity's expanse, And read in yonder golden star Of what my children will be,-are No longer now the inmates where A parent's ceaseless love they share,- Yet. would I 'mt strive to see Unfolded each one's destiny,- (Though strangers to their childhood's home, 'Mid ...

Our Scrap Book,

... I - --- D- tt. *crap Boot, OR EXTRACTS FROM RECENTLY PUBLISHED WORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. THE CRoWN JEWELS.-The King of Hanover is return- ing the rompliment of the demand made to him of giving up'his rooms in St. James's Palace, by instituting a legal and very unpleasant inquiry respecting the crown jewels of thekingdom of Hanover. Thesuitin chlanceryis instituted nominally against Sir Henry ...

The Church

... I Zbe ONTO. ? The Rev. Thomas Gisborne, lM.A., Prebendary of Dur- ham, Mr. W. Evans, M.P. for North Derbyshire, and Mr. Matthew Gisborne, have each contributed, the two former £I00 each, and the latter £2000, as the commencement of a new fund for the Lichfield Diocesan Church Extension Society. NEW LaCTURESnip.-Arrangements are now made for Sunday and week-day evening lectures, at the ...


... 0 a I . In the county of Somerst, there are three mairket towns, and two of them sea ports; without - lawer. It appears strange, that this wealthy distict s!io1d- so long escape notice, .but it is no less singular than true. According to some observations, published at the HIagule, it appears, that extrenme cold winters have occurred every four hundred yearssince the birth of Christ. In 1390, ...


... I The theatre opened on' Monday evening for the winter season 'with Othello and the Loan of a Lover; and several new perform. ers were introduced to the Hull audience: others are also announced, who will join their brethren of the sock and buskin in a few days; and then Mr. Hooper will have a stronger com- pany than has been seen in Hull for some years, particularly in opera. In Othello, the ...

Spirit of the Press

... Ap irit of t*e jfredO. The fear of the many, as frequently felt. is a most capricious apprehension. It overlooks real dangers, and dwells upon perils the most chimerical. Such, for instance, Is the notion of a division of the property of the country amongst the population. No body of re- presentatives chosen by a suffrage absolutely universal, and tied down by the strictest system of mere ...


... r THE CHARTER. WHEN thrones shall crumble and moulder to dust, And sceptres shall fall from the hands of the great, And all the rlih baubles a Monarch might boast, Shall vanish before the good sense of a state ; When Lords Iproduced by the mandate of Kings), Now proud and dominant, rampant with power, Shall be spoken of only as by-gone things That shall blast this part of creation no more, ...


... qpoertij. THE CHARTER. WnrEN thrones shall crumble and moulder to dust, And sceptres shall fall from the hands of the great, And all the rich baubles a Monarch might boast, Shall vanish before the good sense of a state ; When Lords (produced by the mandate of Kings), Now proud and dominant, rampant with power, Shall he spoken of only as by-gone things That shall blast this part of creation no ...

Our Scrap Book,

... I -- uv ~ frazp ~Mo OR EXTRACTS FROM RECENTLY PUBLISHED WORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. POETRY BETTER PAID FOR THAN ByaoN's.-On one occasion Jaines Smith was well paid for a trifling exertion of his muse; for having met at a dinner party the late Mr. Strachan, the King's printer, then suffering with gout and old age, thongh his intellectual faculties remained unim- paired, ho sent him next morning ...

The Church

... I7- ,, G * 1Oe lurcb.l' Her Majesty the Queen has forwarded through Sir Henry Wheatley the sum of £59 towards the erection of Poulton Church, Lancashire. T're Queen Dowager has contributed £10 towards erecting a new church at Kimibervorth, in the parish of Rotherham. The Lord Bishop of Ripon left his residence, Bishoptou Grove, on Monday, the 28th ult., for Bishopthorpe Palace, on a visit to ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... Watdet of affasYionable Wie. Mr. and Mrs. Lawson and family have left the Hall, Boroughbridge, in this county, on a visit to Sir T. Gooch, Bart,, Belnacre Hall, Suffolk. Lord Prudhoc left Stanwick on Wednesday week, for Alnwick Castle, the seat of his Grace the Dnke of North- umberlaud. Tlew venerable Earl of Westmoreland was born oin the 1st of January, 1759, and consequently attained his ...


... 3Ifterature. '2 London publishers can forward their wories for reviewc addressed to the Editor of the Hull Packet, to Mr. C. MITCHELL, 12, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street; oa to Messrs. LONGM3AN aud Co., Paternoster-rowv, to be forwarded in .1ir. Brown's parcel. No periodicals or serials wilt be noticed that are not received regulartly. iBLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE, No.303. January, 1841. Btackeood ...