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Hull Packet

The Church

... Slit Q-1bracb. We learn from the Morning Pos', that the Queen wvisa ing to read some sermons, her uthiTiiters have recommended her Dr. Arnolds ; a divine who denounces the doctrines of Hooker, Taylor, and Wilson, as 'mischievous, a pro- fane, manifestly unchristian, priestcraft positive blasphemy, &c. P'rety books to put into the hands ofte young fb uhaleo It is with feelings of ...

Original Poetry

... Orginal WOEt. I DEATH. - Hrw many t'ihiimJ touldat 1Tou hare, insaliale grare y Death ! thy far and shaduwy land is flied with a Pale and spectral Land, And comnest thou yet ? Spare I 0 spare! Nor rifle our home of its young and fair. There are old and feeble Crowding thy way, With their faltering steps and locks of grey These for thy summons wait and pray, Then take nut our loved and young ...


... arifcties. When isa chimney like a chicken? Do ye give it up? Whell it's a littleford. A ne-w opera, composed by Benedict, the libretto by Mr. Chorley, has been accepted at Covent-gardeu Theatre, and will be brought mit with all possible speed. Some arch wagl has been hoaxing a numerous circle of the citizens of Dublin by isSuing cards of invitation in the name of the Lord Mayor, to a dinner ...

Selected Poetry

... ?btllcEtO C HARITY. BY OaoTtte, J. LEE STTEVrZs* Where pleasurei beam, where joys abound, Where happy hparts alone are fouand, Where even love m 1y deign to be, Tbere still is room for Charity l The brightest eyes may brighter smile- The warmest heart. may warmaer glow- That fromt enjoynelnt, turn a hile, To dry the tears of wrant and woe ! And where unhappy discord re: -ns Where passion ...


... THE CABI1NET AND THlE CHURCH. C! ~ ~ 1.. ,1. .. dtch is tle title of a very able paper, forming- theleading article in the forthcomiing Nho of TIIL CliunwtirlN, with a proof of Which we have 1)001 favoured. Its object is to press upon the cabillet die appointment of a minister of religion end education, to whorn the interests of the church shall bh confided ; and also the facts, that the ...

Packet of fashionable Life

... Ivitdt of fgasbtonable 'Rife. A Co rcspouident of the Gazette s.;ys, that a manriage is di finitely resolved on between the Grand Duchess OIga of Rlussia and an Austrian Archduke, but rumtur fluctuates between a son of the Archduke Charles and. a son of the Arhrclhke l'alatinc. DuBLIN, MAY 25.-ALtntosiE OF TilE LoRD-LiruTE- NANT.-T'he beLutilifl Dowager Lady Somerville is the lidy ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... wacfet of gasTiolllable Life. The Countess of Mlexborough and Lady Sarah Savile have arrived in Dover-street from Methley Park, York- shire. The Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry, and the Ladies Vane, are shortly expected at Wynyard Park, near Stockton-on-Tees, from Mount Stewart, Newtownard&, Ireland. The Duke of Norfolk, accompanied by Lord Edward Ho-ward, has joined the Earl and ...

Foreign Varieties

... Satin Yarirties. The Commerce, under date Vienna, 28th nilt., announces the failure of the banking-houlse of Steine and Co., one of the most considerable in that city. His Excellency Lord Granville continues to improve in health, at Villa La Jonchere; but, under the present aspect of affairs, the noble earl does not contemplate returning to the hotel of the embassy. Col. Howard Vyse, author of ...

Our Scrap Book

... Our igrap rool. OR EXTRACTS FtIOM RECENTLY PUBLISHED WORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. N-.W MIODLL PRISON.-Thle Times of thO 20th COnItiais a desciiptiol of the new model prison orected il tle Chalk road, whicll leads at the bottom of Pentonville-hill, to Holloway. It is constructed upon the principle of the most rigorou., solitary confinement, andi seclusion. Who- ther hi his cel, at chapel, or ...


... BBEVERLEY AND EAST-RIDING IFLORICULL. TURAL EXHIBITION,. This exhibition took place on the 9th June inst., it the splendid new rooms lately erected in Bererley, tinder the superintendaucc of that highly talented architect, H. F. Lockwoood, Esq. The old Assembly-roon contained fruits of the most luscious andbeautiful descriptions; together with vegetables of the most superior, and, manly of ...


... 31ftuatme. I L4 London publishers can forward their wvorksfor review, addressed to mhe Editor of the flati Packet, to Mrk. C. MlITCHIELL, 12, Red Liou-Corzrt, Fleet-steete. Mo periodicits or serials will be noticed that ar-e not 7'ecenied regularly. THE STEAM-BOAT, A TALE OF THE THALMES AND 'HE TIMES. By G. W. MI. UrYNOLDS.- Lonidn: J. Rogers, Paternoseer-row. Wle noticed the first ...


... varfrtics. Grisi and her cousin, with Mario. Lablache, and F. Lablache, have been performing at Liverpool, and Mdlle. Cerrito has aiso been dancing at Liverpool and Manchester during the week. MONUMENT TO THE MIEaORY OF THE LATE COUNTESS HowE.- A marble monument to the memory of his lamented lady has recently been placed by Earl Howe in Penn Church, Bucks, where the remains of her ladyship are ...