The Church

... Slit Q-1bracb. We learn from the Morning Pos', that the Queen wvisa ing to read some sermons, her uthiTiiters have recommended her Dr. Arnolds ; a divine who denounces the doctrines of Hooker, Taylor, and Wilson, as 'mischievous, a pro- fane, manifestly unchristian, priestcraft positive blasphemy, &c. P'rety books to put into the hands ofte young fb uhaleo It is with feelings of ...


... TIlE EXHIBII'TION O1 'ril: EvinDUIIGII socui:ry OF AirIsTrs. TIMIDi) NOTICE. Woe will neow draw till attention of our remders to suchi of the retn .ning pictures as we consider most worthy of' notice, anvi we wvill commence at Not. *l, louglsa Castle, bv It). 'Kenzie, a very elff'- live picture. 'Thlere ii a title breadith of light a:d shade about it. No. 13. Norlrina Ca(tle on the Tvreed-WV. ...


... - -- FASHION JND VARIETIES. Her Majesty the Queen had a grand dinner on Saturday evening at Buckingbam Palace, the Duke of Devonshire Duchess of Sutherland, and a large party of the haut ea6bse having been invited by the xoyal command to meet his M jesty the King of the Belgians. It is not the intention of her Majesty and court to remove to Windsor Castle from Buckingham Palace for several ...

annuAi Hn BaUot. Knunl ot

... annuAi BaUot. ot National Sovereignty. k-the travels of Lieutenant Francis Hall, an of. the British army who, a little after the ttjoody war against Napoleon was terminated, visited the United States of America, we find .yeral disquisitions on the science of government, ivliich, for clearness of perception, and strength of argument, would do honour to the greatest political philosopher of the ...


... PUBLIC AMUShEAENTS. I3RITrisH INSTITUJTION, Pall-mall.-The OiALLEKY for tho ?? end SALE of tire WORKS of BIRITISil ARTISTS is OPEN daily, ?? in time Morning till Five in the Evening.-Admisision, im., Catalogue, ts. WIXLIAnM IIAXtNARI), Keeper. Under the Patromigo of her MAJeorTY amd hin Rtmoal Highiness Prince A LaISPT. THlE ROYAL GALLERY of PRACTICAL SCIENCE, Adelaide-street, Weet Siramiri ...


... Pretty one, when 1 am dead, And all the love thou see'st is fled, In what lone sea cave Where the weary billows flee When the moon is on the wave,- On what slope or sunny shore, Grassy dell or wild-wood hoar, Wilt thou count the minutes o'er, Watching for me'! I-when I am dead and gone To thy side will flee; If the soul may rise upon Its desires, and soar alone Where the pale flesh once was ...


... tUlAJ Lil 1. 7NSC5PCDETD TO llr.RM AJESTY 5 S.IBETIAL' tllNtISTEUS, &C. &c. sl- ABDU'L CAIL1E. f Tranxishateri fi'on the Syrian by Dr. Faustus.) To you the unflattering Muse deigns to inscribe Truths that you will not read in the Gazettes.' Fronm mighty wrongs to petty perfidy, Hiave I not seen what human things can do ?'-B3-noz. 'l'et public season just, honor and Etmpire, ,with revelene ...


... LITERATUR1E. TIE Slontl'rF.Lcowvs; er. A 11 *wlVv To F.AME:. By llivilrd Jolhiln, ni hoir Ili . LI. end and ltiisarce, Africair nail I tucli n . 1,onltigi : Richard llont'ey. Aionig the msaniy wU'OII of fiction which have or lite beent issuing from titi tevniioig press of the Me- tropolis, we eontstier t ell Selhlfell ows as en- titled to a high llace. It is written with great nbi- ity. anlt ...


... TIHE DREAM-A MYSTERY. I RSEBMT that I was vardering by a stream, Along whore shelvilg biaks graow mnialy a flower Of rtairy briglhtcss, aad whose breast did aeem Trerdling u itlh jay, as if it ielt the powvr (f its own tir illitig inelody- the glcania Ot day's declina g orb, hI golden sh civer, Descended o'cr the earth, nod hiomn t!e shy D)ay brcathed in even';s ear big pia a Ling sigh. ] ae ...


... T-P 0 11, ul 31a)y 0 ORIGINAL AND SELECTED SONNET ON TME ?? OF TIHE IN'FANT riRINCESs. A PnistEss born I-loud peal'd the merry bell! Yet, 'midst that joy, there was an anxious fear: Soon those gay notes may strike a funeral knell Yes, Charlotte's fate still echoed in each ear, ouw many breathed to heaven a fervent prayer; Proeservo our Queen, the youthful princess spare,_ Oh, in this dangerous ...


... The ROYAL POLYTECHNIC INSTITUTION. -The DAGUERREOTYPE PICTURES, ILLUMINATED UNDER a MiAGNiYINU POWERend tbeBUDE LIGHT Iin le Great l3li* from Nine to Ten o'clock ilk the eveninfg are amon, the ?? UR taorp jc tit'5 Os Anemometer;i thde Uniiue r tnd Valuabl, Co0 dln th0 M py~ ok ?? ?? J allazto y an thetiner.t Chinee crtisto the Model in r~ti Lecturea varled Ewiherinexte. ?? . Df K 1I lt t ATho ...