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... TYRONE [R'ilE'SBYTERY. CI URCn OF SCOTLATND-MARiNOCIj CA.St-RilPEAL LO THE IUNlrN.-At a irietliig of tie [Tyrone Ire ibYLelY . I el2d in Dl~imgimi , tli I.h 9t h in ft. thoiriaint po i- tion of' the Church of Scotlaind vas bliuglit bcforei toI 11otire of the coulrt, I)v the Rlev. S. 11. Fil'r, ;l:iih, \hI) dith loive I i;lg pei itidon to blili ll nisO.1 of' itl ildlit \ai :IIeclfd to, and ...


... | COURT OF QUEIN'S B3ENcII. DUBLIN, MOINDAY, 8TH rl£B. 3i TT ING i AT N I SI It 1 US A FT ELt T ER n lVDmnell v. Executors of AMP Crinc'ker. Mr. 5I'Doliel , cQ C. and Mr. O'liagan were Cenilsol t;or phiot ff, and Mr. Nalpi r for doefundants. Mir. O'llAGANi OpI'iWd the pleailngs. I1e sta(e1l th at the a tio YI was brough't for use and owcllpaltion *if a errrain firnm of latd in the Chailly of ...


... D DUBLIN POLICE-SATURDAY. READ OFFICE. ROBBnEY IN ST. PATRICKS CATHEDRAL 0.1O the 31st January last, as Mr. Bradford, of Cuffe-street, was attend. ing divine service at St. Patrick's Cathedral, there was stolen from his person a pocket-book containing a 501. note;; and some other valuable property. On the following morning the 501. note was tendered to one of the firm at the Leeds Hall for ...


... COXIRT OF QUEEN'S BeNBLoDN SAUJ a An action for criminal conversation ,Brummill v. Jack- Stn, yesterday eschtedk great interest. A verdict was given for o001. The plaiirtiff is a surgeon', Loin to Mr;, Brur mell, or the Treasuryr. and the ?? in the 1stDragooo'IOuirds. The parties , rp al ,yqung,.and had been in tims of strictest intines'yl -f-I Sti erldship. The defendast in April last took up ...


... 1AI WI2XELrL£GNC. I COURT OF QUEEN'S BENCII-YESSTEAT. RtEGISTRY APPaALS-JUDGMENT. In Re. Haunn. Judge Cranmpton decided in this case in accordance with that lately pronounced by the Lord Chief Baron, that the protduction Of a certificates after the term of eight years, as prescribed by the reform bill, had elapsed, was sufficient to entitle a claimant to re-register. In Re. Smith. In this ...


... I We should have left this case to be disposed of in the records of parliament-at least until it should have passed the preliminary stages-but the vindictiveness'of the Mail of last night, in seeking to damage the Liberator with the operatives amongst his constituency, obliges us to refer to a subject which we are sorrry, for the-principal party inte- rested, should ever have come before the ...


... COURT OiQr ON1OflDDAlt Y ..ACm oF PrEolu1si5S M&U5tAaGC. Mary, artfia Greetitted\pV.'Jhsn Charles North. [ This was 'as action of breaol c ' promise of marriage- I Sir F. Pollock and Mr. Bal endgeted the plaotiff's case; E Mr. Thesiger and Mr. Bareto 1b'defendant's. Sir F. p9ollo stated the oa48toate jury. The plaintiff l was a young woman,- the . tayg'ter of a widow, who had been comp.5lled ...


... DUBLIN POLICE.-YESTERDAY. IIENRY-STREET OFFICE. AuDAcroUS SHOP BOOBEry..A brace ofsharp-looking coves, named Michael Gilmore and Thomas Burke, were charged with the robbery of a coat, the property of Mr. Rattigan, tailor and draper, 5, Mary-street. Anne Rattigan was examined, and stated that, at nine o'clock the preceding night, while she was behind the counter, she observed one boy stand ...


... LAIV IRrgLfCECE. I I COURT OF CBANCERY._SATURnDAY. Id the Matter of Samuel Gordon. This gentleman, against whom, as our readers recollect, an attachment issued from the Court of Chaneery some weeks since for contempt, was on Saturday morning at the sitting of the court brought up in custody. The Loid Chancellor, upon taking his seat, directed him to be placed at the bar, upon which his ...


... I IUDBLIN POLICE-YESTERDAY. COLLEGE OSTREET OFFICE. A Kgnav MAi OUIVITTED -Yesterday a young man, who described his calling in life to be that of a vender of litera- ture, alias a travelling bookseller, appeared before Alder. man Fleming to prefer a complaint against Miss MIry Furlong, a girl just advanced in her teens, fou defrauding him of two shillings and sixpence. He stated that on Thurs. ...


... DTatLr PoLir- halie *i ?? AUZaKEDAY, 113AD Os'iXCE. Dn. CnOEa.t or ASSAULT-A respectable elderly lady, named are Sarah Elder, appeared before the magistrates to prefer a complaint against a young man named Robert Watson, her nephew, for having assaulted her. She stated that on going of into a room where the defendant was at work, he struck s her on the head without the slightest provocation, ...