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... LAWOFOTICE~TU~s D=Y. VICEBCHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S-INN-At ten. By order, tIth, v mithh. Unopposed PetitI0tt5 and Short Cas. deurparis. After the abort Caoue5paWliitou y Papliton. eurepr ?? v Weatherby, demurreF.Wtell-1 v Leslie (all CO~llT -CartF ?? by ?? v Wooltey, furthernd ?? v Jackson, cause by ?? v Child-7 ?? v Somulrl ROLLS' COURT, CHANCERYG LANL-.St at ten. Fona JUDGvAINT.-Da ]ell ...


... ? e If there be one part of the system of Tory tactics niore e disgraceful than another, it is unquestionably that which - relates to the Poor Law Amendment Act. Whatever the merits or demerits of that measure may be, it is a notorious fact that, excepting for the courage necessary to encounter a widely-spread and increasing evil, the e Whigs, in Parliament, can claim no credit for the one, ir ...


... COURT OF BA NLR UPTLCY.-TiIuRSDAY. (Refore lr. Commissioner Holroyd.] IN TSR BANKRUPTCY OF MlESRS. CHAMBtlltil AND CON, LATZ OP BOND.STREBT, IIANEASG. At thesitting of the court for an audit of accoulnt In the matter of this bankruptcy, an application was made upon the partof Messrs. Mlayhew aud Johnson (the former solicitors to the htia) to Strike out certain items of charge Iet their bill of ...


... R'COVER'v OF X1800 STOLEN PsiorEaTy.-About one ~00, o'cplock-, -on Friday, John Denton Holt, amana~bout forty Vn 'ears of age, and of reajpectable apperne h ad 7ay Heretofore acted as confidentialce in the service of ~al Msr.Jha Hall and Co., Harrington-buildings, was -ptforad on a charge of having embezzled and ab- the sconded with about £1800O, on the 3rd of December last, 'an the property ...


... ADMIRALTY COURT-Fim.l. I. THE IARllEtrw, (EXEMPTIONS OP SOUTII SEA WllALERS FROM1 SALVAGE lCFtMUNEirtAro-). The argulmellts in this case were heard oel the last sersion. it was a suit for compensation for Salvage service alleged to have bees performed bv the crew of the Fllhetotre, ai reedered to the Hlarriett in ?? South Seas, both vessels behig cengged is the whale trade. The Court gave ...


... LA IV INTELLIGBNCE-TIL URISDAY. VICE CHANCELLOR'S COURT. itsDE V. XXDXb, Tlin crae was partly heard yesterday, aud concluded to-day. The bill waa tiled by Airs. Eedes against her husband ard the execetors of a till. Porse, who had leit MTs. Eedes a uamt o £400 atock, for the purpose of asserting her right to a sattlenrent out of the legacy. The bill stated that Mirs. Eedea was living separated ...


... POLICE INT'ELLIGENCE-TimlIS DAY. hlANSION HOUSE. Tun LNOBO-ONDEtNT W.eTr MIDDlhsEx Atit/RANCE COMtANiY.- Sir Peter 1aurie having sent for ir. Farlbilar, of the house of Johnston and Farquhar, solicitors, New Broad. street, who are en- ployed against the Independent Went Middlesex Fire and Lifr Assu. 'aee Company, to cemraunicate with him on the subject, that gen. tlenin craied at the juetice ...


... *so - nr- Sa~n To age ?? o ,l SI 11 a 0 II e, El 11 d 1- II e a b g f Id I- e r The following details exhibit the business transacted at the Pblice-office in Liverpool, from the Ist day Jauu- p ary, 18A/, to the 31st day of December, inclusive; The o table of prisoners shows that the greatest number of of- ^a fences in the town of Liverpool are committed in the t summermonths, andthatnearly ...

Legal Intelligence

... legal JIntellfgence. a VICE-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, FRIDAY, FEe. 5. Rev,. T. Scott's Bible.-Injunction.-Seeley and others d v. Fisher. 0, Mr. KNICGHT BRUCE said, he wvas instructed, on behalf I of Messrs. Seeley, Hatcllards, and others, booksullers, to i move ex parte for a special injunction to restrain Messrs. yFisher, the defendants, from selling or disposing of any k number or part of an ...

Published: Friday 19 February 1841
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 815 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... I ly Oneof the most extensive house robberies which hissoome to liglst t [ae for some tfine, has just been'detected The parties accused arc ?? Pugh, who has for the last three years been employed as of maid servant to Mfr Rodolph Zwilchienbart, and hier brother.In., law and sister, Robert Jones and AtnnJones. The case was n n-. into shortly on Monday last, and was resumedl beoeT ndi ig~ and ...

Proceedings in the [ill] Police Court

... proaseeings in tbe 3pull Polite court. I FRIDAY, Fanl. 12. Before Mr. JAmes Bowasax. STEALING Rittaos.-Tcvo young women, called AMary Ashley and S&plia Frazer, were charged wvith stealing rings from Mr. Terrier, silrersmith ..r. Ferriecr said, they called at his shop yesterday, and asked to look at some wedding-rings. Ashley tried one on, and, pretending to lay it down again, sulb. stituled ...

Published: Friday 19 February 1841
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1792 | Page: Page 6 | Tags: Crime and Punishment