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... POLICE It'XTELLIIENGCE-SATEURDAY. MANSION HOUSE. Tuis NEW POOR LAw.-In the beginning of the week a converna. tlion arose between Alderman U ?? and DIr. Thwaltes, the rellev. log officer of the City of London Union, and Mir. Rlchtrds, the master of tbe Peckham Workhouse, onl the subject of the treatment of destitate persons by the functionarles of other unions, and state. wents were made to the ...


... ADMIRALTY COUltTfMnr4rl 5. - .- -ptACV 'fhi wai tie t~ thi a'.to Ii itC ihitittf Of ft Quint of L. 16119, whitwh hll ?? torrdorW' notit ?? . tie uglr ni, a aI 1 1jipe eetvi oratn, ?? fiftireI vAiltoII. it itrperc thart nth Elcertagoef tru Sr !frelic'tn thfie 17th o Iot'l ler ,rtid tinvige 22. fel i t. r!.tgtitoti nalfl~ El thi' Enlen; IiiteIcee wa t Itil t itt ll tenat i tite thien 2 ...


... . ,s D U.- T h Y A R i1 W A S B t ?? , 9 . 0 9 r ._ - - Carrickfergus, Wednesdayj March to. ;RETZNDZD 01. let Thomas Connolly was indicted for that he, on January I 30tb, did falsely pretend to James M'Court, surgeon, that ne he was one Felix.J. Doolan, a brother of the third order tb i of Saint Francis, and that he was authosised by John Mac Pe Hale, Arcbbishop of Tuam, to solicit the ...


... DUBLIN POLICE-SATURDAY. HENRY-STihEET o05icc. RELcGIOUS DxSPUTANTS.-Peter Tully appeared in the deck toanswer the cbarge ofa delicate looking femalenamed Margaret Wolfe, for an assault and battery on herself and father, Jonas Harpur. Mrrs Wolfe stated that on the preceding night her dodda was seeing her and a female friend home. On the way, corn plainfnt not being well, they went into a ...


... MSOLVERNT DEBTORS' COURT-SATURDAY. -| (Beford Mr. Cornmissinner Curran.) Andrew Skelly, an insolvent, was discharged without op. P°The petitions of James Farrell and John Cosgrove, insole vents, were disrnissed, the insolvents being out of custody. The case of Mansergh Blacker, an insolvent, was ad- journed to Saturday next. The cases of Michael Millikin and James Lennon, insol. vents, were ...


... LA IV IAT 2ELLIfGENE-,AtLRDAY. COURT OP CHANCERY. The Lord Chancellor sat isn L.icolud-'inn this morning for th first time since his late severe Illness. ile lordship made orders In a number of unopposed lunatic petitl nv, TIlE DuttE oP IERAUVIRT V. TAYLOR. AND NXELO. The artuments In this matter were continued. The bill Is flied by the noble plaintiff to resatrain lir. Neeld and a person ...


... TI'llE CAAStE 01 IIlEOD)-IHlIS INDICT- I MN'T' FORl MlURDl)ER. I (Fj-oi th~e ,XeivZ ?? 1r ISId-) 'I'lis mzall, it aiptiirs after all, htas beent iu. ticxidl by the Grand *Jury of Miagara County. for the minrder of l)urfce, the stagc udriver, wilt wa l shot dlead at the wharf at Schlosser, oti the a igb t the steamn boat (Carin1e wais burnt. As thii indictitnent, aind the trial conseqiien t ...


... I VICERLEGAL COURT. l PILS ~l_. -. . . .. - ?? tollowing distinguished personages were entertained at dinnir at the Castle on Saturday :-Prince George of Cambrid, Lord Chancellor, Mr. Bagot, High Sheriff of the countyboblin ; Marquis of Eeadford, Earl of Milltown, Earl of Charlemont, Earl of Howth, Bishop of Cashel, Sir Edward Blakeney, Most Rev. Dr. Murray, Hon. Dudley C Fortescue, Sir J. ...


... ASSIZE IN TELLIGENCE. OXFORD CIRCUIT-STAFaOvD, MARCH 12. CIVIL SIDE. [Before Mr. Baron Gurney.] BANNISTER AND ANOTHER V. SAINNISTaa AND OTrISat. This wee an action by the plaintiffs, who wert butly colillit, and who had for sometime worked amine belonging to the defendants, to recover £149 l7a., the sum at which, when they discontinue4 to work the mine, the gate-roading, alr-heading, and ...


... COURTl' Jfhi B1 VKt(,PT('I'-YATURDAY. IRefore Mr. Commissioner Ilolroyd.] This wvas the (lay mixed for the inal evxluration of the bankrupt. |Ar. Wit\itnm Forbes tetnderel .i prooi against the selbanrte etstat of the banltruprt for ,7704 Ihs. 8d. upoin thie jolit acceptalltt of the bankrlupt atid his litv partutr I hottius Wright Wells. Mr. )lac,,r attended as cauinl tor the proof, atid Jr, ...