... AlOND~r, March 15). Andretv 1Yeunq,7siowscagdwt saii JeS. Heondersozi n scmtu osabhnwt JInIife. 'Vile 121oscceo ttd hto audyngt as he was goingalg ?? Sharpo's Entrvleswts rese n te w hada kife drawl nhslad n te'eetieti ing to stab thle firstplcmnta leayn What weay and illterfered withl tles nhalgtilewn n toid a poliecemanl, anid, o hi hevn ht h P1r1s0ner embraced the lirst Opportur)itadra fe ...


... I Funeral sermons for Clayton have been preachld to crowded and attentive audiences at Manniangha and Bradford, by Mr. Ibbetson; at Hathern, by Mr. Bent, when the sum of 5s, 73d. was collected, 2s. 6d. of which has been forwarded to Steffield for the widow-the other remains for the victim Edwards at Loughborough, by Mr. Bairstow, when 8s. 6d. was collected, 4s. 3d. of which has been sent to ...


... ADJOURNED SPECIAL SESSIONS AT THE | NEW BAILEY. l ?? _ __ I DISPUTED ACCOUNTS OF THE MVANCHESTER AND CHEETHAM OVERSEERS. The adjourned special sessions for bearing tbe fiiether arguments in the case of the disputed accounts of the late overseers of Manchester and Cheetham was held kit the New B1ailey Court-house on Thursday. The magistrates present were Daniel Maude, Esq., and John Hall, Esq. ...


... KILDARE ASSIZER.N-AA. Coppinger V. Bredley. This case excited a good deal of interest. The plaintiff is la gentlenian of propezty,. who gesided. for satiia time' in i the countyKildare, and the defendant is Mr..Thomnasl Bradley, of Golden-lane -Dublin, -for-whoin;Mr.'Keatioge came down special. 'a ' - c . ' .Mlr. Nugent opened the'-pleadings. It, was an action. forl 4419b impriso6nrtent;*the ...


... SECOIND EDITION. Y0RESSSHIR SPRING aSSB!ZS. on th WI cross CSAOWN COURT, Ticunsnav&, MARSCIE 18. made (Before Mr. Baron Rofe.) (Latit Re HOUSEaRtEAKINO. to PM 'r Thomas .Shawe, 37,`Joseph 'Wood, 33, and John Th Shal',. 45, were indicted for having, On the *24111 Of' sernte Ft-oslLitiry last, at Almnsonbury, burglariously broken then anid nittered the dwolltugdtODS1O of Charles Hlaigh, and t. ...


... . ,s D U.- T h Y A R i1 W A S B t ?? , 9 . 0 9 r ._ - - Carrickfergus, Wednesdayj March to. ;RETZNDZD 01. let Thomas Connolly was indicted for that he, on January I 30tb, did falsely pretend to James M'Court, surgeon, that ne he was one Felix.J. Doolan, a brother of the third order tb i of Saint Francis, and that he was authosised by John Mac Pe Hale, Arcbbishop of Tuam, to solicit the ...


... DUBLIN, MARCH 1. [FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT.] MUIRDER. An atrocious outrage, which has not been as yet mentioned by alny of our vigilant country journals, was perpetrated about a fortnight ago, in the county of Galway. A young gentleman, named Heather, employed in the Ordnance Survey, was making drawings connected with his bnsiness, in the demesne ofa geritlentan of high rank in that county, ...


... DAIMRIUPTCY COURT-YEStltVAY. I (Before Mr. Commissioner Macann.) The court proceeded at one o'clock into private sittings, to dispose of an application for a commission of bankruptcy against a trader in the West of Ireland, who was represented to hsve committed an act of bankruptcy, by hiding from his creditors. The commission was issued, and the peti- tioning creditor then applied for liberty ...


... MSOLVERNT DEBTORS' COURT-SATURDAY. -| (Beford Mr. Cornmissinner Curran.) Andrew Skelly, an insolvent, was discharged without op. P°The petitions of James Farrell and John Cosgrove, insole vents, were disrnissed, the insolvents being out of custody. The case of Mansergh Blacker, an insolvent, was ad- journed to Saturday next. The cases of Michael Millikin and James Lennon, insol. vents, were ...


... M0OXAGRAR ASSIZES-timuitsDAY. {prefbnn t ?? n- (rOst EOtI CORRESPONDENT.) Judge Torrens arrived from Armagh this morning to open the commission here, and at twelve o'clock, accom- panied by the High Sheriff, Thomas Roth well, Esq., entered p the Crown Court, when the usual proclamation being made a by the Clerk of the Crown, the following grand jury was sworn:-. ; Edward Lucas, Esq, M.P., ...


... Yesterday a court was held for the despatch of business. Mr. Ki.N(O, the chairman of the City lands committee, presented a petition from the inhabitants of the vicinity of King-street, Cheapside, praying that measures might be taken to widen the great thoroughfare to Southwark- bridge. It was, he sai'd, stated as an argument in favour of widenintg the streets on the north side of Cheapside, ...


... POiZCr ZNTMMYAZGENCE. Magistrates present: Messrs. Ricketts and Lunell. . Mary Keiniiw~as'charged'with stealing two handkerchiefs, vthe property of Wmi. Bryant. The prisoner, it appeared, had re~eatly left the service of complainant, who, baving missed l several articles, suspected her, and obtained a warrant to , search her premises;, but as nothing was found except two rcotton handkerchiefs, ...