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Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Literary Extracts

... ;Literarp OxtractO. WHAT ENGLAND HAS DONE: WHAT IST HAS YET TO DO.-The earth-%orks on most of the great lines of IlHtVay in Eugland are very extensive, in many eases averauing from 10o,000 to 160,000 cubic yards Oer mile. On the North Midland Railway from Derby to Leeds, a distance of 721 miles, about 9,500,t000 yards wvre moved, being more than 130,0qo cubic yards per mile. During part of the ...


... wortrh. THE CHARTER HYMN. W5 W. MAiNN, ?? A3HI3URTON, D] Or. Tune- Snug little island. &11oV ASIt on high, In yon beautiful sky, Who is of all good the inparter, Wills man to be free, and hates tyranny, Then, Britons, lay claim to the Charter. Freedom's ?? is fixed In the Charter, Bask, bask in the rays of the Charter; VWThile tyrants like moles, skulk in their dark holes, To shun the bright ...

Literary Extracts

... TLiterarg Oxtracto. THE REVOLUTION OF THE THREE DAYS. (From M1r. Raikes's France since 1830.) THE PUBLICATION OF THE ORDINANCES. The Ministers returned to Paris, carrying with them the Ordinances signed in due forni by the King. At five o'clock in the afternoon, M. Sauvo, chief editor of the AMoniteur, received the very unusual order to repair punctually at eleven o'clock that night to the ...

Literary Extracts

... iterary extracto. Di.7CcuiPLriON OF A REPUBLICAN PIRESIDENT.-Mr. |te G. Cuombe, the phrenologistd, thus describes General Pe' Harriron, Whoml he saw last year at his residence at to North lBead, about a quarter of a mile from the to Ohio :-Ile is now 67, rather above the middle sta- rai ture, slender, and stoops considorably. His temper- ti ament is nerv(us and biliou ; his head is long, of e ...


... 7stbicWt THE FLEET PAPERS, Nos. 14 and 16. Pavey, | London. z ti These two numbers are of an unusually stirring fa and interesting character, and not an admirer of tj &icheard Oastler should for a moment-they will not t We may say-be without them. It is not that we tl hiave much from Mr. Oastler's own pen in either B number ; *vhat little we have is of the usual sterling C qeality, and is ...

Literary Extracts

... :ILitefawg extracts. THE REVOLUTION OF THE THREE DAYS. (From Afr. Raikes's France since 1830.) THE PUBLICATION OF THE ORDINANCES. The Ministers returned to Paris, carrying with them the Ordinances signed in due form by the King. At five o'clock in the afternoon, MI. Sanvo, chief editor of the Moniteur, received the very unusual order to repair punctually at eleven o'clock that night to the ...


... 23portp. THE BANK SCREW. * Nec vitiatiostra, nec remedia pati possumus. The bank screw, the whole screw, tight or loose no matter, it must screw the nation up to the sticking asint of Whig permanent prosperity; and when foreign goernments shall have learned the management of the 'Crew, the Mexican, Chilian, Brazilian, Portuguese, and gponish Bonds will rise to par, and the London Stock ...


... 2ottwy. THE CHARTER HYMN. BY W. MANN, SEN., ASITBURTON, DEVON. Tine- Snug little island. ,UslOV Air on high, in yon beautiful sky, Who is of all good the imparter, 'Wills man to be free, and hates tyranny, Then, Britons, lay claim to the Charter. Freedomn'@day-star is fixed in the Charter, Bask. bask in the rays of the Charter; While tyrants like moles, skulk in their dark holes, To shun ...


... utbicluo. THE FLEET PAPERS, Nos. 14 and 15. Pavey, London. Theo two numbers are of an unusually stirring and i;eroesting character, and not an admirer of ?? Oastler should for a moment-they witi noti we il,, ay-be without them. It is not that we wave Vauch from Mr. Oastler's own pen in either aher what little we have is of the usual sterling ittumi'. and is pervaded with the eloquence and ear- ...


... ipJ~ott2g. THE CHARTER HYMN. By W. MANN, SEN., ASHIBURTON, DEVON. Tune- Snug little island. JENOV AU on high, in you beautiful sky, Who is of all good the imparter, Wills man to be fee, and hates tyranny, Then, Britons, lby claim to thbe Charter. Freedom's day-star is fixed in the Charter, B isk, bask in the rays Of the Charter; While tyrants like m ?? in their dark holes, To ehun the bright ...


... FESTIVAL IN HONOUR OF MR. OASTLER,| AT BRADFORD. For ai few days past the Committee appointed to get che up afiestival, at Brtadfood, in hionour of the King of the Facstory Children, or the 1 Good Old King,' (as I Mr. Oastlor is humorously but aoff.tionately styled by con thnse who appreciate his hiumans and untiring exer- me] tions,i have been very active and zealous in their endea' tern ...


... j@flwt2. A LECTURE TO CHARTISTS. tie What do you Chartistblackguards mean Lo By thrown the blinders of your een,tba An' keeking thro' the atcred screen pul 0' Church and State is Striving to pull baith Priest and Queen of Down off their seat? sell How dare a blind unlearned clan enj The ways o' wisdom try to scan, Or find a fault wi' ony plan, IR That we lay down, G. That's for the benefit o' ...