Advertisements & Notices

... LONDON DIRSSIONARY SOCIETY. T ~R Comittee of Arrangements for the AN- NIVFSAR of he est idig Auxiliary to this ie eldin t~'tdfrd.en ia th, 11th, and SIM June, ~ hapy o anouce tatin ddiionto the Ministers muen. ?? cV~tieibnt, heRev. RIGCRiD. KNILL wil bepreentat he ublc Metig adBreakfast. LEDS ZOOLOGICAL AND BOTANICAL GRAND DISPLAY OF FIREWORKS. The Council have great Pleasure In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT AND EXTENSIVE SALE OF | STOCK IN TRADE, I HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, &c. WILLIAM TAYLOR Respectfully announces that he has received Instruc- tions to SELL BY AUCTION, On the Promises, Corner of Grainger and Market Streets, Newcastle on Tyne, on Monday and Tuesday the 7th and 8th of June, 1841, at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon of each Day, A LL the extensive STOCK IN TRADE, and Aexcellent and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B:?d and nr -orirg-rmolfl rnr'itumf Cleaned. I) A V I I) AV I L .S (2 N, LNT1' . ?? Si otht to V'L C1i!ttUttinU tIh' i' ~Lt~iltZ)'ie:.I ?? of Iaol yeOLL. 1-i Which li1 e is, etiabltlt 2:, CIltii RE1T)900 Itt-i FIs'Itst ill ' ltbeito .tyA' MAS1Kel, 2lt'Eli~N. and 4'iiiNTIZ REi) awil IMAW f0 ING-RIItIM SUITS; alLNL, HI.ANISE1,T', ('A11ETS, and CRUMtBlI- CIMTt''iS (Itol 00,10\\:-'iri thue Seio-t ...

Advertisements & Notices

... VALUABLE STOCK OF HOSIERY, HABER- DASIIERY, LACE, &e, together with the HOUSE- HOT w3Rl{JWUE.Bw A C I N . OmJe S OLD D B A U a T' Z O AV, By Mr. G. B. WORBOYS, Without the least Reserve), Otn the Premises, No. a9, WINE-STREET, Bristol, no TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, and FRIDAY, the 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th June, ISI, corn- inslcing each Morning at II o'clock, , HE remaining part of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rTrNTRNIVE STO(:K OF' WOOL I, E DU APER Yt1 iOVOV i.TS, Florentine, 'Velvet Pile, alddermin~l~ter, & I1,tir Carpetlngs, pXkMASKS, TAPETRY, 1OplEENS ,OZYDON C[HINTZ, OIL CLO h, f. ROBERlT GU~NNNG, Y n (1 addd to Iisi fort'tltM' Prfmices Sev-rn jj'. E\lr()50iS'. iL lOmV now0onmd thom: itlt Ott 1tt1ttoitsO -.f(ci' iftIlitt. athos G OODS., of tie S~q.t ve olSnewritit'Qtaiv 44, III~j:.'1'rItIl:T, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE ELECTORS OF MARYLESONE. S It Dissolution of Parliametnt 11iust so311 tLke. _4LpvI xagai offer mysielff a, o CANI)il)ATEb for the lionsur of represenohliz thil Bisruoire. When I pewneeitd mylseti to yost in lb 7, 1 1ililY ?? sohat roy politicalospin ions seers. I yrferred You my ?? favotur of aii extensiuaw of til5 sutirllge, ihor siC th liraiwO~ ot 1iiarliaminrti, freedons f Voting, toi ...

,f the 3TOTICE is he

... reby given, -That on Wednesday Court- N the 9th (lay of June next, at ten o'clock in the ,ld be forenoon, I shall be ready, at My Office, to receive 'or tle Tenders (Sealed up) from such Personsdas mav be Jiould willing to enter into a Contract for Supplying the 1ock ud of Yard with TALLOW CANDLES. ok the No Tender will be received after eleven o'clock ill the re the foreroon of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Publishing Weekly, THE ACTOR'S NOTE-BOOK. By JAmnts T..COOKR, Author of 'Troth's Trysts,' 'The 6hla-perian Gallery,' I Theatrical Etchlings,' ' Scenes i harclLf, [d &8 &O. n harca ie Punblished by James Pattie, 4, lrydges-street, Covent-garden; '6 all the Booksellers in Town ,'and the Agents uf Master Hlum. ir phr'ey's Clock,' in the Country. to ot JATSON'S POPULAR W~ORKS. re W ~ PAINE'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CABB3URN'S ANTI-DOLORIC OIL, for the core of rheumatism, gout, 5prains, bruises, spinal affection', lumbago, pains in the kidniies, groin, and jtoints, gwellings, acute pais flejh as lie douureuxr &c., eais, burns, internal o d 4 b is, straining, or over-exertion, loss t wekness, stiffness, dis- tortion, and cramoi of t m ints, the piles, para- lysis, asthma, dit culty ,athing, cold on the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TI;T 0 A ND PLANKt C^ON Rjt&.T Fan DAINTZIC OAK:, THICK STUiFF N PAK DMes tt'ttiONT OF P010- ro ?? Prsi Gisters- Ow oi7sE NAVY, sv~silr - Pt~~ttOO, Ca Annie, 1841. ' H E Con asi iiornerh for executing the :Office of Lord do Ineeby give notice, thadt to 'ri-I U RSUP, ,~the 8h f Jiaty ac ?? o'cock tee il heredy c SmIwit och eronsasmay ho willing tr C'ontract feo ?? ips *lo LOAD.S af DJANTXiC ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the lNobility, Gentry, Clergy, and ?? of the County of Ofjord. aC>V pursuanceof aitequisition I have received to convene S a Jileeling of the Nobility, Gentry, Clergy, and In- habitantsof the Couty oJ Oxford, for the purpose of taking into consideration the propriety of presenting an Address to His Rogial Highness Prince Albert, npon the occasion of lfis Royna llighness's intended Visit to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ASRIONABLE DMILE.I=IRy. 155; jUS Ti'c r hvn ito ini wit,' to tlto ILaies ?? Aoll'r- itS.ATUEIDAY. thle .501r lotte.11C 0,1111,i ?? tiahld selretiO0 'If LNI)OUN TILE aiod PIU\lSt A N ILtIlN Etof WIlIolh olh respectfollY r~tioqast an ?? J1. 11.0. tiild ,'onsidtel,ble expol-kn'tcel Ill thle first 111.0Inl Ellinl. 1,lrh' hod10111 totelO 10111 tti VI'Il~I0I ?? Id With' VIltct 'lt Will be able I. ...