Advertisements & Notices

... Now Publishing, HE PENNY BOOK of BEAUTY; containing . Sixteen Pa ges of Letter-press, and Four beautiful Embel. lishinents, in a neatly gilt Enamelled Cover, the whole weighing i less than a single postage. t Persons enclosing a Fourpenny-piece, in a pre-paid letter, to J. Cleave, Publisher, will have two copies of ' The Book of r Beauty' sent free by return of post. I London; Cleave, 1, Shoe ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IiilLAlDELPit[A t,;INI (fF 3N 1,s, a1,, the Ci ?? ab fisl, Vi : xfbwiC r l EU. RV'. ri nieN.,. ,. 1thJune t M>Ssfi0Ntt`it>lI',I, I? ?? , ?? . 1'tni Ilthl ?? aoliVF. .IXNNA J ),It.s(IC5 ?? 8vi' Augist. 0SsSAA11, J. WiZ8T ?? ?? 8e01t. 14eieveawi. t;reall .f the ?? eirs, .t bul!. .xpreelly fl)'trlow 1Wwolladiombino every qualit t.-enfleo hels ife ind e.'ple- *hliId 6'veyaonloes for .and they ,r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. ~y USIC-1 I LL L, GBAVD R CONTXCEi V , VDER THE PATRONAGE OF COLONEL BOYCEt, AND THE OFFICERS OF THE GARRISON. lull. WIU1TE, (Atlthor qe the Boudoir Melodies, se. &e.) vRESPECTFULLY announces to the Nobility and GR 'entrv of Belfast and its environs, that he %vill hold C0N~FiZS-AZ1ONE MUSICALE, with PRACTI. CAL ILLUSTRATIONS. to be Sung to PIANO, GOTAR, nArP, and BAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !NE* 1,NDON PATENT (IPvighing only 20 Ounces.) .~17 zrv ยข ,t i 1rAa1E .i iF f f1, T I AS now rceeived a New Assortmnent of t. abov .! CO(ATS faced with Silk, arld mafle in trhe eost i;proved Landion tylo, leining perfectly Watter-troof, a;,,l well suited for Travellers during the present Seass, when heavv Wh'inr Coats arr !in inca mhrance. k J. M. is sole A gont in Belfait for the! Sale of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e OTJt~-TIE ElEllCTORS O1 TH-E 13OROUGC 1 h 11 t OF POCRTSIIIOUTi r. Gi2TLEME iC, 1 Y Ehare cuomplletati as extensive a canvasst as thle . r. * * Sumrtes ot the time, previous to the day of No- hflts c niriatiton, hms allowed, and are anixious to t ake thle oar- ta hylest opplortunlity of ex5pressing to you our wslrntest will t- thanks, Ibr tlic gratifyin~g reception Wae have experiencel. 1R r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LMEEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACr for the Borough of LEEDS, in the County of York, will be holdeu before THtOMAS FLOWER ELLIS the Younger, Esquire, Recorder of the said Borough, at the Court House, in Leeds, on WEDNESDAY, the Seventh Day of July next, at Two ?? in the Afternoon, at which time and place all Jurors, Constables, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To be Sold by Auction, BY Btil. ?? ROBERTS, IN Oti AV EN nSES DA the 301l1 day of JUNE iustait, at Four s o clo;ck in the Afternoon, at the CARNAItVON' CAt',A1l1.P INI, in PIN'LLItELI, subject to cottditioets then lo be V Iprod uced, A NEW VESSEL, called the JASPER, now Iy- X. ing in ilto Pert at P iil liti, Schoon er rigged; adineasured aground per Act 3 and 4 Williaim tlhe Fourth, chap. 55, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 3 ng Complete in 2G Numbers, at Twopence each, or in One Volume, IC6 cloth-bound and lettered, price Five Shillings, ngT II E N A T I 0 N A L: E a T 1-1 EA LIBRARY FOR THE PEOPLE. Containlng numerou1s Fxtracts in Prose and Poetry, from the be best Champions of Political, Religious, and Social Freodom-- ld; Shelley, Paine, Rousseau, Godwin, Voltaire, Volney, Ilazlitt, ais Robert Otwen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL XA$IAftOOIATIO TUE LOYAL NAT IOA ASS CI. TATION OPIRELANO,fil~t ebeG BOOMS, CORN-EXCHANGE, on MONDAY June 21, at TWO O'CLOCK. ' Each person not Enrolled to pay One ShillinglAd iug- The Gallery Free for Ladies, as usual. N B. More than one-half the Boom will bI reserved for Associates. Each Member, in passing through the Secre. Wry's Room, whete the Books lie, will have to show ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the aD istb REPRESENTATION OF LIVEUPOIOL i THEi RIGHT HONOURIABLE VISCOUNT PALMERSTON. At a numerous and influential MEETING of Bankers Mer-_ ion, chants, Shipowners. Brokers, and other Friends of Free frade, ery beld at Esatwood' Royal Hotel, on Friday last, the l1th instant, the WN. BROW?, Esq., in the Chair, the following resolutions were tognedto manimously:- 9O- 08;oeved by Jonx TAYLOR, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - rjjj.4 TRE R O YA nJ 5r. CALCPSAFT has much pleasure in announcing that he i tas an EtgIgetloent, for i ghts only, with I,,& JULLIEN, Direc tor of the Concerta D'Hiver, at the Theatre Royai, Drury-lane, Conductor of the Orr- cirr..ra at t'e Cassino, and at the Opera Balls, Paris, wih lis UNRIVALLED BAND, comprising upwards; of iiry First-rate Artistes, including the following cele- 1 brated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. ?? Mr. FULLER, THIS DAY, June V.J at Twelve, on the Prenmises, No. i. Wellelolstsuaar, St. Qeone I East. dTlE excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNI'T'URE, drswin room suite in mahogany, lootable, card sabbP., Ccouch seto of chairs. Chimncy glasser, pianoforte, set rf iphiltaty dininiac tahlb, pedestal sideboard, Bruseslo carpets, wardrobe, ciglit-doy clock, the us ual chamber furniture, ...