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Advertisements & Notices

... ,0 XDrTy O'V THIS SOB l SSR! SPL~~tNI~ll) DERBy CHINA.M Prf en 1R. WALKER ?? ?? i the e NObjlt' ott- M~IGenitry, ltot~-t Keepers, L'cport ?? ldtmetib .Led's, mm lie of Liverpool and its vicinity, toat he Is dir-,ceed by 'v %1~ Tmmsjrs:l .y, ?? andICo. Cust Mbmmutaetutrerd, Derby tco tfr fr Saleb -Yaurnexed, Auction, at him. Roomes, . ES ulrch-Itreet. Li's Pif l 'Ibins OO iutdo ,,ftiday I the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'One00 plied U~~I ttCI34)IJITU~~~OI4'3J' ~formh ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? a her kEPIUL ?? intended to devote bait a, column or the %i more of our- paper to somne comments on, the letter of E., at- proia *companied with same account of another projeet fit- producing wchgg the perpetual motion by magnetism; but as wre find that we nodI have not at this wmemeet suffiietnt disposablbe space forour our- ...


... 50DAV, thie 27th instant, TWO SERMONS vill )toe preached in St. j)r11RY'S CCUnCii; that.'in the )1ornhig by the AI CAR OF PRESTON, and that jin tie F'51 1. iby the Rlev. OSWALD SERGEANT, M.A., non m f the Collegiate Church, Manchester, when collec. (j, avil tie inado to defray thie current expenses of the said ,jilir Service will commence at half-past Ten in the ;ad at-half-past Six in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0DORE FAREWELL DINNER AT THE RED LION INN,.FAREHANI. 1f ISS HARRIS or, quitting the above lint, begs Malta M~ to express her grateful Sense ofthe kind patronage Robert bestowed upon her. family ?? ars. and bY the respecttully announces her PAREWEI.L DINNER ant old on Monday next the 7th June, on which occasion she with a earnestly solicits the attendance of her Friends.-M1r. R . CLARK Will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A OUNG O AN member ANT iri a Tea Warehonse. A ?? lyS lEvan- gelical principles would be peferred.' - S e 'refe- qe strences ns to Character cam be gisSO. txs a deassed re ,r S.11. 40, Times OfiGce, vsill mneet ivithenmredsate atten- d * - - ?? .^ t Ii ?? w di it 'G 3e t et.- . t Ld mHE SHIOP No. 170, Deans4. Ifihle J..preiuisrsp are spacious, and w~ell adapteorMP lnn. on an extesOivC ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY BREAREY AND EYRE. BANKS OF THE TRENT. To BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By BREAREY and EYRE, At the Royal Hotel, in Derby, on FRIDAY, the 18th day of June, 1841, at four o'clock in the afternoon, sabject to the conditions of Sale then produced, if not previously disposed of by Private Contract, of which notice will be given; A LL that most desirable FREEHOLD and Tithe- X-Cl' free ESTATE, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e OTJt~-TIE ElEllCTORS O1 TH-E 13OROUGC 1 h 11 t OF POCRTSIIIOUTi r. Gi2TLEME iC, 1 Y Ehare cuomplletati as extensive a canvasst as thle . r. * * Sumrtes ot the time, previous to the day of No- hflts c niriatiton, hms allowed, and are anixious to t ake thle oar- ta hylest opplortunlity of ex5pressing to you our wslrntest will t- thanks, Ibr tlic gratifyin~g reception Wae have experiencel. 1R r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LMEEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACr for the Borough of LEEDS, in the County of York, will be holdeu before THtOMAS FLOWER ELLIS the Younger, Esquire, Recorder of the said Borough, at the Court House, in Leeds, on WEDNESDAY, the Seventh Day of July next, at Two ?? in the Afternoon, at which time and place all Jurors, Constables, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 3 ng Complete in 2G Numbers, at Twopence each, or in One Volume, IC6 cloth-bound and lettered, price Five Shillings, ngT II E N A T I 0 N A L: E a T 1-1 EA LIBRARY FOR THE PEOPLE. Containlng numerou1s Fxtracts in Prose and Poetry, from the be best Champions of Political, Religious, and Social Freodom-- ld; Shelley, Paine, Rousseau, Godwin, Voltaire, Volney, Ilazlitt, ais Robert Otwen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... pOST.OFFICE,--CAUTION.-PRICE find .5. CO., b'ertuniers to thle Ronyal Familytt' Venoeltlittr Ftnuan, 2o, Lontlyardstret (hiret ,Price anti (lognelill, and formot ri PR I't c llluttA, l'rjte, sold ?? by Itte rconuitielinaliron t theill Scrattitrl i~f tba Post-otlice. bbeg to ifnopress epen tbi r Corresponlil(vntS thei nt - t'-11ity 01 VTCrCM~n il mitill addrvet ?? ult letters intended for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - M IDIAL ADVICE. pi IIX E88U8:1IZNRY inad IdO;, Surueons, and ire: baig ole O a thei J JRN IIARO ii P e angl ?? totueccessaful treatment of the 'we Vfnfrea Dianass on~tinue to be consulted at their Establish- e1 EODO1t 35, CORN WAL IS-STIOEET~nearly oppositgfit.MichvaelI ung Church. Lmitapiooi, Reid att No. 7, D1ala-idreati.1Lower Mosley-. War 01.. 'etreot, Manchester; 'froE.Eigt in ?? at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO JOTITINEYMEN PRINTERS A13t~~' h A YOUNG MAN who uindersattnds IITN t~ I.BINDING, ~iili:16th'drOf ai~aly elteton tot orby applying to.W, ROBBE rS, 0,Hg t Eiatoc.1 MOTAGE. 'T¶HE evera Sums f £4,00, £ZOO, £,500, £,20 * £1,000 and ve~~aI smaller Sums era ~reedy to be MORCfIARD BISHOP. mo be SOLD in FEE, by Auction; at the LoNisoos IT ?? in Moreblard Bishop, on: WED5NF.foAX the 7th da of ...