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Advertisements & Notices

... LOYAL NATIONAL XA$IAftOOIATIO TUE LOYAL NAT IOA ASS CI. TATION OPIRELANO,fil~t ebeG BOOMS, CORN-EXCHANGE, on MONDAY June 21, at TWO O'CLOCK. ' Each person not Enrolled to pay One ShillinglAd iug- The Gallery Free for Ladies, as usual. N B. More than one-half the Boom will bI reserved for Associates. Each Member, in passing through the Secre. Wry's Room, whete the Books lie, will have to show ...

Advertisements & Notices

... !NE* 1,NDON PATENT (IPvighing only 20 Ounces.) .~17 zrv ¢ ,t i 1rAa1E .i iF f f1, T I AS now rceeived a New Assortmnent of t. abov .! CO(ATS faced with Silk, arld mafle in trhe eost i;proved Landion tylo, leining perfectly Watter-troof, a;,,l well suited for Travellers during the present Seass, when heavv Wh'inr Coats arr !in inca mhrance. k J. M. is sole A gont in Belfait for the! Sale of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THIS DAY. ~y USIC-1 I LL L, GBAVD R CONTXCEi V , VDER THE PATRONAGE OF COLONEL BOYCEt, AND THE OFFICERS OF THE GARRISON. lull. WIU1TE, (Atlthor qe the Boudoir Melodies, se. &e.) vRESPECTFULLY announces to the Nobility and GR 'entrv of Belfast and its environs, that he %vill hold C0N~FiZS-AZ1ONE MUSICALE, with PRACTI. CAL ILLUSTRATIONS. to be Sung to PIANO, GOTAR, nArP, and BAND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF DUBLIN. AT a most inflbential Meeting of the Electors of the .City of Dublin, held Tbias DDy; at the Committee- Rouwns, 12, Fleet-street, to consideir the best means of Se- ouring the Triumph of the Libeial Party in this City, in consequnce of our honest and talented ReprV tative, Robert Hutton, Esq., not having come forward 'Al Candi- date for the ensuing Election, It was Uunanimously ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eLACX¢r6O0DX U14IBthG11 MAGAIZ , .L NO. CCCV1ll. for JUNE. COISTEZNT9:_ 1. The Whig Ministry. 2. Peter the Wisee. d 3. The Spas of England. c 4. Ida and ErmengaidA. B / i o1 --A b_~ei -of .tbe binitiefsi'' By B lnn.1 - 1. Russia ats ii waa in ilse Summer and WinqyrWFi812. 7. HintstoAuthors SecondSeries. No4 a the Biogtapbieal,:i 8. On Personification. - 9. When I was in the Legion b a Mehob' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'IJIEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN7 Thi; Eening. Tuesday, there wvill be no Performance. Mr. W FARREN Isegs respectfully to announce that his BENEFIT and Last Appearance will take place f(1 O.oRROW (Wednesday). June 23d, 1841, on Twhich occasion Mrs. GLOVER will also make her Last Appearance. The Performances will commence with tbe new Comedy of TilE COUNTRY SQUIRE. Sqoire Broadlands (as originally ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE TO IOLDERS OP ExCHEQUER BILLS.' a A LL EXCHEQUER BILLS dated in the Quarter V ending 5th July, 1838, pursuant to the 1st and 2nd a Win. IV. Cap. 33, &c., for the promotion and extension of Publio Works in Ireland, with Interest due thereon to a the 5lb day of July, 1841, will be paid off on Monday, the 5th day of July, 1841, shesi the ?? will cease; such Bills will be received daily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10TICE TO BUJLD)E, a vu E ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSIONERS *J tl ,^02 REIAND, on o-r bef re the 15th da(y of jtin, r]41, will receive Proposals lor REBU'ILDiNG the Chinurch of DUNAGHAY, CountY A , ac (citg to tbte Pl ms and Specifieation, to be secr in the Ids ot tbe r esident inister of the Parish. Eaelt proposal to be forwari'ded Sealed, Prc-patd, and ar Reitbildiepq the Church of Dueaphy. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - rjjj.4 TRE R O YA nJ 5r. CALCPSAFT has much pleasure in announcing that he i tas an EtgIgetloent, for i ghts only, with I,,& JULLIEN, Direc tor of the Concerta D'Hiver, at the Theatre Royai, Drury-lane, Conductor of the Orr- cirr..ra at t'e Cassino, and at the Opera Balls, Paris, wih lis UNRIVALLED BAND, comprising upwards; of iiry First-rate Artistes, including the following cele- 1 brated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYL2 DUBLIN ROCllRTY. EXHIBITION OF IRISH MANUFACTURES. D L. KANE wili Deliver a COURSE of LECTURES on iANUFACTURES, in tbe THEATRE of the ROYAL ]DUBLIN :'SOCIETY, commencing on' ' THIS DAY(Tueiday), Tune 8th, at Three 'Cloch, And to be continued each day during th 'Tl] -tipo at- the same hour, ill' To this Course admission can be had'onlylb# Rickets, which may be obtained (gratuitously), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 13E4T SIMITUSS' COsIL%. cO T, 1BROTHERS, are landing, er th, John S iir. in RIT-HIE'S DocK, a Cargo o 'ety Supe- rior CA DJFF COALS (Coffin'N), whicl hel will Sell 0n msoderate terms- Echange Buildings. 1) B3lifast, June 18th, 1841. q1, ?? have also in Store, Superior WIGAN CO 4TAS, foer iho1shold putOoses. (744 7E the Undersigned, do hereby give notice, that \g we ?? conveyed and asoi,,ned ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GEEIER I I iLECTION. TO THlE Ifld~peIideuIl Fectirr of the County of A ntrinli. iTER Majesty s Gove rnm ent having mare known their ii- inten tion o ~ofm remendin g to the Crown an early diessoli-tion Of t he prosent House of Commons, I beg leavo ,Vitii great respct, to annoinief, to yo u my intention of lolieitig a continuance of that honour and confidlence llich Itave placed mein the ...