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Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... A Neiv Versiow i of an Alcient Ballad. Sir Robert one day, intent upon a fray, His wrath rising fast and very furious, Said,-The valour which I feel througliall my system stca Is very uncommon and quite curious. Those Whigs will not stir,-butthe rascals aver, Though thoroughlly beaten oeer and o'er, That ere they turn away from their places and tbeir pay They'll appeal to the people once more ...


... xXXZTWEL: VAIZETIES. Of all thieves fools are the worst they rob you of time and temper;-Gotrtke. A Spanish proverb says, that the Jess ruin themselves at their possovers, thle Meors at elicit marriages, and the Christians in their law;-suits. Loan WILLIAM ILUSOELL.-It was a fine saying of my Lord Rasell, whos was beheaded in the time of King Charles the s~eond ; when enl the scaffold ho ...


... aITMRXLRY VAILZElTIES. Swctw ANi) BUiCNET-111 the Lansilown library there, is a. copy of Beuret's history of his own times tilled with romarks on the margin in the bandwriting of Swift. Burnet, in speak. d. ing of, l'aradise Lost, says, It wnas cstecemed.the beaue'ifist- tl lect and rnfctest paouen that ever vas written, at least in our langOa.e, and Swift thuts commecnts on this ...


... LETER&LY VA2!.ZzITIMS, Clergymen, says Dr. Divight, nbaho are always attacking a rival creod from.their pulpits, would find, if they thoroughly uxamined themselves, that their conduet proceeded from a lurk- ilg suspicion that their aivwl was assailable and unsound INTEGIaITY COr THE DoG.-The Almighty,_ who gave the dog to be the companion of our pleasures and our toili, hall invested him vvit ...


... 11 Aivalel arise! or be for ever fallen. ELECTORS of England! up, nerve you, and arm,- 'T is the voice of your father-land peails the alarm; The flag of oppressors is flaunting afar,- They muster to trample you-gird for the war! Is Britain herself ?? of the waves? Remember that Briton wvill never be slaves, Ye, who joy to disseminate Liberty's fire, At the shrine of your home let it never ...


... Dr. W. B. Carpenter's ?? Lectures. LECTUtE XXXII. Dr. C. brought his course to a conclusion in this lecture, with a general account of the RkDIA.TCO Classes. The first elass, 1.ceinodermata, which derives its name from thespiuy integuntent of some of its species, comprehends those well-known animals, the sea-urchin. and star-fish, besides many uthers. The Echinus, or sea-urchin, is one of its ...


... ,3~t! ENGLAND AS SlE IS-UNDER. THE CORN. i L AWS. o00 fleets are strong, anti proudly smile a Te rockY clitesr of our 0-girt isle : AWad grove. sod ncoodlaed aid m1eadow fair, In the golden noovidt lie baskina there; Aeid statelv cities, with towecr and domel Are gittering like gems 'mid ort island home- But wonder with me through city cttd dmlust ' f They may uliaper. pterchanuc, a sadder ...


... A SON G. TUnx-P The Girl I left behind me.' Bristolians rouse,-the Liberal cause Has claims on every station, To shield their country, Queen; and laws, From Tory domination. Well pleased, I see, the Trades agree, As on the walls placarded_ United strength they'll find, at length, By victory rewarded. CHORUS. Though Tories say they'll win the day, (Corrupting or controlling)- Their chaffand ...


... ILtteraturr. Afterica-Hlistoricel, Statistical, and Descriptive; by T J. S. Buckbig/hani.-Fisher, Son, & Co., London. There are fewv sborter, or sureir ways to literary martyrdom than to undertake to write a work on the United States, erbbrac- ing a description of the manners, customs, political institutions, and social condition of society in that portion of Amerioa, ao. carnpassicd by a fair ...


... LITEhUAnv vAnT~ETIES. There is a Rabbinicai tradition, related by Fabricius, that, when Noah planted the vine, Satau attended, and satrificed' r sheep, a lion; an ape, and a sow, These 'animals were to sym- bolse the gradations of ebriety. When a mass begins to drink, lie is meek and ignorant as the lamb, then becomes bold as the lion, his carriage is sonn transformed into the foolislhess of ...


... I it era tu t . The Imtperia'l Famtily 1Bible.-Blaokie & Son, Glasgow. The two opening parts afford evidence that the present wvork, when completed, will form a splendid edition of the eicred scriptures, a sd a stiking cxemplification of the progress of art in this country, as contrasted with the venerable Qtliti( s ovwhicli have descended to the presenutgeneration as family heir-loonns. When ...


... AGRICLTURAM T INTELLGENCE. Exisibition of Sheep-Shearing. Thle annual exhibition of sheep-sheuring of the Bristol Agri. cultural Society, and the show of ransa in competition for the society's premiums, took place in tile Nowy Cattle Market, on Wednesday last. The attendance of visiters was not so nunmerouss as could have been desired, but the competition, as wvell in the rants ats the ...