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Advertisements & Notices

... ,0 XDrTy O'V THIS SOB l SSR! SPL~~tNI~ll) DERBy CHINA.M Prf en 1R. WALKER ?? ?? i the e NObjlt' ott- M~IGenitry, ltot~-t Keepers, L'cport ?? ldtmetib .Led's, mm lie of Liverpool and its vicinity, toat he Is dir-,ceed by 'v %1~ Tmmsjrs:l .y, ?? andICo. Cust Mbmmutaetutrerd, Derby tco tfr fr Saleb -Yaurnexed, Auction, at him. Roomes, . ES ulrch-Itreet. Li's Pif l 'Ibins OO iutdo ,,ftiday I the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'One00 plied U~~I ttCI34)IJITU~~~OI4'3J' ~formh ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? a her kEPIUL ?? intended to devote bait a, column or the %i more of our- paper to somne comments on, the letter of E., at- proia *companied with same account of another projeet fit- producing wchgg the perpetual motion by magnetism; but as wre find that we nodI have not at this wmemeet suffiietnt disposablbe space forour our- ...


... 50DAV, thie 27th instant, TWO SERMONS vill )toe preached in St. j)r11RY'S CCUnCii; that.'in the )1ornhig by the AI CAR OF PRESTON, and that jin tie F'51 1. iby the Rlev. OSWALD SERGEANT, M.A., non m f the Collegiate Church, Manchester, when collec. (j, avil tie inado to defray thie current expenses of the said ,jilir Service will commence at half-past Ten in the ;ad at-half-past Six in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A OUNG O AN member ANT iri a Tea Warehonse. A ?? lyS lEvan- gelical principles would be peferred.' - S e 'refe- qe strences ns to Character cam be gisSO. txs a deassed re ,r S.11. 40, Times OfiGce, vsill mneet ivithenmredsate atten- d * - - ?? .^ t Ii ?? w di it 'G 3e t et.- . t Ld mHE SHIOP No. 170, Deans4. Ifihle J..preiuisrsp are spacious, and w~ell adapteorMP lnn. on an extesOivC ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - M IDIAL ADVICE. pi IIX E88U8:1IZNRY inad IdO;, Surueons, and ire: baig ole O a thei J JRN IIARO ii P e angl ?? totueccessaful treatment of the 'we Vfnfrea Dianass on~tinue to be consulted at their Establish- e1 EODO1t 35, CORN WAL IS-STIOEET~nearly oppositgfit.MichvaelI ung Church. Lmitapiooi, Reid att No. 7, D1ala-idreati.1Lower Mosley-. War 01.. 'etreot, Manchester; 'froE.Eigt in ?? at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IiilLAlDELPit[A t,;INI (fF 3N 1,s, a1,, the Ci ?? ab fisl, Vi : xfbwiC r l EU. RV'. ri nieN.,. ,. 1thJune t M>Ssfi0Ntt`it>lI',I, I? ?? , ?? . 1'tni Ilthl ?? aoliVF. .IXNNA J ),It.s(IC5 ?? 8vi' Augist. 0SsSAA11, J. WiZ8T ?? ?? 8e01t. 14eieveawi. t;reall .f the ?? eirs, .t bul!. .xpreelly fl)'trlow 1Wwolladiombino every qualit t.-enfleo hels ife ind e.'ple- *hliId 6'veyaonloes for .and they ,r. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1841. V blctin indull on Jane 30 will be published, In live, with a Map of England,. I ame- Plin 1. Price ThreetAhtllinstgs and Sixpence. of at I ri wever. (,4YtL0I`aEhIlA Of CO,1lMPR6CE MERCANTILE LAW, gat eidl 11 _i'FINANCEi, and COMMURCIIAL GEOGRAPHY; coIO, Sits en dis- ?? Descriptive, Statistical, and Historical Arcotints of all 3tc atles to couitiodities; the Rules affenting their ...

Advertisements & Notices

... On Millis,5 RERR1Y & Co.. SURGEONS. lieNo.44, Albioal-ftgeet. Leeds. and No. 4, reat Charles-f5tret, Birmingham. N AE IMFSHUCRECY Console the TREATISE onl everY cat mil and,~ ?? of the VENEREAL D)ISEASE, in the MlisinS, ERY ft O SU11GEONS. No. 445 Atbinn-etreut,,Leed9, and 4, Great Chiadeg-street, Biruslagharn. led gwqepyrtis witht each box si PElRYtit' 1'ULLIeF IN -ox containig fC Plldc p-, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A'gte~~~ b~~ ~~ - VAL SEt ~ ~ IVE SALE OF FURNITURE, &L 1F 'Thu Doy, ipridayj) the lath, and Tonttarrtw. ISaturday.i tim 19th instent, at televon o'clock preclsely cante Morning, tt is n A N eltoi~ivO *as'usbiageof HOUSEHOILD FURINITURE, cow two ?? Warehobles or Cabinets. Of ithe of I lasso ?? plain Ditto;, abotut fifty AL tfvriu ises atnd ptsttert'ittwo Sqarethr ~~rrso 4 ?? Clock, two lalreln ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Xailtoap NNgotireo. J~CEED5TEE AND IE~tlUGE~a~ - BAL WAY. #NDERS FOR LOANS. TIHMIE Directors of the Man hester and Bir- 7T minthain Railw ay Compary en prepared toI cRANT MORTGAGES (untlp e Ts of their act of parliament) of the T0Vj trJ \XORKs of .their undertakitng, as a secourity tr loans of mono n sums of not less than £500 on each mortgage, and for the periods of four, five, or six years, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WI GAN. TO THE ELECTORS OF WZGAN. G-1ENTLEMEN, - Conscious of having redeemed every pledge which I offered to you when 1 last solicited the honour of your choice; more deeply impressed than ever with thei. necessity of working out those principas hicT en professed, and which were sealed with y r ion; I am induced, at thii important crisis CANDIDATE for lb r log your e rosen- tative in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DR. DA' SILVA'S J E S3U1T'S PAR , ENT. THIS Ointment is d ded as the Tl most successful and effe a] remed nown for gout, rheumatism, lumbago, nervous pains cancer, stony or ulcerated, eonsracted and stiff joints. or wounds, burns, buiuses, chilblains, bad legs (it of 20 years' standng), it is unequalled. In scrofula (or king's evil), scurvy, scald- head, ulcers, ringworm, glandular svelling_, ...