Advertisements & Notices

... ,0 XDrTy O'V THIS SOB l SSR! SPL~~tNI~ll) DERBy CHINA.M Prf en 1R. WALKER ?? ?? i the e NObjlt' ott- M~IGenitry, ltot~-t Keepers, L'cport ?? ldtmetib .Led's, mm lie of Liverpool and its vicinity, toat he Is dir-,ceed by 'v %1~ Tmmsjrs:l .y, ?? andICo. Cust Mbmmutaetutrerd, Derby tco tfr fr Saleb -Yaurnexed, Auction, at him. Roomes, . ES ulrch-Itreet. Li's Pif l 'Ibins OO iutdo ,,ftiday I the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A OUNG O AN member ANT iri a Tea Warehonse. A ?? lyS lEvan- gelical principles would be peferred.' - S e 'refe- qe strences ns to Character cam be gisSO. txs a deassed re ,r S.11. 40, Times OfiGce, vsill mneet ivithenmredsate atten- d * - - ?? .^ t Ii ?? w di it 'G 3e t et.- . t Ld mHE SHIOP No. 170, Deans4. Ifihle J..preiuisrsp are spacious, and w~ell adapteorMP lnn. on an extesOivC ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LMEEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN. That the next GENERAL QUARTER SESSIONS OF THE PEACr for the Borough of LEEDS, in the County of York, will be holdeu before THtOMAS FLOWER ELLIS the Younger, Esquire, Recorder of the said Borough, at the Court House, in Leeds, on WEDNESDAY, the Seventh Day of July next, at Two ?? in the Afternoon, at which time and place all Jurors, Constables, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... r 3 ng Complete in 2G Numbers, at Twopence each, or in One Volume, IC6 cloth-bound and lettered, price Five Shillings, ngT II E N A T I 0 N A L: E a T 1-1 EA LIBRARY FOR THE PEOPLE. Containlng numerou1s Fxtracts in Prose and Poetry, from the be best Champions of Political, Religious, and Social Freodom-- ld; Shelley, Paine, Rousseau, Godwin, Voltaire, Volney, Ilazlitt, ais Robert Otwen, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OuSaturday,June 19,1841, villbe Pablished, No.lof T HE NATIONAL VINDICATOR, AND L LIBERATOR OF THlE WEST AIND WALES; Edited by HENRY VINCmET aud RoBISR KCMP PHILP, assisted by W. P. Rommins, Esq To be Published E very Saturday, Prico T ^v opence. Tile National Vindlicator, &G., is designed by the Edfitors to be a Bold, Firm, and Consistent Advocate Of the People's Charter. It will adhci ii ;tu ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .hairm od, scorl~h ElSANDI I.Irz AS,:EZRANTCE COMPANY. NIt' 1 IS W JI :1EJIY t I ?? I ZS tc 1 ANNUl. If rI Ar l l''I eI L,41 A ?? I- Aii ((fIiletZA tltt' 'I Houses1 BuIilding Area, Bank andt AssuranceStck I'i l' ie I llt ti apli ia Stui c ltI I.. tit lm,, tetite ?? Itl il ata ,,:I o'ct N~llio'IN t1 l o,1 boltre It, 1b i ?? ir Sl..moati'itttittul Acr Will. 14 T . I ., W01111t5 11:1; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10TICE TO BUJLD)E, a vu E ECCLESIASTICAL COMMISSIONERS *J tl ,^02 REIAND, on o-r bef re the 15th da(y of jtin, r]41, will receive Proposals lor REBU'ILDiNG the Chinurch of DUNAGHAY, CountY A , ac (citg to tbte Pl ms and Specifieation, to be secr in the Ids ot tbe r esident inister of the Parish. Eaelt proposal to be forwari'ded Sealed, Prc-patd, and ar Reitbildiepq the Church of Dueaphy. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HANTS (i5E4 EA, QUARTER 6LSSlON9, ON Ltuesday the 2tlh day Of June irnstant the 0J COURT wvill. be OPENED ait half-past 12 o'clock for the DI1SPATCII of COUNTY BUSINESS.- ir ?? On Wednesday, the WlJ~h of June, the Court will be . J. opened at 10 o'clock, when alI Constables, Bailiffts, Ju- rors, and others concerned, are required to atterd. Recognizances, Informations, and Recorts of Coul- in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... A NNVERARY of. the O P E N I N G of ABELGRAYiE CHAPEL. LEfEDS. On LORD'S DAY NEXT, Two seronns Will bepreached in the above chapel. by threeedi REV. RICHARD WINTER HAMI4LTON, When Collections will be made towards the Liquidation of the Debt atill reoiinin g on that Chapel. iECK(,iND WlKE LECTURE.-On WED- 'iSSOAT i Nase E EtRXT, JUHs SIXTEXIIINTZ, the ANNUAL LiCtJ OREi wrill W bep hetile indeln ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. 51111 ilott arot d mlirtibly Ai 'solo 1 easrtold Etilt-t!' 0f Il 3itt3 5'v r'COSC A tabir dtri-.trptIrr. radj'sintil!tire trig. tli'pitrk, Tr, ?? irt1- bife for mii estinr-t. livid ~1 rt fir oevuitioll i. O ~/ ESS1 S. 1)ANJEL SMI''111 Aw S Nii.i J.L 1 1.r, Ati' i,1t0N. attliii I rl'ti.1il NMarirl1>N ?? ,tr IN, at Tsrrlsi'. io tit' It'li I oll I fill' iirr1rfglWsi-' 11110 ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. TO CHESS l'LAYERS. rIE, BRITISH MISCELLANY and CHESS tL PLAYER'S CHRONICLE is publi'hed every Saturday. price ed. The numbers publisibed cenlain gaines hitherto unfablished by Lewis, M'Doenell, and other first-rate players:( ames n the nuatri between Madras and Hyderabad; Original Problems; Letters 1rom Mr. Leiwts respecting his Playn with the celtbrated Des Chanrielles aud Dt) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALES BY AUCTION. ?? Mr. FULLER, THIS DAY, June V.J at Twelve, on the Prenmises, No. i. Wellelolstsuaar, St. Qeone I East. dTlE excellent HOUSEHOLD FURNI'T'URE, drswin room suite in mahogany, lootable, card sabbP., Ccouch seto of chairs. Chimncy glasser, pianoforte, set rf iphiltaty dininiac tahlb, pedestal sideboard, Bruseslo carpets, wardrobe, ciglit-doy clock, the us ual chamber furniture, ...