Advertisements & Notices

... , H, II I - EXTENSIVE, PREjilIS13S. In, the Centro oe the Hiqhr-steet Imirt9too. FTI O be SOLD or M.AT (together or scparatei4)- . All that FREEHOLD DIVELLING-.1OlsI, togethet with the spacions School-room, Dormitory, antd Ofices; extensive enclosed ya-rd, or play5grounld, walled garden, &c., situate ir, the centre of te Iigh-street of Lymintmton, and now in the occupation ofMr. Dotninw; ands ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Meal-IWill to be Let. !, ?? to be Let. 1 I ?? for Five h trs, frim 3lrbtilimi ilen slitg, wvilhl Entry P., lilllltely. B I V1 10)V EllR MbAI MIll. at Bluxiit ue, w ith a Pair It - , f Viitillt stoow, tiofiK EKilghi, S&e., iald Blalrly Mill dttahebti - lsno it Oinlifloiy that ,ill ?? firoimi :J1tl to tlIO Qltiltlcis t. luxi?tmiiirtsi t ilite lwithliti three mloiles if Alordecie, !i tile nxiht ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OLD LEGS-OF-MAN, OPPOSITE TuF, TOWN-HAL THE BRE'WING ESTABLISHOMENT CONDUCTED THE SAME AT THE TrusFS HEAD. 3? W. WHITTAM, Of the 2urk's Head, EGS to inform his Friends that he has REMOVED to B the LEsos-OF-MAN INtX opposite the Town-hall, and hopes by his manner of condooting the House that it will maintain its character for comfort and accommodation which it has SD justly acquired under the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE INDEPENDENT ELECTORS OF THE COUNTY OF FIFE. Cl ENTLE3MEN,-Allow me to assure you, thatfor G the invitation which I have received from a portion of your number to offer myself as a Can- didate for your Suffrages, to represent you in Par- liament, I return you my warmcst thanks. Your invitation I at once accopt, and, shall take an early opportunity of meeting you personally and publicly, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CITY OF, DUBLIN ELECTIOX; T HE Friends of O'CONNELL and BUTT are formed that the THEATRE ROYAL, 0 ABBEY-STBEET, has been Engaged by th L CONSTITUENCY, and will Open for g- ngs on EVERY EVENING, until e onchudon of the City Election. CITy (J ZlBrItl 'ELECTION. H WE General 'I _ ?? 1-.sto -o ansr-te. Eectio.4f ii ndse ftK¢ejtQ t' Duolin, meet at 12, FLEET-WPREET~-each day at t ?? jifedisery.) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISS PlImE'S P W RSTli inaubeMdi. I 1Cities for the cu6re of EPL PI, Y RIC, sod every other deflrriptian~ of FT, sfr ao er been groal.toosIUlY and ?? iiltn yte above sdy;: but, in csODgSoaillnIO Of thle iaareasf ttllsdh anhst 80lltitallons of friodsad, it is se nc rer o ie li o osale. it hasphsoyrovedlbiehty'sefroiaicc EROS FMC,I TIONs ,0i THEi BXDA, InductgtCt~ ekeS ni ?? species of Nervous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... INNATIONAL COL ?? ANN~UALb GHARITY SPOO°°S Preached on SUNDAY, the 4t JLON ill b. Two o'Clock, in DUNDRUMI CHAPE J 841 W. O'GRADY, D.D., Df the Church RA by thett Westland.row, after which a Collectio f Of St Atv.V of the f. 0 . Collection ~will be' ndre ol' the funds of these extensive and aaloahl5 t ide id si wherein nearly 800 Mate and Fermale Chil d ' , moral and literary Education. n ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLICATIONS. Jast rdy, in tlI, eels volog t Syn0 flHE OLD EIAL AND HIS YOUNG WIFE. T~~~A STORY OF TUE DAY. Richard tBentl-y, New Butlingtou-strept. 'riE NEW NOVEL. or, TOIIIE4, WiIIGS, end RlADICALS, Bly ONE WHO KNrOWS THEM, in 1i vola., po,,t SY0. 1021ow ri~ndy, andecon behli ot atllthe Librania. Richard Biotiny, Now I~llrllnglon-otreet._ NEW 'WORK 1BY MiISS~ SEDGWICK. In1 two VOIIIF6c5., ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GLENDALE DISPENSARY. THE~ Annlual 31~eetin-, of' tile Governor- of the Glandale Ward D6111011sary vill be licid at tile Dispesary Room, Wooh r, onl Thulirsday the Ott, or uly, at half past one o'Clock. RUBi;E RT JOBSON, Secretary. Wooler, June ?? 11341. . XIRAMLINGTON ANN UAL TRYST, for the l Sale of Cattle, Shep, Lnimbs, aind XVoul, ?? will be held as usuaI on t.e sd Tuevdrtin . ,and onl the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0THE ELECTORS OF THlE BOROUGH It is L, conbest upon mee to return You my sincerre Thsarik for tileA high loon ost you' trave doe mfe,~ in electing me0 for your tt-prcssunr.A,~ tir nF mriamrn. I feel th dcep Responskloillty of the position in which Tco have P'3ed mn, e nd it slasH1 be my earnest endcivror our to ftilfil L, Duties to iia BDrcill ci' our ToU and of (lth Country. in otty L,,cal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOMERSETSHI .-E. TO aB SOLD BY PRIVATE CONTRAC A Highly-desirableFAMILY MANSION, in the ijmmediat6 vicinity of the Churclh, with offices, Lawn. Pleaure roun, Gardens. Hothouse, well stocked with Vines, ornamental Dairy, FARlussouss, withOubidg, and about SI Acres of excellesst Freehold, Arable, and P'as- ture LAND, situate in tlse Parish of HINTON BLEWETT, in the count', of Somerset, the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .L~drrct-TbeMADAASCAR wvill Roecive mreasuremrent goods an b Eas Inda Duks uti Wediresdo. the '7th instant, and not to aft r ?? . reen arid Cu, sd. EsirnhMl. EL'OR SYDNEY direct, the fine fast-sailing teak 'euRi laouoT. ?? Erd, ?? ESrat eirehngto ainid FL frovi thence to St, Johnr's, NewfIoundland, with passengers only fo th eatat covenenc ofovlch hae i honronel aheir t~a~aoeto t. Melii'e wh~ ...