... MIDLAND CIRCUIT.-NORTHAMPTON. RoDDIS v. FAIRCLOTH.-SEDUCTION.--Mr Humfrey opened the case to the jury, commenting upon what he termed the horrid, atrocious, and disgusting conduct of the defen- dant towards the unfortunate subject of this injury. The plaintiff is a butcher in a respectable and extensive business in this town, having a family of eight sons and three daughters, of' whom the ...

COURT OF CHANCERY, July 6th, 1841

... COUIT 01 ?? HIA NCERY, July (ill, 1841. ,tiittais r0. JONiS. TIIe ong-c Iontetld IIIitsll ti'ioout li e oe!lisav OchIe desin ils iII Aliji Adiit miispais, neat Ankclh, ill hile island of Anglesey, ivia agail spo;ken ilo. his2 .ane Tbhoaums, ot It sdlielen, is plainliff; and Mr. Jo- o'pll Jslle-, nl Calarvol), detendadlt. [SS'e have ruceivnsi a lotin repirt ol1 th e ?? Mlsitli tooki place ...


... 3BRZSTOM QUARTER SMSSXONS. THiURSDAY-[ Concluded front our seventh page.] Louisa Underwood and Priscilla Hughes were indicted for uttering, on the 5th of June, counterfeit coins. Mr. r Smith appeared as counsel ftor the mint, and Mr. Prideaux defended the prisoner Hughes. It appeared from the evi- dence of Elizabeth Smith, of the Three Cupe public-house, ot a the Welsh-back, that on the 5th of ...


... V0O&KSHILRm SUMMER. AS~ The commissions of Assize for the city and county of York were opened on Saturday last On Friday evening, F. W. T. V. Wentworth, Esq., the High Sheriff,- arrived At the Geerge Inn. On Saturday evening; the Sheriffs for the City and County, with the asual cavalcade of balbertmen and tradesmen, pro- ceeded to the Railway Statien, in Tanner Row, to mueet the Judges, and ...


... Lord Stanley, in his speech at the North Lancashire election, thus refers to the proposed alteration of the Corn laws:- With regard to the corn laws, the ministers say, Oh, we are going to alter the corn laws-the corn laws are a griding monopoly, the corn laws are a tax o 50,0 ,0001. a year, the corn laws are a land- lord's tax--a tax for the benefit of the few at the ex- pense of the many; ...


... WORIMS331RE SUMMER ASSIZEB. The commissions of Assife for the city and county Of York were opened on Saturday last. On Friday evening, F. W. T. V. Wentworth, Esq., the High Sheriff, arrived at the Geerge Inn. On SaturdayI evening, the Sheriffs for the City and County, with the ; utsual cavalcade of halberetmen and tradesmen, pro- ceeded to the Railway Station, in Tanner Row, to meet the Judges ...


... EXECUTION ANJY. RESUSCITATION OF A MURDERER. WONDERFUL EFFECTS OF GALVANISM. John White, convicted of the murder of Messrs. Gwatkin and Glen, on board a flat boat on the Ohio river, was executod at Louisville, United States, on the 8;h ult., a little after six o'clock in the morning. The rope not playing well occasioned the knot to slip over the chin, instead of being under his ear, so that ...


... exrOunDSmE. ASSIZES. X U~tDHURE AISSIZES. Ier Majuesty's Judges of Assize, Sir J.T'1. Coleridge and Sir T. Coltiiian, accompanied by John Loveday, Ee q. I-igh Sliorifft arrived ini Oxf'ordf on Saturday evening, and iramediately proceeded to open the Commission four holding the Assize at the New County Courts. Their Lordships attoniled Divine Service on Sunday miorning, atI ISt. Alfary's ...


... LAW NOTICES-(Tiiis DAY). -a - COURT OF CHANCERY, LINCOLN'S INN.-Sit at ten, FeuvDeli v Mitatthews, for ?? v Gvynne, to Le -poke 'o-Mormald v Mackinltoosh. appral. by order. CAU6SK9.-Kot Wle V Illtdodet-Alatchreth v Dutin-Prentlce V PhIlllps-Roxwortliy v Roxworthy-Sawyer v Hltrphmore. VICE.-CHANCELLOR'S COURT, LINCOLN'S INN-At ten. Unopposed Petitions siad Shovt Cauvsa. Ralph vI V91sn1. ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCB- TUESDAY. COURT OF CHANCERY. This Was a bill fild to compel evrtoini of tile next of kinl of James Clear to restore the funds distributed under aol order of the court. The delouca was that thle solicitor of the plintiffhdnotice of the dlitribution at the time, snd that they could net now coat- plain of It. Air! Richards and Mr, Moore were for the plaintIffs. Di.Wigram, Mr. ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-TUE'AY. -4- MAR LBOio u GH4STttEFT. Tax NIFITRE38 or TIIM B nfRKIiM- MIN lebb, an old IrIsh- woman, who presides over a grues-stai. in Newport-ma~rket, was charged by Aiary lirackford with having, agairst the peace of our lady sovereign the Queen, broken her lef shit unil ix pickled eel saucers. Complainant: Your worahip, there was a gentleman as mends tea kettles at my ...


... IUstMOURED C FIAN GRS-COUIrr OF SESSION. As it ca fn now longer be disputed that the present Ministry will speedily resign, specula- tiri is anxiously afloat as to the various official changes conacquent on that event. No doubt seems to exist that the present venerable Lo nD P naxsIlrINN, Who has nlOW faithfully dischargedi his judicial duties for nearly SS years, will retire, and be ?? by the ...