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Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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... FASJIONASDR AND IAR R.I WINDSOX, SUNDAY. This morning her Majesty and his Royal Righness Prince Albert, and most of the Royal suite, attended divine ser- vice at St. George's Chapel. The Rev. C. W. Knyvett read the first part of the service, and the Hon. and Very Rev the Dean of Windsor and the Rev. R B. Stopford oflisiated at the altar. The latter divine preached the Sermon from the 2d chap. ...


... Thg NfATIVP MUSIC OF IRELAND. | In our notice last week on the August number of 'UV popular national magazine, the Citizen, we concluded by saying we should return to it, for the purpose of referring more particularly to that portion of it which comes under the bead affixed to the present paragragh-we mean the E Irish airs. We have often before expressed our admiration and approval of this ...


... F4StlION AND VAR122IS. WrNDSOR, FRIDAY. Her Slaj sty end Prince Albert are expected to arrive at the Castle to-morrow. The Queen of the Beigians will leave shortly after her Mdajesty's return. The health of the young Duke de Brabant is very much improved. Her majesty and Prince Albert honoured Viscount Mel. bourne with a visit on Friday afternoon, at hia seat, Brocket- ball, Herts. A few ...


... ASHION AND VARJrjEs, n WINDSOR, SUNDAY. 'This norning her Majesty and his Royal Higbness P4, - Albert attended divine service at St. Gvorge5s Cihpe. There were also in the Royal closet the Duchess If Red e, ford, thL Earl and Countess of Erroll, Lidy Ida i5y, te -ionourable Miss Cocks, Lord Alfred Paget, Mlajor Xep y and Colonel Wylde. The service was read by the Rev C. 'y W. Knyvett, and the ...


... FASHION AND VARIETJES. WItNDSOR5 SIo0DAr. Thisa morning the Queen and his Royal Highness Prine, Albert. enjoyed their accustomed walking exercise. In the afternoon her Majesty rode out in t pony ph&-ta, driven by his Royal Highness Prince Albert. Her and the Prince were atterded by Lord Alfred Paget, Major Keppel, and Colonel WyIde, on horseback; and followed by the Dtchess of Bedford, the ...


... 2'E MCAGC4INESS. TH&E CITIZEN. The Citizen for this month opens with an article on tho Life and Times of Grattan, one of the ablest and best written papers that we have ever read in any magazine- it takes up the thread of that, great Irishman's career, and of the cotemporary events of Irish history, with the third volume of his life, written by his son, that is immediately after the ...


... FASHION AND VA4EgIES di 'WINDORO,- This afternoon her1 Majesty walked out wsth in Hielluess Prince Albert on the terrace and th ;E! I' Te ifan ?? er usiaal sting -d Lord Alfred Paget arrived at th ?? thy tand in the afternoon hia lordship te i3 - ILondon. AThis evening the Duke and Duchess of idj 1. Viscount Melbourne arrived at the Cadel ry ,te Thursday was tile anfliverayo in Hg ness Prince ...


... FASHION AND VAR1U?,I This morning her M i UESDAd N C Highness Prince Albert in tbe vnt 7' ji\ Castle. Albert of t4a In the afternoon her Majesty rode out iII t pony pbheton, driyen by his Royal Hig0 u The Princess Royal has taken a carinage i *aeha The Duchess of Bedford arrived at the !norniug, and relieved Lady Lytteltor as te t Ingou her Majesty. rinY w5n The Honourable Major Keppel has ...


... FASIION AiNk VARIETIES. . ?? :- I WINDSOR, WEDNESDAY. 'Tbis afternoon,ast hal~past two e'clock, her Majesty held a Privy Council at the Castle.' It was attended by Lis Royal Highness Prince Albert, the First Lord of the Trea- ,sury, the Chief Commissioser of Woods and Forests, the Hornme Secretary, the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, and the Honourable Edward Stanley. Mr. C. Greville ...


... FASHrION AND V.RIETIES, WINSDSOR, TUESDAY. This morning the Queen and his Royal Highness Prince. Albert took their accustomed walk in the royal pleasure grounds. His Royal Highness Prince Albert afterwards drove ta Ascot Heath, accompanied by Colonel Wylde and Mr. e. E. Anson. His Royal Highness went to see the beagles hunt. At five o'clock in the afternoon her Majesty rode out in the Park in ...


... FASIox XD ?? S, WINDSoR, FRIDAY. Her Majesty and Prince Albert walked ai usull it tha forenoon in the vicinity of the Castle, and in the afternoon at five o'clock, the royal party went out fora drive. He; Majesty was attended by the Duchess of Bedford and the Lady Mary Gertrude Vyner, occupying a pony carriage and four. The carriage following (a pony phieton) conveyed the Marquis of Headfort ...


... - . FAIRSj I Wexford fair was Alusually will attended with all de- seriptiona of stock, which met a ready sale at advanced prices. Store cattle Averaged from oil. to 91., and milch cows went as high as 131. 10a. Pigs 403. to 44s per cwt., and stores from 20s. to 35s. e ck.- ?? Independent. At the fair of Newcstle,4Limerick, ou Friday, there was but a small supply of stock of every description, ...