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... W A In P U EL G b S-N I G H T. BtY HIclR1ttt1 ZSCOiM50it (Goneiluded fromt our lest.) CHAPTER VII. As I descended the stairs, I determined to hurry sonse to awaken my trife and children, and press thorni to my heart once more, thlen to fly abroad jno ts le world like at Cain, to escape cthe lianfds of justice but while I was onl tim otairs, I saw that my clothes wesrs sprinkled over with the ...


... A DnAMA 07WW THEt STA6EI. THE theatre of the Porte Saint Alartin, in Paris, was crowded pit, orchestra, and galleries were filled to suffocation. There shone the most brilliant dresses and the first society of Paris, for Muzurior wras to take his departure the next day for London; it was the last tine that year he was to perform in the Vampire Polichilleal. Since the morning' all the avenues ...


... MICHiAEL ANGELO AND 2US PUPIMS. A~oc. thle scholars who crowded to ?? paineting r~aiOu, was 0 ?? t'5~O, to whose his comrades li~v.i gis-en tile namne of ii 'i'riste, front his melancholy temper, .Mc never msingled in their noisy amusements, toat loved. towall. dcc by the flowery honks of the Arno, listening to its mssrmurss 02 carin g en thec lading~ enones of sunset. All that was known ..f ...


... .ZLITEAP. V RIZETZ1S- e l1U3I.LITY.-Ain humble man is like a -good tree; the more full of fruit the branches are, the lower thpy bend themselves. WVHAT IS A BUn.BrL ?-A lady of ?? to knowledge lately asked a well-known wit ?? a bird 1 the bulbul was ? The 'vag, with the greatest possible gravity, I replied that he did not know, unless it was the male of, the colewco (cuckoo). (Bulbil is the ...


... .ZTERAILY VAr.ZETXZS. Sheridan pacified a quarrelsome fellow one evening by 0lbaerving, I should not like to go up in a balloon with you, I for fear of our falling out.', True misanthropy consists not in pointing out the faults and follies of msen, but in eocouraging them in the pursuit. Theywieo: wish 'well to their felldw-creaturoB are angry at their vices and sore at their mishaps; he who ...


... ORIGINAL PAPE1RS. OUR SKETCH BOOK. a SV8API'F.R-Uv ot, IINCL NHIDEIIEID T~tIFL.Yq ` - Old Will .Shakopere. t D E V O N S H 11t E TA L 1 S.-No. 41. SOME ACCOUNT OF OUlR GRAND1FATHER. D CHAP. Vt1. I Could Wep I1 And I ?? laugh; I nis light, and hoeavy.' We msid, in nor lait Chapter, that our Grnudfather was the C creature of circiunstxoeen controlled by them, ?? down their S stream-to Eteli the ...


... I era aTfrp. Somotimtos I lava thee, gonril sltop, And with a song I wvoo thoo, Anl closely in) thy aerms I eroop, Andl tell my sorrowr to thoo. And quickly does Ity soul ?? Tho strifo of menital todooss, For droawy vingas, wharoots to rango Tho slunny oliwoe of gblidnss. That clile, whero to thoe wandoring sight Eaeh eponiug iown discloses A Prospect bathild i goldon light, And tiug'd with ...


... (Yor tle BPvyty For lpeiiV t) Olh Come w ith thy Iralnquil blhil eyo, Tholl litimpless, whomin I love lont! Olh moimo ?? tlhy prosollee I'm nigh, ?? woal slirit ir soothild to realt; Olh come for ?? oitr tbrougiig, To (larluem any life to t valsto; Oh come, tbr i;y spirit Is l0tlogtn T'ho Ilihs of ?? rosoinco to tasto! Oh com, e for tily sm niliog tiol ?? 1'io, wis ot'o y lily hymrt anl so ...


... @ bttrp. TE-HE IDIOT-BOY. Ti is mv son-my poor afflicted son! dearer to me than my ?? Ilife. H is delight was hers, and where nay ise son would hava made her sorrowful, this poor light hearted idiot filed her heart with thankfulness and lovee.-B rnolaby Budgei Hrn onlv child all idiot.bov,- let loved she him as though His witloss intellect had worn Fair Reason's plurest glow. His father in the ...


... MXT]nAR.Y VARXETISS. EXGL1SH PltoxOUNCING DiCTIONAItR.-It isacuriousfact that there is sot English prollouncing dictionary, Compiled by an Englishman. Stephen Jones was a Weslhman, Sheridan was an irishman, and Walker was a Scotemhuan. As' ILLMRTItATION OF ScniUrunE.- Mounting again at ten minutes past five o'clock, we proceeded upon the Hebron road towards liurmul. The region around, and ...


... CRY CHARLES MOACKAY.] TtLL me ye winged wlinds That rocand my pathiwfay roar, Do ye not haoow someo 2pot Where mortals weep tao more Somoe boo ?? ploasant loll, Some ,alley ih tho West, Whore, free from toil aad pail, Tho Seary soal macy rest ? Theo loaad wind aloartoll to a whlisper low, Anad aighal for pity as it answor'd No! Tell me, thou mnighty doeol, W'ahena billows roulad mo play, ...


... Xing's College Magazine, Nos. I and 2, for JnD1 and Augusst. Honlston and Hughes, 164, Strand. London.-Here is tuuotbor periodical aspirant for posulatr patronage sad fame, and while wee doubt not it Nvill pr.we utself deserving, so (lo sao hope that it will receive the one, and requirce tba oiler. It is COn- ducted by tbe classical cld medical students of iag's College, Londio, and has tih ...