Advertisements & Notices

... XcnU1R.CH PREFERMIVENT, ' N uti ?? aid SONS Ale i ?? 'f(1 SELL BY AUCTIN t tl art, itn Londlon, on Friday, DecMIber 3, at 12 Itl (oisC Lot, -Aln: Nlix'r I1IIESENTI A ON to ?? RECT1ORIES jl1('ic NGIIALL INFERIIOIR, with TUICKING. 1t sit ihI Oil rith :itrexcit1. ?? tiesi ably situa~te, seven rrtm Dc from Scole In,. 14 miles from Bury, and ., leiately npontile high road from London through llury ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N E W R.1121 ; 4S, U- VSsXr TLJAVF TEIIS DAT roceirod their firit Iff tioii of M AL- AAGt FitU IT, ox SY ph, vi i,[J t-r. poil, all of prime (quiality alld piarticurlzrl)y slc.,l 1, lwir in Malaga, viz. 30 Box.s A icli 3lSctelRI.tlSlS, ii,, Lyer, 20 ?? oiiS. (Il). dr,. I0 Bxies Bunch (to. df,1. 20 Quarzrer 1/o. d. (6 IBorres Jor'r'rrn .A1 ,10O.WD. 4(1 Brcrs GRA PES. aboiut 401/,A. 6, 4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * A WUA~and C-kLCU FTA, t sail the -n- 1,1in;' MOUNT c VA lit'! El, lor' p-i o-l'irt'tlili -ityfr 1`AXS'F4Y~v'f{ES trt POTIn EItE'!. tva frtlr r. tt r,- vwI rii t! u i('ii'kuw l it I, Pin i-t' if lid) Wmti'iio I - iim 1.t ?? ltm' Ii t Iq iteiloy, to15 DINlOt I, ?? '-Ily to N 0 Itns I.7t aidiliot6:4 ud-iNE.,2, ' iI A ?? it I, liit ftvit) * j ?? ~~r , e 4uini''y ?? lgi, atitT tI Wcl'ultc,I - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le ttinter Onf~itonoi . DF |.O I7INTER FASHIONS.-HUNT & HALL beg a 9 W to acknowledge the distinguished Patronage already mel to conferred on them, and respectfully announce that their ROOMS will continue OPEN during the Season for the Inspec. tou tion of a rich and tasty Selection of MILLINERY, STRAWS, todd D- &c. The Honour of a call will be esteemed., a he 42, Commercial Street, Leeds, Nov. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C ORROIRsiTON OF THE INNOCENT YET RiLIEV- l INOPROPERTIES OF BLAIRS GOUT AND RHEU- N e MATIC PILLS. J *'To MR. Paour, 229, SSRAND, LONDON. e - ?? Benatley, near Bqgehol, .Tran. 11, 1841. B Sfr,-Ittisnow twelve months since I made vou aequinted .. ,f iwitli the very extraordinary benefit I had derived by taking m, Y Blair's Gont and Rheumatic Flls, which were kindly recoin- D mended t, me by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ST. PETER'S INFANTS' SCHOOL, R1'ESTON. * SEl-[ON will be preached (D. V.) in the PARISH A ChURIjtchli, Prestol, oil EVE ?? EVENINO, tbe l-tI 'Novvitsbei, by tle Rev. II. WV. MC.GRATII, I.A., liemtor of St. Atlin's MaInLchester, when a collectiois will be PC Inauo ihl support of the0 abovo school }1 Servicc wilt commnience at 7 o'clock (the usoal hour.) WI] An examination of the childron will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO CORRESPONDENTS. H. D. wi-tes thus:- 'Sin,-fzs the last iumber of your excellent publica. tion, appears an article, of the erroneousness of whicb I am sure you can have no conception. It is headed ' Father Mathew,' and goes on to state that certain fees, foaror five in number, are necessary to be paid, before a person can receive the pledge. Allow me to state, from my own knowledge, that ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ICTORIA LIFE ASSURANCE and LOAN V COMPANY, No. 18 King William street, City. O'B. Bellingham Woolsey. Esq. SOLICITORS-Mesrs Lale and Curtis, 80 Basinghall street. Assurance; of every description may be effected with this CompaY, 0on a scale entitling parties to participate in profits, or on a lose non-parcttc- patdag scale. Premiunms, in any case, made payable tO suit the canion- flece of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TjHATRE RO YAL, DUBLIN. arance of Mr. and Mrs. WOOD since their re. jtor ifrm Amrc3. First Appearance these Four Years I BROUGH. V°ais EVENING (Saturday), November 6th, 1841, 7 ll be performed the Grand Opera of Ti LA SONNAMBULA. leof the Music by the celebrated Composer Bellini. Tie shd ocion of thia Engagement the Orchestral and ° orus DeparttleftS are consi eraby augmented. Tbe OreraS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AN JIVlPKTANT FREEHOL1) ESTATE, COlIPlSING Twolv Cs iiltalt ViIa Iles~idieces, IWilh excellent Tealled-ui Gardens, Coach Houses, Stables, AND PLOT of GROUND ADJOINING. i o be SOLD by AUCTION, Dv Mr. COLCHESTER, At the Coach and 'Hrses ITn, in Ipswich, on Tuesday, the 23rd( day of Nov., 1841, at 4 o'clock in the afternoon, In Three :Lots, Lot l. A Capital Freehold VILLA RESIDENCE, con- 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Or NTHURD NIG, the 11th I of November. a I2LEC E twill be delivered on sofversb' e cae beyJONATHAN ?? Bss of ?? leg;, Camb~ridge. ?? ' leT 'il commwenceat lallfsast seeD.Tjes J b a yllcture5. mary be obtainedi of id. r:An, isoi* .iler Bnidge-rtreet. MANOHlESTElB AND tIALFOIID GREAT TEMPERA.&CE MEETIN ] . be beld TO. NIGH ATURDAy~n the M.haniCs, Cnotpaistret- LAW. NGE ?? JVLt2TiR T jnHeW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iTRAORDINARY ADVANTAGES TO PURCHASERS OF FURS. 7 NORTW AMDIiCAN VOMPANY. FUR MANUFACTORY, 4%, - WINE - STRE ET, CORNER OF THE CHEESE-MARKET. ALLIN & CO. have the pleasure toannounce the Selling of their most VALUABLE and EXTEN- s l-E STOCK of FU RS, which have been manufactured with the greatest regard to 'A SH110 N. DURABILITY, Y0FtAiplSqESS. The FURS of this establishment, being so well ...