Advertisements & Notices

... XcnU1R.CH PREFERMIVENT, ' N uti ?? aid SONS Ale i ?? 'f(1 SELL BY AUCTIN t tl art, itn Londlon, on Friday, DecMIber 3, at 12 Itl (oisC Lot, -Aln: Nlix'r I1IIESENTI A ON to ?? RECT1ORIES jl1('ic NGIIALL INFERIIOIR, with TUICKING. 1t sit ihI Oil rith :itrexcit1. ?? tiesi ably situa~te, seven rrtm Dc from Scole In,. 14 miles from Bury, and ., leiately npontile high road from London through llury ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N E W R.1121 ; 4S, U- VSsXr TLJAVF TEIIS DAT roceirod their firit Iff tioii of M AL- AAGt FitU IT, ox SY ph, vi i,[J t-r. poil, all of prime (quiality alld piarticurlzrl)y slc.,l 1, lwir in Malaga, viz. 30 Box.s A icli 3lSctelRI.tlSlS, ii,, Lyer, 20 ?? oiiS. (Il). dr,. I0 Bxies Bunch (to. df,1. 20 Quarzrer 1/o. d. (6 IBorres Jor'r'rrn .A1 ,10O.WD. 4(1 Brcrs GRA PES. aboiut 401/,A. 6, 4, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .PARKI-LANE ESTATE.-.HATFIELD. near DONCASTER, IN THE WEST -RIDING OF VORKSHIRE.-By Mr. JOHN At th OLIVER, at the H~ouse of Mr. Richard RidII911, the W~hite ly Hart, In H~atielid aforesaid, on Tuesday, the 16th Day of sovem. ly ber next, at Four ?? in tile Afternoon, in the fcIilOs'ligor~ Fri, such other Lots as may be agreed upon at the Time of Sale- or Lot 1. OUR CLOSES of good Arable LAND, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, ADELPII. TUNDER TaE MANAGEMENT OF MR YATES. O N MONDAY, and during ihe Week, a Drama, c eatclcen from Blkewond's Magatian,' entitled TEN THOUSAND A Y OFR. embacingu enwhle of trheCompany. Aftjelrl vwhich, THa. sa MAIDGE HNOU, jabic Mr nd Ms Vles illperform. 'To 05 conclude with (in Twvo Actal DIE HEXEN AM RHIEIN'I with the a Two Grand Water Scenes.- N.H. The immense receptaxcle ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 10 JI:ADr.lS3 AND COrp.rS,:SONDENTS. at 7oo FOie~d, on her Birthday. in ear. next. .d .i ?? e rscpaerdn rse Br~itanniai nlewspatper did not reatc it tts1is wee1;, . , , . , _ = ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - ';iN CHEAPEL, O D ROLt 0-MORROW, SUN , Nov28th, the Rev. EDWARD STERo p)REACH in the M1 orning sai enieikC Morning ser- vieat balf-past ten: Evening at half -pss-sitk J -)AVIDUOLTi SI BROKER, ARBI- D TATRs and GENERL 'T bg oannounce to his Friends and the P Eb1i& has REMOd ED his OFFICE from al, King-street, to 2 !, EXCH GE ARCADE, Ducie Place. jFRp.W. LINDLE Professor of the ]tL violoncello ...


... UFIFOLKA SHUIITTLE.WORTI I and SONS Are instructed 'ff SE. L BY AUCTION, it tile .Mart, Iin Londou, on Friday, December 3I, at 12, In One Lot, i \IE NEXTI PRESENTATION to the RECTORIES ;bj illl(KTNGIIIALL INFERIOR, nith flICKING- . ?? annexedl, most desirably situante; seven lei ftem Did~, 8 tront Scole Inn, 14 miles from Bury', anti IIIetjItrIy upon the high road from London through Bur), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Tuscan 'Bonnet, Platt, and Shawli WarehOflee, .33 U~NION STII1EET. f33 SAAC MATiI11trsoN respectfiilly informsl his 111notnltts Aviolealofid Ietal.COan'ctillt that lij Lo ind . Manchiestcr. iild tilas'gai I'llichases05ale allI collie Ito liil ?? Or tiil rin'ilet llint for theitimali1 Ill Lanflie' ayal The St-nel: i tilal' dttntis ,~loy of TAI' CTAP and FA\NCX Wool, SIIANN L1., eM!ibiniah'4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thi Holbh ,was ~ Aict Ottthis subject mest havebeen tisaidt 195581 SIR II. PoMriORRS' ]NOTITiCATIoc-.The passage fromt thin docu- of Co ment, cited by adpwdqogsO clearly contains as great a bull as d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1WBtt-DtNO.-iA tcir Jespsdelt. ho ?? ?? that sujiable foolpa strrl ulic r edmeb ?? ders and others outside tile palings inclosig buildings Or aereton cbop rhchf gene eeY . only rI noprote hct nauets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT NoTICE. CITY OF DUBLIN ELECTIONNEW CORPORATION. LL Persons legally entitled to the ?? d of the A Citg of Dublin, by Birth, Servitude arriage: and who have been hitherto unable toobtad~ GH~cT9 are earnestly requested to apply at Messrs 's Oice 20, Fownes's-street, to have their claims ned, and the necessary searches made, and other indispescable steps taken to place them in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; rO bC S°ID,-A first.t'ate l UNTEIR, equ!ld to d | 12 StOllC-AI1SO :1 :;tl(11g StfoorixIN PLoxEY, di (uiet to ritle or drive. . iquire it Mr. PaY, Fuiitinigton. e 'OROXFORD.C Er IJET wturnishlell vit iimmediate pogsesaion,- Al T (A CO0T'lA(;I;, with tbree sittinll allnl six bell Sish is rooms bhsidi. three secrvants' room, coach-iouse, tml1. Sh suflled vtable and loose boX, wtih servant's ...