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Advertisements & Notices

... Vatcnt JflcbfcinCr. J OOPING COUGH cured without inward n medicine, by the use of ROCHE's HERBAL EM- BROCATION. Many thousands of children are cured annually by this remedy; on the first attack, an immediate application of the embrocation wvill prevent the complaint taking any hold of the constitution, and a few timss may completely cure. In most cases, one bottle will produce the desired ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL LICENSED VICTUALLERS' PROTECTION SOCIETy. HE ANNUAL DINNER of this SOCIETY will be, held at Mr. Wae. DAVI 's, White Horse Inn, rr Lane, o WEDNESDAY, the 10th of November, Mr. RICHD. CORTIS in the Chair, , it is lloped all connected with the Trade, who can ke it coflVQclieflt, will attend. epotatronls of the Trade are expected to attend from LeCe, Shlefield, Bradford, Halifax, and other ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HULL PACKET H PRINTING OFFICE. 'T TOPPING having re-purchased the HULL * PACKET NEWSPAPER, and the GENERAL i PRINTING BUSINESS, formerly carried on by himself, mri and hately by Mr. R. BRowor, takes the liberty, respectfully Et to solicit a continuance of the support hitherto so liberally Sal bestowed on the Establishment. los In order to give personal attention to the Orders he may be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rn I- of No.54.TRArALGAR STRVET. LEEDS.-ELEGANT MODERN f HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, 'CHINIA, GLASS, WINES, H LINEN, AND EFFECTS.-FRE F55o5 Durv. &eC., at Mr.THOS. HARDWICI(begs toannuounce that bewill SELL be Thursd [ry AUCTION, oil Wednesday, the Tenth Da5 of November Instant, Catal )re On the Premises, No. 54, Trafalgar-Street, Leeds; sc LL the truly-elegant Modern HOUSEHOLDA ald AILFURNITURE and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TAMES ARTHUR, Bookseller and. Newsagent J 28, Rickergate, CARLlLE,6re9peCtfailUy acqeaint3 his Friends and the Publie generali, that from the !epeated applications made at hsis Shop fbr: tbat. popular Medicine, PARRES LIFE PILLSihe has been induced to take out a Patent Medioine Licence, and has-been appointed Agent for Citldsie for the sale of this invaluable Medicine ; and he confidently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... eef TO THE BIRMINGHAM CHARTISTS. do A TEA PARTY and BALL will be hold at the ar, A Social Institution, Lawrence Street, Birming- ra- ham, on Tuesday Evening, November 16, 1841, for ,re the Benefit of. Mrs. Roberts. Tea will be ready at As Six o'Clock. he Tickets, Is. each, may be had of Guest, Steehoose ;he Lane; Watts, Snow Hill; Taylor, Smallbrook ry Street; Plastans, Dale End; Woodward, at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... le ttinter Onf~itonoi . DF |.O I7INTER FASHIONS.-HUNT & HALL beg a 9 W to acknowledge the distinguished Patronage already mel to conferred on them, and respectfully announce that their ROOMS will continue OPEN during the Season for the Inspec. tou tion of a rich and tasty Selection of MILLINERY, STRAWS, todd D- &c. The Honour of a call will be esteemed., a he 42, Commercial Street, Leeds, Nov. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHURCH OF THE HOLY TRINITY, C This Church will be RE-OP1ENED To-MORROW, SUNDAY, nud d Nov. 7th, when a SERMON will be preached and ?? Nurse aasee In aid of the Funds of the Leeds General Infhrmary. tageot Divine Service will comnanece at Half-past Ten o'Clock. d:rect R E-BUILDING OF HONLEY CHURCH.-lag ToNIASONS, CARPENTFRS, JOINERS, PLUMBERS TREP and1GLA0ZIqRtS, PAINTPERS, IRON FOUNDERS, &e. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Sais ?? COASTING AND RIVER VESSELS. Bly W. WV. HyISE andct ., at. the Exchanjge Sate RomS Hll o daeedy, the Sixteenth of Noveiaber, 1841, at Two ?? the Afiernooll Fib Pr HE BRIG MARY, about 11IS du, IIIUBRG ROTHIERHISAM, 11 -oll Lo Tle. a~bovie Vessols oirebhunh ?? .6 1 k ~~found In Stores, of every D.-criPtion. are Owen ?? , U-isteis between Londlon 1old ''hoitne. aid Lnii are! very editable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,ATMES ARTA{UR, Bookseller and..Newsq'gent J !28, Rickergate4 CAALISLE, ?? acqa1nt his Friends aud the Pqblio generally, that frepe,.lbe repeatod applicationa ,ade. at his. Shpp for.. pular DMedioine, PAUURS LIFE ,PIXLS .ihe ras been inducediojtake outa.Patent Medicine Lbicnoe, and has ben appointed !Agentfor Carlisle, for the sle .of ;this invaluable Medicine,; and he confidently ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1. = TO THE BIRMINGHAM CHARTISTS. A TEA PARTY and BAtL will be held at the ' Social Institution, Lawrence Street, Birming- h am, on Tuesday Evening, November 16, 1841, for the Beuefit of Mrs. Roberts. Tea will bo ready at Six o'OClk. Tickets,'s. ah,'may be had of Guest, Seelhous s Lane; WattsSnow Hill; Taylor, Smallbrook Street; Plastans, Dale End; Woodward, at the Institution ; and f all ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Moor t At Garraway's Cotfse.H.nse. Corrihill. on Thursday, til Bvtrenth of November. 1841. t 60 BALES AUSrRALIAN, SPANISH, 60 V? and EAST INDIA WOOL, Cataigues in due Time. of U LORD & HALL, Brolters, 8. Daslnghall-Srreet. r.ondon. d d X7 IL LI A M M O O RE, SHAREBROKER, t W iTUDDERSFIELD, HAS ON SALE, p 55UDDvI)R FIFLD RANKR NEW SHARES. HALI FAX AND HUDDERSFIELD Do. DO LERDS AND WEz;T.RIDING ...