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Advertisements & Notices

... C ORROIRsiTON OF THE INNOCENT YET RiLIEV- l INOPROPERTIES OF BLAIRS GOUT AND RHEU- N e MATIC PILLS. J *'To MR. Paour, 229, SSRAND, LONDON. e - ?? Benatley, near Bqgehol, .Tran. 11, 1841. B Sfr,-Ittisnow twelve months since I made vou aequinted .. ,f iwitli the very extraordinary benefit I had derived by taking m, Y Blair's Gont and Rheumatic Flls, which were kindly recoin- D mended t, me by ...

Advertisements & Notices

... caae~V~rkiiJ Mn alldesIsliabI, 1, Three Pe h~1~~ose cpretedt ver lcr a fin u wteM begs Ac53rdiag to the 39 and 40 Gco.' III, r* p~scc~, biG 50 eboge 2d.only for the ticket o ?A~vO5K~iB~ inforit ?? wvethecr he has a rt~t to elsarili' ink e ~ifibent' I~iSHAVO corc HnrKE'.W It. noisay readily obtain tbe mt a flal herequre$ at the ExeiSe-OffiCs-. Tsia Tccie ?? correspondent who says there are a] ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and the 1Eils br rtur'-1a ?? I'l i Lcndo wither anV .6iNovoltt R sutalat ?? in Cl saki and M.,totlesi Vvet Fio~v,'prsRlO.ati. whi1ch Wltb eyfr itotf liiscDoret~rd~ Maked ?? tleko eiiil3or~~ it fret .wim-Tr~ FASHIONS. M. BECK WITHl, No. 72 'M,,,L-SRE,u4cu-- u and ~4ePresji genarllyi thth l ive III pilesnlre of submitting _ WANED tothe ILLINERY Bu3USI No Counry ?litinersrupled ith ?? natoted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LINKB OF PACexrs FolR NEW YORK. Rafting ion the 13th ofesverjeamonth. ifI#I IIAN TIN PIGYATBrf ?? tons, 13th NOV. iAMUlCK. PALM5* ?? ?? 4l tons, Il30t Ieo- IetrwaIIs. CotA.INS ?? 1l50 tons, t.9t0 Jan. SIDDI)NS, COBB ?? tons, 13th Feb. These Ships arm altluf the first and largest class, built in the, ~entsas tocembie gret sped wit unao ale tomtherdr forus nserg and hey ae cortonoeeel b men f ...

Advertisements & Notices

... *atedS bp WOrWbte tfit!?. U'O be BOLD by PIUVATc TRSATY. the ?? Wel-lLUjit, I.Tenants F cbliD LIG .ULSVO w sti Tan ansd. F9 ed 1, and FiveaUw . ietuate in Tonderden ~rvc. So'laeF-'. tetetau £74 1ll.- One Front 1anf r 4 vd elAck, in Fleit toult, Greaville stfect TI-r.Ie Freiit and 3Six .BCk, Uno.plaacO,, Tos- ?? Iiers 20 14I.) Iaa~dfr-b~tiet; Two ad- tTwri; Foint. (NwS.. i48 ne d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MESSRS PERRY & CO., SURGEONS. No, 44, Albion-street, Loed', and No; 4, Great Charles-street, . Birmingham. F N CASBS OF SECRECY consult the TREATISE. an every - I s age d symnptom ofitba`ENEREAL DISEASE, In the mild and msost alarming fornis, pubis~hed by MERSSRS., PERRY & CO SURGEONS, No. 44, Albien-street, Leeds. and, tlel ?? .Birmingham. and gengratis with, each box nOf--- c PERRY'S ...

Advertisements & Notices

... e ST. PETER'S INFANTS' SCHOOL, R1'ESTON. * SEl-[ON will be preached (D. V.) in the PARISH A ChURIjtchli, Prestol, oil EVE ?? EVENINO, tbe l-tI 'Novvitsbei, by tle Rev. II. WV. MC.GRATII, I.A., liemtor of St. Atlin's MaInLchester, when a collectiois will be PC Inauo ihl support of the0 abovo school }1 Servicc wilt commnience at 7 o'clock (the usoal hour.) WI] An examination of the childron will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? Or NTHURD NIG, the 11th I of November. a I2LEC E twill be delivered on sofversb' e cae beyJONATHAN ?? Bss of ?? leg;, Camb~ridge. ?? ' leT 'il commwenceat lallfsast seeD.Tjes J b a yllcture5. mary be obtainedi of id. r:An, isoi* .iler Bnidge-rtreet. MANOHlESTElB AND tIALFOIID GREAT TEMPERA.&CE MEETIN ] . be beld TO. NIGH ATURDAy~n the M.haniCs, Cnotpaistret- LAW. NGE ?? JVLt2TiR T jnHeW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JN noucn ertrnfrom London, respectfully solicits tatnon of re LadIes of Preston and its vicinity, ] he ar lgttention~ ~~l of MILLed INERY, CLOAKS, - MANTES SESE%, &c,, French and English STAYS; also, a splen'id stock of Goods, which will be ready for in- tr IpeCion On VedehditDy, 11t 10th instant. 98, Fishergnt. ,-j IL. and 11U1'. Illootli, 25, FlsslrtelArl, t TnEG lo ihform their Friends and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 loucey to Lend. TWo Sums of £610 0and £400 TRUST MONEY, may Tbe had on Mortgage of Land, on application to Messrs. AatuISTRNGnO,f, SON, Solicitors, Clhapol Walks, Preston. 5th Nov., 1841. WINTER FASHIONS FOR 1841. Robert Riaby RBEGS respectfully to announce to the Ladies of Preston B and its vicinity that he has received a splendid selec- tion of BEAVER BONNETS, from the first houses in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAUTION TO MOTHERS. 3jRS JO HNS ON'S AM0IERICAN 1sO0'I'ING SYRUP, FOR CHILDREN CCT'T'IING THEIR TEET'H - The great success oi this medlicine during the lasttosenty-five years has indured unprincipled peroons to itmitate it, under the namne of American Soothing Syip, and copying parts of A)irs, Johns' ts bills Se.i 'Xrieuts5 stltnherefore be crer particular to ast' for ,Jewsoe, Amecicai ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LINE OF PACKETS Excr FOR NEW YORK. Sailing an the 13th /everyimonth. B D1R PSYSTOa ?? 0 lltons, 3th NOV. GARtRICK PALMER . 1(1. 4 tons, 13th Deeo. ONItscLTS. COLLINS ?? 11601 tons, 13th Jan. A SiDDONS, ?? ?? tons, 13th Fob. Those ships Sare ?? the first and targesteclass, built In theU sity of New York, of the best materials, and with such improve J ments as to combine great speed with ...