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Advertisements & Notices

... [be W 11CFAROA~IA WARM SPICE :PLASTERS efolly r fr the CIJiET Cugh91s, Colds, Astrhrnts. Short. fl ess OF Breath, Pain or Tightn~ess of tite Cherst, Aft~c. is of' tile tiffls tel' th Lunigs, &c. are effctuailly relicetei, and in, V och a maniY ?? etirely ptevented by, the trinely application F Ji ritisli of' tflese; Plastters to tlee(;lest, w'hlrh are 1ur superior to) Cie Corn- thle coninoon ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PORTSEA IS4ANfD ANNUITANT SOCIETY. | N OTX . is NTeby ?? the Act uary and N S ,aretary will be in attendance at their respective Wi)vces, No. 47, Unioal.street, Portsea, and 54, High.. street, POTrSmOutth, on Monday, Wednemlay, and I-riday next, troni Ten till Three ?? to RE(;7,IV the QUARTERLY SUBSCRIPTI6NS which become due on the Ist ot November, and will bj -'-ayable with. out Fine till the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ess , ?? 5 ,ith -ST. THOMAS WllA.RD. lilt RIEND FORCONDUCTINC, THJ, er T4LEPTIOof.esrs.AlXBLE BUNE of Gentlemen who are ?? to their being Returned ed to the council, tog early to tile poll, 0n oodsa of morning, Nov. I1st, at the Committee Roum, Guildhalr ed Pembroke-stretN K and record their votes in favourot ieL those casndidlates. P~nTSSIOUTTr, Soturda?/ Rvening. ed R1ea l1ljn 41 n flei, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ROYAL CLARlENCE VICTUALLING YARD, Near Gosport, 20t1 October. 1841. VOTICE is hereby ?? on Thursday Ltlie 4th ir1evesnter ue rt, I shaull 6e seaudy to 'reesive TENDERS in.writin seatled up, anid treatfor 1500 J QUA lITES OF WH EAT, to w~eligh 00 Pounds per bn.sltij oieriveiqht to be paird for; half to te delivered nc i r t night fromi the. day qf Contract, anti the re- R( mailander in et ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF OXFORD. OTFIC2E isenerbl givsren, toat an Adjournmelit6f ounty will be holden on Saturday the 20th day of November isntat the Grand Jury Room, County Hell, Oxford, at One ?? i-ntthe afternoon ;when the ordinary Bueiness of tho Adjourned S eo.'ions soul be despatehert, and the Business (if soy) relating to theo application or mianagement of the County Stock os Rate, at suich ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0~ be LET for the utngSeason,-A good T STABLE, recently fitted u part of North- amp tonshire, and an easy distancefo the market towns, F.onfurther information applyat the Joturnal Office, Oxford. Turnpike Rotedfrom Lechlade to Svindon. ?? IlE is hereby given, that the Tolls arising at Nthe 'roll Gates or Turnpikes erected on this District Of Read, and called or known by the several names of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 ,rn EsDWARD KING, SuI'eon Ientist, 5, NTag. 1 ?? Bridge, Oxfordi, ATr xoms, as ,~ual daily. IONDON-FRnDAY, November 5. j1er Majcsty and Prince Albert took an airing in the .rS yestelrday afternoon, attended by the llon: Aliss .;,e and the lHon. Aliss Anson, in au open carriaue Colonels Arbuthnot and WVylde were ill at- en horsebaclk. tfjlowhing account of the health of the Queen Dow- v aers ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To the Busrgesses of the Central Wf'ard. 'T is mny pleasing duty to offer you my heartfelt thanks for the honor you have thrice conferred upot me by electing me one of the members of the Town Council. Flattered as I feel by this relnewed proof of your approbation and confidence, I shall be stinlulated to fresli activity iII your service, and shall exert such huluble abilities as I possess to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MILLINERY AND DRESS ROOMS, Hmu;If-STIRET, TIlAmltJA RS. SPARKS begs to offer her issost grateful ac- v knowledgments for the very liberal patronage she has received for the last 10 years, and to announce the opening of her SHOW ROOMlS, for the present season, on Monday the 15th inst. when she earnestly hopes to merit a continuanceo of their support.-A vacancy for an Aprwassesci,, MILLINERY AND ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; rO bC S°ID,-A first.t'ate l UNTEIR, equ!ld to d | 12 StOllC-AI1SO :1 :;tl(11g StfoorixIN PLoxEY, di (uiet to ritle or drive. . iquire it Mr. PaY, Fuiitinigton. e 'OROXFORD.C Er IJET wturnishlell vit iimmediate pogsesaion,- Al T (A CO0T'lA(;I;, with tbree sittinll allnl six bell Sish is rooms bhsidi. three secrvants' room, coach-iouse, tml1. Sh suflled vtable and loose boX, wtih servant's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... t3L51JE 1 FAREHAMf BALL. IFIRST' 1ARLIJIAfI SUJBSCRjIpTIONq IBAL1,L will take place Lit thle Assembly Rooms, on Tuesday, tile 23rd ft November nstcant. anillg to comnience at line o'clock Ne GCntlemne'. Tickets, 7s'; Ladies'Tickets, 5s. Supper G-u Cinclu1dfe . Ali QAUAH AMER respectfully informs the Ladies of I Chicehster anti its vicinity, THIAT SHE HAS by RhDI0VUD H-IER MILLINERY AND DRESS ...