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... CORE. Houss UITY. RECORDa COURTr-TuuriS:VAY, Ocr. 283. together tlasadots TUB Worsbip entered the Court at the usualI thle Kin1' hour, arid swore tire IlioiloVirg jury :-'-Viijenr James uoiis Show, Joseph MlAlullen, Gersharn i errick, Johr, Ueal ing sup). Way', Robert P. Bowden, Alei. ?? 1Namrara, John hae Lord Drrckert, Dominricrk Kinncoly, Herbert Giillmnir, ]oho I it guot] Lararisert, ...


... LA W NOTICES-THis DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WE8TAfINSTER-At ten. In re Pliks, lunatic petition, to be spoke ?? v Watt, cause part ?? y Rlenneck, appeal part ?? v Rowlett, ?? v Buck, ditto. VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, WESTaINSTER-At ten. Before Sir LANCSrera SIADWBII.. Coomba v Foulkes, to be spoke ?? v Brenfill, motion by order. CAUeCO, &c.-Greenwich Railway v Goodchild, part beard-Jol- liffe v ...


... TUiE YOUNG PRINCE. COm%1IISSIONEIIS OF POLICE. A mectinig Of tie General anti lleni(sent Commis- sioncrs of I'olice ?? eld on Saturday on thle stnb. ject of the resohitionis of tile general meeting of in. habitAnts, avinch took v1n's an Friday. The Lonn Puita YST having taken tle chair, stated the object of tbe newrting. anti oiservel d that the task of soliciting subscriptionls was not of nn ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-SATURDAY. DSOW-STREET. A young man of gentlemanly appearance, who gave the name of Josepta Delufield, and who, it was sa id, as ion of the brewer of the same name, wiS Cbhrgied with having assaulted a policenian the same morning. It appeared that the defendant, who had been eacrlfichig at the shrine of the jolly god, at tice Cider Cellara, fiaiden.lane, deter- mined on ...


... - I tewN - wJ ?? BLIGNCL;. j. IV - h b - ,o EEN'S BENCEI-SATURDAY ;- e a~i~ yt and Judges Burton and Crampton, o took tt n t ebench at eleven o'clock. Malone v. O'Connor. Mr. Sergeant Greene, in this case, applied to the court w to have a trial at bar in their lordship's court-first, be. cause of the magnitude of the cause; secondly, the diffi- r culty in point of law as regarded a portion of ...


... KILIIUSI[ PETTV' SESSIONTS. Shin me a new song to-lnigit. Andy Farrell, of M illtown, opened the hall on 't'hursciny as one of the mnmst aggrieved of tier Ma- r jesty's subjects ; andl, iiceilif tie citerect aippeae. ince of his frontispiece was to Ile taket ins n crite- ricn, Malster Anly miost tave surflrerl otdigii at the litnd of someo pers.on or person5 s girteu liberaily with the ...


... CITY GRAND JURY-§ATrnt1AT. An adjourned meeting of the City-Grand Jury was held in their room in the Fjur Courts. The attendance was very thin. Sir N. W. B51ADY, Foreman, in the Chair. Some contracts having be'n disposed of, and other busi. ness of a routine nature gone through, a memorial was read l from several collectors of gland jury cess, praying that their I salaries might be put on the ...


... HIGH Cf--I' 07 JUJSTICIARY. On Saturday the Court met to receive the Corn. misscon. rpluiltlting the Lnrd rlreident of the Court of Ses~iun also Lord Justice-General and Preildent n or the Criminal Court. Hlis Lordnhip took bis station within the bar, wiverc the Lord Atdvocate, Solicitor-General, and Crown Counsel were in attendance, llving de- livered the Commisoion to the Lord Justice.Clerk, ...


... DUBLIN POt1CE-SATUBDAY. aENRYSTRtEET. : T Ct CO INrtros CASE. -This lengthy case was re- tsumed on Saturday at eleven o'clock. The same counsel as on the previous hearings attended for both parties. .Mr. Ferguson replied at greath length to the arguments Iwhich had been urged the day previous by Messrs. Curran and Walsh to the informations. When he had concluded his observations, Dr. Kelly ...


... LAW JNTELLJGBNCE-SATURDAY. COURT OF CHANCERY. LLOYD V. WAIT. The evidence of the plaintiff's pedigree having been read, Mr. Girdlestone and Mr. Shebbetnc were heard this morning in support of it on the same side with the Solicitor- General. Mr. Richards, for the defendant, then proceeded to com- ment on the case made by the Solicitor-General, and con- tended that it merely laid the ground tor ...