Advertisements & Notices

... Iied Pol rts exth Lied Posl'vsotM4 uand Portsea Bank for mm ST. THOMAS STREET. her T HE Office, of thisl INeSrTITUTON will not Vie A 11eac on Mdonday next the 15th of ?? All Notices tor Money given on the 13t initant, WZll' be paid on Mlonday the 22nd. Artendanee will begiven Inat the Office on Thursday, Frtiday, end Baturdair Even.. the ?? Coc bth rpe ley, e sungc ?Vtl be made on Monday the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ; A H ?? 1-U i' X A L. .z1,fri'll,.1 inl!Ierlied, thlat iII thntt . r;.: rl s',,>ordlinlary circutlatioln * iiitish Novelist iand th ?? l R(;iT ROYAL OC- o - -. I ' t~ flit' Serond Num. t-illrleCC iil tile ?? of F El) ' ~ N SWUlih'I4 1~it compri4e nall Exe ?? \it!tX N I>\ I 4 I.l enti ledl ?? ri * ; ?? e43d41, (i ef tile other NJlI,, ]fat' . ?? P r ieti or 1 ?? e' j 1 N umber will oayly 11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIIEAT RO YAL, DUBLIYV, - iIlS pRIT:SEN T MONDAY, Nov-mtber 1I5th, 1841,1 ,,ill be p rformed for the last time) the Grand 0poriOf NORMA. ltlo of the 'lu-ic by the celebrated composer Bellisj. h we 0f hia Engagement the Orchestral and ,Ch *rs pepartmnts ar, considerably augmented. The Overas produced under the sole direction of ;iia rgr. Wood; Orpvcso, Mr. Brouigh; Norma, Wood; iElonerta, Miss ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO THE AL1DERMEN AND COMMON COUNCIL- MEN OF THE BOROUGH OF DUBLIN. THONAS ARRINS, . CR08 KEYS, 25, UPPER ORMOND-QUAY, f ]R AS this day received from the Hiberniah Mills, Kil- o mainham, a quantity of Scarlet Clotb, 2ade to t orderspecially for him. He will therefore fee ige to such Aldermen and Common Councisen as hafv nof at bespoke their Robes, and who wish to encoura at nafacture, to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... it ?? PIANO FORTE FOR.SALE. I FA Ine-toilet Sixt Octave COTTAGE PIAINO r IVFORTE,bly Broadwond and Sons, French Po. ~ _ rlished, and] hi a high state of preservation, nearly new;I TI to be SOLD a Bargain, ntrthe low aun tif 2-01., cost 60t1. N 'To be seen anid tried at Mr. Uarris'g, St. Peter's-square, Erntwortli. PORT WINE BOTTLED IN OPORTO. L PI' J liE Officers of the Navy and Army, and the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... HIGH WATER AT LONDON RPIIDGE, THJus DA~Y. ?dernl~ng 4 min. vepit 2.1 Afternooon 14 nis. yes' .3, I 0 NOBLEMEN and GENTLEMEN alwut I.) PTIFRNISHI. a SAVING .9 AS perc- et. rosky be stivv soa ing to Mlesrs. WAINWRIGHIT BR15OTHERS, 41, CnIlq;-mloK. 134mri-litrcet, Wholesale Cabinct-makers anl Ilniii r, c, enabled, fromt being itaportors; of nearly a3t'.,t':&sn1 supply at the above lartat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a -. = = = = ==-n ~ .- e t Portsmoiouth, Portsea, i& Gosport sapt it Auxilini-y MItffiioatary S4ociety. A r HithE ANNIVERSARY SERMONS, in behalf rr of the BAPTIST FIOREI(}N MISSIONS, N e vwill be preached in these Towns or. Sunday next, the 1 21st ?? Rev. A, LreL,1a (from the East Piat - indies), will preach at Landport Chapel in the Morn- wal ing ; ut Ebenezer Chapel, Southsea, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WANTED, by a GrIdcull aind PnOVzgzON ~a W CIIAXT'A ?? to Airy. Of some Wrgt Grocer, Gospoit. ~c ?? tn A Va~cancy The an Apprentice. iad been TO DE13TORS AND CRED1TUA(9T- IC prtec 1OTIC1 it; hereby ?? BARNARD near rte. N Al JLILER, or' Portsert, ins the county of' South. il11 dep suipton, Cabitiet M~aker and Furnishing Iroinnion 91r l'or which biby an Inldentur. of Aisigliplant, dated th ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 11if oITA NT to PASSENGE RS OVERLAND. WAtlililN bee to fivet notice, tisat Captain Henderson, %I tss tscn- 1,,IsInInio a. baal written to lila firni ina Idnyltt T, Iss Aden'1, Crl'bia, Miadras, and Calcutta ready to * h-il ,~ by thet 21st of Decerotrir neat. Parcels will bs toade P b e p iee. y which much Iliac and expense will he irsti'1 rosll-.ashaelofare, from Bombay. Lettvre will he ,- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C1 YT OF BANGO__ BREWERY. PRETCHARD ANDt PARK9 - .N aitoanO ciu. to tbe ?? of l angor andsurrounding country, tile opening of a IN EI II3RE\VERY thill tis Citv, avail themselves of the opportunitY to pledge that no (1clelerioui drug shall euter jito the j;::100iuia of their Ales, it being their firm determliation to supply hie Public with an article much nended, -ounI, wholesome, and palatable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... To DruQgt~st Assistants. wettear k A.NTED, a Young Man conversant with the speak W Wulsh L.aniulgl and accustomed to tbe ualI d nian. routine of country trade. Urdeniable references will likiress- be required. 'flieled. Addrens P. ?? to the Office of this Paper. whici; Carnarvonshire and Anglesey DMspOntary, sI ?? I 1' Governors eftldis Charity are respectfrlly re. T a (Ir esred trr elect in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V 7'IJEA THE RO YAL, DURLJiN. q pR E r TUE'41)AY, Nov -rber 16th, 1841, Tt1 wai a .:eard (-e crrd time) the Comic Opera, in T ill'; , L()IrfLIONt OF LONG JUMEAU. Act I. - In th,- Vilbt- of Lotre JtJm. su f1 Mrs. W. fi lptor, MN. Wood; Marquis s .e Mr. 1ludi-on; Bijou Mr Brto dsced rti ` ?? First Act. t- fllisving Pieces Of Music! Opettn, ChorOus-Their hands are joine_ ?? all C nverted pi,-ee ...