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Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY or ABERDEEN. HER M,%AJESTY'S LIEUTENNANT, and the CON. VENERk of ABtERiTDENSlItIJU, ec-quot ta GEPNERAL IIIEETTNflof thioNOOLENIEN, DEl'UJTV.LlIItU'IENANTS,. LAN U- IjIttItFjil, CO51lNI1SSIl)NrIlS of SUPPLY, and JUSItTICES if 11IACE for thle COUNTY. withinl thle COtIIIT.IIOLSE of ADIlt.'? lip ON ot lU h ksDA tIe, D'lst d~iy if liarerehol~l cst, at 21alok I i jr te ?? .1ddhreS-e to mir ...

Advertisements & Notices

... oTr(,IC to SH-IPPERS and PASSENGER -hrdno flIhiiV wrt,!ijI libterty ito laall, asgirat tlto Ca roil Hp, th lllt'ilOuTrii, AlI. Etuwlltat) Jocerti, I1.C.t 0,rari.-r, kmill reee've giioito itl the Rant ?? Dorke iratil Sat',; a rirar itrh jalstarat. rnd eauro Granoneid tire tat rat December. PtI -4rarrrlea anl eaiiirienrd sargreotr, anid has still ioon, of tier hr i~'ns 4w~ ?? fr iv Itt. ore ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COUNTY OF BANF'F. JWr, 17 ,0RD.LIIl'tl'TRNANir andi coNvE,,NER oV the T cOUNTY of BIANFF- request a miNitA.3E1-TING or tile 00rpurv.LiUOTF00A0TR, COrn 9IOts0Ietio OF SUPT', LAN5t00101.Ot. TN oad ?? vi OFTEPIKA, Oftrho Coooty Of 13ANF1'. tobo hod Woitlh9l I r tbo(',ttt IT-IIOUhE in tiANt'1,F00nSATU~lIDA £thoToo'rily .woeeltb that I ,tlsoof Novembler norrenlt, at ooe O'clock altermona, ?? ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOTICE is hereby GIVEN, thot application is intend- IN cd to be made to Parliament in the ensuing Session * . ,ve to bring its a bill to alter, amend, and enlarge the pwicrS rn m provisionS of aa Act passed in the sixth year rtlh e reigot f His M ajesty King George the Third, in- *- Act for the more easy and speedy recovery debts vithin th e Borough of Derby, and the Li. t'riie ithe !reof; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rrIMECIIAN D)RESSING CASE, Oil , T ?? ever inventetl, oily sjix ant tirtoci. 'Iii r ein, I.. three anti at quarter ~itd,, arid ?? lit of at ie ii, r i ofi at pochckris-oK, contir iri, one lair of 51erct'slir I*ro- steel rajzori, l2,inft trir atoof anti cirmit, bado!ir hair that ?? ristott casrellated tooth hrir'It, and a neat rail brortol I Irl GI'e or:. 'Firesanne with Warlrel and soap rdlvi, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BY BREAREY AND SON. -DWERTB3y: CHR'ISTMIAS SALE. 0 ~FBE _SOLD BY AUCTION, _By BREAREY and SON, At thg Farm Yard, Bretby, in the county of Derby, on, MONDAY, the 29th of November, 18S1;, ; FIFTY Prime FAT SHORT-HORNED and SCOT FCOWS, HEIFERS, and OXEN; and 250 Prime Fat-Soscthdown and Leicester SHEEP. Sale to commence at Eleven o'clock. Caialogues may be had at the Royal Hot~el and Queen's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Appearance but One of MR.and MRS. WOOD. Last Appearance but One of MR. BROUGH. 5i1s pRESENT WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24,, 1841, will be performed -*on Weher's Grand Opera of DER FREISCHUTZ. l Itdolpb, Mr Wood; Caspar, Mr Brough; Killian, Iar (l5 C0ompton; Agnes, Mrs Wood; Ann, Miss A Hyland. g in Act III.-The Incantation. T piece concludes with the Trial Shot and Deatb of g ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RODY KESEAN and CO., PROPB1ETORS OP THE IRISH AND BRITISH WOOLLEN HALL, 3, PARLIAMENT-STRBkET, BEGrespectfully to a cquaint their Friends a Cus- 3 tomers, that they have just laid in an exteyie and varied Stock of Irish Manufactured Cloths, Pilot~Se ra, Trowser Stusffs, Velvets, and Serges, togetber FIytge assortment of West of England Goods, comp s aol- dyed Black, Blue, and every new shade ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ZlWPO1RTANT UOT1IVE. Part~ev about to~furnish and Sisrvanfo will effect a greaet iisains/, by pur'haxionv (it the Tuscan Bonnet, Plait, and Shawl Warehouse, ( 33 UNION STRtEFT. 33 ISAAC M.ATH'IIES0IT respoetfully informs bis rinimerous Wholesale nwild Jintol Coonnotion. [list the GOOD)S, selected by bli-olf in London, ?? aid Glasgowa (hIning hiss nrmad vi~t to the (ilairhaln siiice Auglust ...