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... UALLING YARD2 Near~ Gosperd, 23'd Novemnber, 1841. TAILC OTICE is hes'eby ?? 'on T/eursday NL~the 9th Deeberieo neat, I shall be reaqy to receive TENDERS ine wsitlie , staled up, an6-aoiie foar 2000 J r QUARTERS OF 9HEAT,teowNY 110Peendsper abh!, FAi /)Bhel-oesweyhtto e pid st' hof~oe deliver'ed faij to en Da fo'torflt fom /cedei ?? the reC the Tradi asciseea.irsa fs'ti~/etoflrtes'd. T le paid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. second Appearance of Mr. KEAN. order to give every pyssible effect to the Plays about to °be prodcedw Mrs. WARNER is engaged, and will ap. ear durin’ Mr K-sn's performances. ?? PRESENT MONDAY, Novernber 29, 1841, ? the Performan~ceS will commence vwith Shakspeare's ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Just Pucblishled. by ACAI o ESBY ~[VJE FO~tiJT AlE NO0T T , FOR~~ 18112. Appealing, by tile mnagir ofhis name, Capt, ~~~To 191ntie feelings and affeci ions, kept West; ~~~Wib InL thle heart, like gold. rgof legantly and sutbstantially bound Iincrimson morocco, ;e wa price 12e.. con taining engravings ?? H. Rolls, atreMotte, -d~rain; Painted hy Caterwole,Iprummond, Bent. navi't ley, 1Hering, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AINt P-ILLI7OOi DECAYED10! ThisR~ WITH MINERtAL NIARiMORATU'i3 Monaieur LE DLA Y an.d zSON, ?? Ij Isi, . I. their fetreated MINERAL iALARNOlto'fUMil, IE d 0C oreven~timat and LUcZulo tlre T,1t-ec.el rltlirN . 01100l of extractionl uarecezsary. They 'as lee faeie. l, eor' arlolisT front nelcyt.t the u0e of -Inc, 's-ie- INCJIRtOD)FJ1E ?? NtTURKAl- TE t be auty fixe-i, fromt One 103 U, CeOlf III- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... * LO1'AL NATIONAL RtPRAL A8soCrATION. TllE LOYAL NATIONAL REPEAL ASSOCIA- TION OF IRELAND will meet at the Great Rooms, CORN EXCHANGE, THIS DAY (Monds3), Nov. 29, St ONE ?? precisely. The LIBERATOR will attend. / 1W Each person NOT ENsROLLED to pay OtSf Sling admission. II The Gallery free for Ladies as usual. D Ii N.B. More than one-half the Room will b'res ed for Associates. Each member, in ...

Advertisements & Notices

... n Ets ULA R LI NE of PACKETS between LON- Ii. 111$and N~w YoRK.'rlierV ShIp's will sail front London flnlllaiajll as ?? line, flu ntes of Sailing. II . e7 Aptril 7Aug;. 7 ~~eok. ?? Iec.17 April 17 Aug. 17 pjjk~ LI1IIIA, i it. 119 van. lle. 27 April 27 MAO. 27 ,t I/lil 41D 'FuANK 11MIii-.. j~. T I-lSO.F. i.Mrt Jut.. 7May 7 Sept II Wl'l N K.1HADsIn'll. Jan. 17 71 ay 1 7SePt.2 n\~ j ?? Jon. 27 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WV ILLS, Otiti 01 roilrh-*Lret, ?? iI PORT WINE BJOTTiI D IN OPORTO. of LI r il-E Officers of the Navy and Ary, and the IIn- Siat I. habitants of Portsmouth and its Vicinity, are ree- it nn pectfully infotled by the Subscribers, that AlEssits. and 'lI'OAIAS and ALFRED HEATHER, No. 27, or B Broad Street, Portsmouth, are their SOLE AGENTS its t fir Portsmouth, Southtamptons, anti the Isle of' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... con. 1 1 ort == Vortstnotkts ?? IPNoNea Mank for the ST. THOMAS STREET, t.iins r1'I Office of this ?? e Opens dly every Monday troln 112 to 2 'eje , a sla o Icross, the Receipt and Payment of'A IleY. Attendance he will be given at thle Offle3 o FRIDAY Even ultes Itog next from Seven to Nine o'C locc, tor the purpoke 1), off xianging tile Duplicates of Accounts, as~ ro E&. ehny wl 211ade 0on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... jdA DGI ?? SCOTLAND. . of tile IEMBERS id - I tile \^rittltno RooMs, onG * ΒΆ1t. h Noieaem r current. at Two 014ICI..BRARI.S w0rill be recteil; and Al- n(0 liA~[ILXATIN to tier n; l:?FY Tib U-EEN anl A 17i'U' * l* : 'liIN('CI ALEIT, uporn UBINCE~ anlsod ' F.II EI to the ,1i at N.ill lie voted from the Chair *i ?? and also in the T ?? 1 1,he, at Eight o'clock. at n ! ('elClbrnt! -1 of tbe FESTI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TH EA TRE R O YAL UBLIN. Third Appearance of Mr. 'KEAN.: ,rder to give every possible effect to the Plays about to be prducedf Mrs. WARNEE is engogNd, fn'd will np during Drlr. o s Performances. Y~rns PRESENiT TUESDAY, November Sh,. I841, the performances will commnence with the Cele- braed tay THE STRANGER. (WbiCh V35 performed at the Theatre Roysl, -1ayntsrlet , tseason for thirty nights, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE. HE LORD MAYOR will alt at the TN T HOUSE, DAWSON.STREET, from N e toieven o'Clock, THIS DAY, to examine the ClaIaS persona Claiming their Freedom for the City of D lin. Ttuesday, 30th November, 1841. PRICES OF IILISH STOC ii DURING THE WEEK. I DRea. | WHI. A THUS I FRlDAY I air | MN. D par Ut. Cons 8ei 8a i 7j 87, 87j 887 Redu edditto. - _ - 5*per Ct. Stock 97L1 9 97I1 97I 971 971 97j ...