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Hull Packet

Packet of Fashionable Life

... wacfet of gasTiolllable Life. The Countess of Mlexborough and Lady Sarah Savile have arrived in Dover-street from Methley Park, York- shire. The Marquis and Marchioness of Londonderry, and the Ladies Vane, are shortly expected at Wynyard Park, near Stockton-on-Tees, from Mount Stewart, Newtownard&, Ireland. The Duke of Norfolk, accompanied by Lord Edward Ho-ward, has joined the Earl and ...

Selected Poetry

... 1?4rctdl voetrp. THE CHILD OF LIGHT. I meet her in my daily path, A child of love and light ! Hier eye more heavenly beauty bath, Than starry eyes of night: Where wave and sward their margins weave, She comes and clasps me round, A sweeter, younger, Genevieve Of this love-haunted ground I Unto my face her aspect bright She lifts in) meaning wonder: yet knows not whence upsprings the light That ...

Original Poetry

... OriRinal lpoetrp. TO I tell thee I can never change The love I bear thee now is fervent and as true, as when I breathed my earliest vow, Thine eye, as soft and bright, hath still its waited spell for me; Thy gentle voice,-Q time can ne'er Impair its melody. Though many a vision of the past flath perished, frail as fair; Though clouds have gathered round our' path And shed their darkness there: ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... 10V.dut of -.asbfoable r. 7T + : ..- A , '.A_. l_._. 1. It is very currently reported that George Lane Fox, Esq., is about to be raised to the Peerage as Blrron Bingley. The Earl and Countess of Zetland arrived at Aske, on the l7th ult., the seat of lirs lordship, near Richmond. The Duke and Duchess of St. Albans were expected in Piecadilly on Wednesday from Redbourne Iall. Sir Francis ald ...


... literature. London publishers can forward their works for review addressed to the Editor of the Hull Packet, to Mr. C. MITCHELL, 12, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street. No periodicals or serials itill be noticed that are not regnlaarly received. THE METROPOLITAN MAGAZINE. No. 128. December, 1841.-Saunders and Otley, Conduit-street. We miss, this month, the continuation of Mrs. Trollope's ...

Our Scrap Book;

... ODut 5crap 3oolt; OR, EXTRACTS FROM REflE,4TLY PUBLISHED WORKS, AND PUBLIC JOURNALS. DR. LADNIER AND MRS. HEAVISIDBS iN AMERICA.- Dr. Lardxier is now creating a great sensation in all our fashionable and scientific circles. Some attack him on principles of morality, and others defend him on principles of astronomy. The issue can be easily divined-it will fill his lecture-room, and leave the ...

Our Scrap Book;

... Our 5buap 33001?; OR, EXTRACTS FROM R!E ENTLY PUR3LISE[IED WORKS, ANtD PUBLIC JOURtNALS. GOlIDEN I:NDIA.-Such had been the accumulation of the precious metals and stones in India, hliere the mines are indigenous, that it is generally estimated thait Nadir Shal, in 1740, carried away nut less than £400,000,000 or £500,00,00l) storling! In Jahanqueir's autobiography lie relates, that a golden ...

Foreign Varieties

... foreri varieties. A - . Z . .. .. .1-- . . An ancient and pithy proverb bids us expect nothing from the Netherlands, save cheese, herrings, dollars, and heresy. Constantinople boasts its Italian Opera.-The saae is commodious, and the manager promises for the present season six operas by Rossini, Bellipi, and Donizetti. Taglioni has returned to St. Petersburgb, and has been welcomed with ...

Foreign Varieties

... J`rdqll 7Tarvitirs. A DIFFERENCE.-Oine of the Providence editors, instead of announcing the arrival there of 2,000 bushels of oats, was made by tho prinLters to say 2,000 bushels of cats. GLORY EvNOUGo.-Sam Houston has resigned his post of commanderjin-chief of the Texas army. We rather think the army resigned before him. T'ho Breton of Nantes statcs, that a young French traveller, M. Rochet ...


... (Arilgedfrom the Akew Farunc s Journalj The annual meeting of the Smithfield Club's Show- which has been held, as most of our readers are aware, during the past week-has realised, it is pleasing to an- nounce, the highest expectations formed of it. On some previous occasions-as was the case, for instance, last year -we have had to notice comparative fallings-off in the numbers and quality of ...


... Aftcrature, .I London publishers can forward their works for review addressed to the Editor of the 110ut Packet, to Mr. C MITCHELL, 12, Red Lion-court, Fleet-street. No periodicals or serials tvill be noticed that are not regularly received. THE GREAT DUTY OF ATTENDING THE CHRIS- TIAN SACRIFICE, and the nature of the Prepara- tions required. By ROBEnT NELSoN,. A new edition, with a ...

Packet of Fashionable Life

... IWa dct of Jfasbionable fife. IT,- . - ur at , * , .. . . - The Hon. Miss Liddell, daughier of Lord and Lady Ravensworth, has received the appointment Qf one of the Maids of Honour to the Queen. On dit, that the DLuke of Sussex is about to resign the Grand Mastership of the ancient Order of Freemasons; and that the office will be tendered to Prince Albert. 'JThe Duke of Devonshire, with the ...