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Bristol, England


Bristol, Bristol, England

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... ZtXWSlIL'AYW VJA3UTZES. TiH, DEAD TfvcE LIvNG..- The Jews always buried their dead without the city, except those of the family of .David. No barying places should be tolerated within cities or towns, much less in or about churches or chapels. This custom .is excessively injurious to the inhabitants, and, especially, to tbome who frequent..public worship in such churches and cba- pels ...


... p)oetry1. HYMN FOR THE WINTER. Ant. ftiiaees-all seasons, Lord, are thinel And tlisee their varied form: We see thee In the sunbeam shine- We hear thee in the storm. When Spring's young beauty blooms no more, And Sumamer'si Jo)ys are pact, And Autunau's rich aid golden store Is given to man at last,- Then Winter frosvn5 upon the land, And leafless aaakE4 the trees, Lays on the fleoer his ...


... 4Voetrp, THE POOR MAN'S ONLY HOPE. 'T t s mite to mark, from day to day. Sad sceaes of vretchedn0es and wo, Which naoght but dire Oppressioln's sway, Without remorse, had rendered s0, oppreosion 1-oh! hate sad to see Its progress it, this favaorld isle; 'Where eaich mats boasts tha~t he is free, And forges Slavery's choins the wvhile. Oppressoln!-yes, from those who vow vd Tok hell, and ...


... Manteaux vary from the one which is little more than a large r, peleeine to the long one reachin- the t'eet tcut bilis, almost with. oat u seam; they hanag very well, and are simple. Short man. tleud alEspognol are cot as a'very large pelerilir, en butia, falling irfalds, with small square collar; they are made of co. alerd ~lvsts, lined wvith sattin or ermine. Peliose cloaks are mid'd of' ...


... CLtct u re. 7'h/e Voyages Of NPrt.Jerneo Vse/-Wai. Stoitir, London. A new and exceedingiy beautiful eudition of a wink, the vory nalle of whichb rirrgsalnrk the (lays of boyhtood, nod recalls the lhours whon 1 Cook1's Voyages wore rood for the fiert time. Wu may till have perused hunirods of volumes of1 voyages endl travels '' since thot periodl-we tonly have grown wiser end me1re eritisal ...


... lbrtr)). SONG. llri~ol. I AIl NOT WH-AT I WAS. mIilstt have ve fysown, my spirit's early dreams That robed ife's distant osettes sit colour'd light ? llounitd mse io more sour ratlairo gladness gleams Back on your pinions bright, Thou dream of deathleis Lore' the deep-the true, Alt, thou dost show a prosipect -seiling fair, Yet t'tlse as tite msirage' oel nearer rae ihe colours melt its air. ...


... THE merry Christmas times are come, When joy shall have its sway; Shut out tho wviuter and the gloom, And let as all be gay. Now spread around the best of fare, Aq let the feast begin; The trost may bite the outside air, It durst not come within. Ab I be not in such joyful baste- Stay for a while: before A morsel or a drop you taste, Think of the starevng poor I They droop snd perish for the ...


... Burke, whose attachment to the national church was never queetioned, in reply to a higih-ohurch bigot of his day, said, that religion comprehended the church of Enrgland; but the church of England (lid not comprehend religion. AN ARAan PIOVERB.-By six qualities may a fool be known:-Anger without cause, speech without profit, change without cause, inquiry without an object, putting trust ill ...


... tXTERARRT VAILzEVIS. Tlhe nreaer te kIcowledge which a man acquiresi the less high~ly does he think of himself. Self cenreit, if not the great plruct If ignarasilce, is glreatly fostered lay it. Taty and con- ceit are very nerly related, and are both determined enemies to tdie acqulisitioni of tritc knowledge. A ''urkish advertisement in the Djeridee Savedis runs thus:-'- For stile, a black ...


... in:. -rp. THE PEN AND THEI PRESS. [ur JOHNt CI;ITCIILV POI'ttitSt!, AN OPERIAT'IVE WVEAVER. Ymo'e'N GeCi i jim l9l 'sikiiut by) theo suoulitahltt ussil streans, Eut-sIoreil bv the p;,;rer of his cwvil pleasant dreamns, 1111i the silent-tthe wav ward-the wandering thing Found a plume that hnd fall'o from ai passilOg bird's wing: Esuliting -ale proud, like a bhoy lit his play, ic bore the new ...

Column for Christmas

... column for VJWI'fltao. : O. uHRISTMIAS. HeaP on more wood-l-the wind is chill; But let it whistle as it will, . l We'll keep our Chiristmas merry still. . Eac Bage has deemed the new-bern year The fittest time for fesfalcheer: Even heathen yet, the savage Dane At 1ol more deep the mead did drain; High on the beach his galleys drew, . And feasted all his pirate crew ;. Then in his low and ...


... MI2TERARY VAZEZTZIS. persecution is the cause of Satan; to)eration is the cause l ofotruth. mVrdevare thi daughters of thewind; but actions are ltbe soia of the soul. Stepben, Iing of Poland, inserted this closse in an ediot-There -are thrce things which God had reserved te himself, creative power, the knowledge of future events, and dominion ovea gosascaen~e:e. Sir H- Ellis, in: his n'otes ...