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... lhc: Jlistorq 'qf' ?? ,Vwith, Occasotal Nelikcs o Jercsy, Aldernry, ,,pe Sark, and Biogtjiaticl S1t4lehe.s. Bh/ JONATIIAN DUNCAN, Erq., B.A., Autltor qo The Dukhes of Normand y, The Relgleions (oJ ?? n1- tiqty, *The ?? Wars o'f rantce, xSc. [LnmonIll Idll Co. At a time wlheu abridgaents arid epitomes ut the Listory of the whole hutrian raee mre to be found in pocket volniunis it may ...


... TO IV. U. AlACREADY, .ESQ. Oft mlid the shock ol battles ('tis averr'd) Above the roar, a whisper may be heard Thus o'er the tuilult of the living sea Thrat heav'd auid swell'(l with joy to welcome thee, I heard aI sound too lie for hinman speceh In its most sweet approval, e'or to reach. Lo! in the circle dignity has drawn Round thee-there stoodl, as gentle as the dawnl, The spirit of ...


... lii COLBUHN'S UNITED SERVICE MAGAZINE, AND NAVVL AND MILt. ?? T Any JouRNAL-This periodical leasinow been before the public sI for no lesa than fifteen years; and time has but served to render Nj It more irqteresting eand valuable. In a merely literary point Of p view Coiburnis United Service Magazine has entitled itself to a foremost rank in the world of periodical Iltcr'nlure, en account ofT ...


... I)IDURY L.ANlt, TIiIATlRE. (Fromn the 3orninaq Cbronicle.) ?? evening this First of our thentres re- opened ' fur dranatic representatioas. The event i rwas a most wveliote, ns it will he a mnst mictllt- o able one, to all lovers of the national trarea. 'T'be I unlbrgotten glories of Oltl Drury, ano the reeet achievenmettts of Mr ?? milinteiietit nt the other patent theatre, combined ...


... VARIETIE S. A tradesman, in Knareshorough, received a halfrcrown in a Ia letter the other day, from a person who stated that he had a passed a bad half-crown il his shop thirteen years since. The workmen, in exeavating the site of the Royal lx- . change, have fouind various remains of tho'pieriod when the . city was a Romall colony. Coins of.Yespatian'i time, shoes, sandals, and knives, with ...


... FA SillONS FOIJA 1NUJA RY. tu-l'l 11 'lI11 ii'ORL. oi 1' PA SIION.]1 Mollml\i )11 DIIwZS,-.'1' rlec moot filiourite Fztylv hi callu dos rli~t ritiil's Anaones ; thle skirt i~s aiiiple. and lonp ?? (I voi cisc u to tlie thr oat, finirulitd by'I ii sinun romii i'd tqrira-ox cr col)lar a i brorid velvet ribbon of' at se tlissorteld colour is 00111 in Lll of' a cravat. D)resses iF Ottmanx'evct lie ...


... Of GIA PO-T.. ?? ORIGINAL PtOETRY. FAREWELI, TO TIIE OLD YlAR. FrsuluvElI. to thee, thou good old year! T hy race is nearly run; Another day, and 'tis ily last, Thy power and majesty are past, And all thy worlss are don! I Farevvell to thee, thou good old year ! Thou hnst not been unhind; Thou'st given us hap1pinecss and joy, In Britain's Queen and infant boy- yirtue and love combined I ...


... PUBLIC AMSEMAINTS. LAST DAY OF TKE SEASON. 'The DIORAMA, ?? TWO TneW PIc'rURIS n~ow EXII[IB1TIRG rrrol the CATII1IIRAI, oif AUG11, i theI Smith of Frattce, atli ISe `;F1lflmN~lof thle NATI VITY 01t Bethlolipme, takboo froin a skotch nid lo o he qrn,1,t bv D). 31nhorte, ItA., in Pa, 561 wit ?? (1Ik ?? Ich and' Sh'cle. Ho~t IcltO moer ijaitited by DI. 1tuo.-lt ?? till flour. Shortly will be ...


... llactrg. THE LATE EGERTON SMITH, ESQ. Full mtny a henvy heart and mournnlg b1sest, Resort in sorrow to his silent rest, And many a humble tear laments the blow, Which laid a common benefactor low; Well may the friendless mourn a vital friend, The helplcas eye in aged Eorrow bend,, The orphan teach her little tongue to frame, And sobbing, lisp his venerable name; Well may tho widow's tean ...

Our Scrap Book;

... Our 5buap 33001?; OR, EXTRACTS FROM R!E ENTLY PUR3LISE[IED WORKS, ANtD PUBLIC JOURtNALS. GOlIDEN I:NDIA.-Such had been the accumulation of the precious metals and stones in India, hliere the mines are indigenous, that it is generally estimated thait Nadir Shal, in 1740, carried away nut less than £400,000,000 or £500,00,00l) storling! In Jahanqueir's autobiography lie relates, that a golden ...


... FASHION AND VARJETIRS, WISDSOR, MONDAY. Her Majesty, accompanied by his Royal Highness Prince Albert, walked for some time on the terrace this morning Afterwards the Prince shot over the preserves at Virgi. 5is Water. His Royal Highness was attended by the Earl of Liverpool, Viscount Sydney, General Sir Edward Bo- water, Colonel Bouverie, and Mr. George Edward Anson. Bis Royal Highness the ...


... While the counters of our music-sellers are groaning under thle weighit of' iiishionaible Italiani opera-songs, Ani- glicised German lieder, and French renumesic, the production u, l~livocill c'005ositivlit3 seems to be fitll~ig off more and more. Wh'ly this iA thle case., we have more than once endeavoured to show ; at all events, the lact is sufficiently evident. Our veteran firtists, of ...