Advertisements & Notices

... byPa4VAT0.TiLtv;. an eclet1,1 n tied warka~tmplt ak vnry supriordouiblogaeinA II-inch ,cew ~ i,.vr~s ~ oyItatterts, hianobester. 16i fart bed, fitedi up Wit I .-edWloin01. 14-tO,1111i I60saekIil5,in ff ltt iti.itt .DoatINGt LATHE, neittvillablo d hii*l .gear. pullove for trodes eAStUS Ito!, rosts itnd shitlle rekts; itizeeiitint rUIYNING arod LA~itoy4 fett 6 in'l whoelt with Saucy.v f,,r flv, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE? TOU?T, R OW? AND'S MACASSAR OIL, a vegetable production, is universally admired, and acknowledgel to tie the best and cheapest Article for nourialmiisg the 1-lAIR; prevents it from falling oil' or turning greq, changes grey hair to its original colour, produces and re- stores HAIR (even at a late period of life), frees it frota SCURF, and renders the most harsh and dry iair as soft as Silk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ties- = e' ert NEW ASSEMIBLY ROOMiS. OYST41t rI STREET, PORTS31OUTll. rth, 1T11HE committee beg to announce to the Ajeimnbe rt, and Friends of' this Socicety that the FIRST at1, FAMILY BALL tbir thepresent season, is-fixedfor Tuesday, January 4, 1842. Each memberisentitled brde tohis ownfree admission and to a free ticket for one 'sird iady.-'ea and Sandvwlcheski. Gd. each. Non-nub,. aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AT HALESWORTH. Rtijred ,for Conveniceice of Sale, to the .&e,iwnbxly jI00iom, Ang'el Inn, 5IrAott Ar VAIMtABL5FE ASSORTrIFNT O' MIODERN llOIJSE'OLD FURNITURE, ,101P 0FiX' 4eSI(I End olther Effects, Late the Property of yir. G A. T&YNEX, Draper, a Eankrupt, I11I1CRI WILL BE SOLD BY AUCTION, By JOHN DAVY, On Thursday, Jan. 6th, 1842; -IOMPRISING 4-post and tent bedsteads, featherbeds Ca 3nd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 Ri. GILES begs respectfully to inforin the publia that Mr. Plas had no autliority to connect tho late Mr. JAnIES GILES's ilamc with his Adveiisenment in last Wveel;'s Papers. Iiiiqz-strert, 2THE CITY SESSIoNS. 71IE Clerk of t/he Peacefor the City beys to reesind -U7-ulos and all Other Pere01u who hiacne business at the City Sessioen, on M1fonday next tie Thiird of January, t.'lat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H O OLLANSD'S IALSAK-9FS to? .±COUGHS and COLDPS. , The enty.r v ifavourof this ex- traoidinary MedicineO i Liverpolng ?? 81 Derom rexertion i n withfei ursui of t mostlively gratitude that I Convey to You A knowledge of the cure that I have obtained by the use of yourt Ho-1 land's Balsam of Spruce. I feel it incumbent upon me to make you acquainted with my case; though unwilling to pat yself ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ( MUSICAL TUITION. r m ar. 5. ronaerd 1 ESPECTPULLY informs his Pupils anid Friends thftl R ho will resume the Duties of his Profession On MIONi DAY next, the 31st instant. W Piano Fortes Tuied and Repaired. 7, Grimahaw-street, January 28til, 1842. 2 ~ MUSICAL EDUCATION. LSIlBlES to inform his Friends that his ACA1)EMY IJf will RE&OPEN on Monday tihe 81s t instant. Walton's Parade, and 3 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ller =i ,ere Itoyal ltlI.hitc~t~ the APrince. ot '111ales. tto A JFND raised by 8UIIsoRlpTION, far the JldIRE~ LIEF of the POOR at' the Parish of Ports-. ter mouth, will be di'stributed by means aof Tickets, under tits thle immitediate edirecrijiono the Comnmittee,0 onlontlay, tid- the 24th Jauy1 o iltstartt. Tue hiistribution will com. 'ait_ mence at 10 O'clock intohe norning. Sceay fosr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I? 't WICH. MOST IMP1ORTANT AND HOUSE AND BAKE-OFFICE, Mwitlh Colafectioner's Shop01), To bg SOLD by AUCTION, By Mr. COLC HESTER, In 2 Lots, On Tuesdav, the 25t1 day (f January. 1842. AT TIlE SUFFOLK HOTEL, IN IPSWICH, Bv the direction of the Executors of the late Ir. onae. C~fartee J1offse, lecefasetl At 4 o'olock in the Afternoon. Lot 1 A 7TILL comprise all those important PREMI- 8 a/ SES, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE GUI'Dity COMqPANY. 7'-4l17E ANNUAL CE-NURIAL EEI or tl1w AIMI11- _ liERN GtiILDiRY COM1PAN'Y wcill be bhel in the ROYAL ?? street, On h~l'lt-i4 S5) hY thle I 0th dly (If ,IiI1111iY, I 8442. oP Twoo ocioo, ?? schon the Aoorlo'l tonletibutlion wcill he O',iieeted1, aond tiiirlcton newu NManagers chnsun, 'fhe ?? tlet~- menl continue in thoularaqnctilnttfor anothler year, sb. 2- JIAMClS ULACK ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BAIICT.AYS'~Dlt.' 1lATRNMAN'6 PECTORAL PROPS- BThis Medioinehas long bren heldha the hishiest htitnatftu -D r,al Itheunmsttodjcti ?? alna ?? Limb. BoeadJitf r Irlishnag ~ndl lttiiet, Cldy.. The gnuine ?? last ws,iets~ed by itsAIffY erin uuemr iftokene ina time Rheumgratim prdventivego Infredb my. wistgh I ofte nlscia fordm neuce ad.A ro f the great alei iswf adr 1edr frmteuoof BACLY arcIUay' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE.-Under the management of Mr. MACtAADY. On mondayI Jan. lo her Majesty's Servants will act the Play of the MERCHANT OF VENICE, from the Text of Shakspere. Bassanio, Mr. Anderson; Shylock, Mr. Macready; Antonio, Mr. Phelps; Gra- tiano, Mr. Hudson; Launcelot, Mr. Comprton; Portia, Mrs. Warner; Nerisca, Mrs. Keelev. With HARLEQUIN AND DUKE HUM- PHREY'S DINNER:'; or, Jack ...

Published: Sunday 09 January 1842
Newspaper: The Era
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 2495 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Advertisements & Notices