Advertisements & Notices

... Ira. wdponlmtatntd G ta=ISLM&IeIACK.I.. reply to numerous jaq:iaiss, we man state. ,that we shall nxt week-present to our subseribers and .pWrhR55r a large sheet Alsnsek, contaaning Tide Table, and a great variety of other usfeulifoinat1Ou. -G FARK PRODOiO.-A tpographtal error orcurred In the article pan addressed to' faniass last- week, which, though It could not ,. deo. ive any one who ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rU HEATRE-ROYAL, LIVERPOOL s FOR THIE BRV4BIFIT OF *M'FS8 iADELAIDE EEMBLE, and Dositively Ser arnnarance. The LAST NiGIf MiSf RAINPOIIT. M11 BAlFB, MIt. WEISS. and MiE. atinRIVALL. This Eve ting. (F. i.lay.) Anrust 12th. the Opera of LA SONNA'MBULA. AmIna ta. . ADF.LAIDEF K9EMtnE. EjdolihO . -- Mr. BALFE. Elvine n .. lr. SHRIVALL. ITo oesnetide with A CONCERT, I T in which AITS ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WoFOOB pioe~ftT, H,11 VaubeFEHOLD ?? an STATES, in the aihoLAN Wtleabout 380 Acres, distant thirteenmiefrmSsw- e sra tr' ~ndl seven frism eapO etigh~t frton ihw51YARLES WOOD bu ( Of cheitoollaiv,) thefO ?? at, Ti' o o'clock In the afternonv,I On ?? Bilowin, endiasbout int AtQo T . withbaP Cltbl relation of mr. John Edwards. eaceltent LardloiM,cl[led tle IthosRisAl, eomrprisingtipwar'11 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;^NEW LONDON HAT DEP0'r, N0 Z|5, UN!ON-5T1@;EET5 Pacilg the En;1d Of Winle-Streelt. STE ADMAN begs to intimtate to the Nobility, (Gentry, arid Public generally of Bristol, Clifton, and 5 Ea~rrvftO that hne hias Openled the shove Premises for the Sale of Loadon-mnade BEAxVER, GOSSAMER, and PRSHAT'S, whbich, for Quaaiity, Price, and Style, cannot be surpassed by tany House in the Trade. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE? TOU?T, R OW? AND'S MACASSAR OIL, a vegetable production, is universally admired, and acknowledgel to tie the best and cheapest Article for nourialmiisg the 1-lAIR; prevents it from falling oil' or turning greq, changes grey hair to its original colour, produces and re- stores HAIR (even at a late period of life), frees it frota SCURF, and renders the most harsh and dry iair as soft as Silk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CH APEST ONLY IN TiE NUFAC/RfNG135T,4BjlSI~dIEN~ifg YWEST OF ENGLAND, IS -MANUFC IING ESTABLI8SHMEN : 4 MAY E R S' I8ONDON LOOSZIG - GLASS WAREHOUSE 8, CLARE-STREET, and 22, ST. JAMES'S BARTON, TOP OF BARR's LANE AND CORNER OF ST. JAMES's SQUARE, BRISTOL. Al/ MAYERS begs most respectfully to inform tile Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, of Bristol, LV Clifton, and surroundins ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - HEA TIL-POYA-M, ZRISTOL. EXTR AORDINARY NOVELTY! An Engagement has been effected. for a Few Nights, with the Pantomimist and CLOWN, Mr. VIELAND, Whose Extraordinary Performances have elicited the Unanimous Approbation of Crowded Audiences at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. He will make his First Appearance this Season in an entirely NEW COMIC PANTOMIME, called, - PEPING 8TOM OF COVENTRY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES AND PARTIES FURNISHING. ,3ISTOL C3lE[ZN.& ANBD GLASS WA MMOUSEv / No. 3, SAINT JAMES'S BARTroN, (ADJeNINtG TRAPNELL S CABINET MAmJurACTORSY), #*E CHEAPEST DEPOT IN THE WEST OF ENGLAND FOR BEST GOODS. / . 1]iI SOMERTON begs to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public of Bristol, Clifton, and ?? their Vicinities, that, for their better accommodation, she has REovErD ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of f rts, So8lenes, and blandfaiziftures, AT THE HORTICULTURAL ROOMS, tpSofP ofur-S'RtE rT, UN DER THE MANAGE-MENT OF THE COM MITTEEOF THEB ISTOL MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. HIS Exhibition contains a Ribbon Loom at T Work, Livery Laee-Loom; also a Lace Maker, and Wire Worker ; with Lithographic and Letter . Press Printing, Wood Engraving, and a Fountain, with a num- ber of beautiful Jets, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 33nisToxL a& EXETER M1zLVAWAT. CONTRACT FOR WORKS. N OTICE is hereby given, that the Directors of Nothis Company will be ready to receiveat their OFFIcrtE, No. 30, BROAD-STILEET, Bristol, on FRIDAY,the 12th of August next, at or before 12 o'clock, TENDERS for the following Contracts:- t TUNNEL CONTRACTS, No. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Consisting ofthe Sinkingof Shaftsand Completion of the respective ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOLD BY AHCr I ON, J By Mr. W. LANCASTER, On the PREMsnIS, on TUESDAY Next, Sept. 27th. ALL the Neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TwA excellentA FEW PICTUORES. TwoeAcellent IRON REPO SITORIES , C MAHOGANY COt u FIXTNHOUSE DESKS, CouPair-oufTRCS oe XTURES, Two PairoFTRUCKS, One DRAY, LOT OF HARNESS, HYDROMERER, Adair of Dueoine PISTOLS, VoOLe IN and CASE, A nd various other EfSfeto ers oa eronremovin- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -/FURS. RRElDUCTION O.F D-UTY! M~/ ESSRS. LAWSON & CO., Fun MANUFACTURERS, in announcing their REMOVAL from 18, c ,ARE STREET, to 26, COLLEGE-GREEN, the Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. GofF and Co., re invite the attentio of their Friends and the Public to their Newly.nsanifactured STOCK, which they are ntit o s TflE LFAROEST AND oST HAIONABLE THAT HAS EVER BEEN OFERr.En IN THIS ClTY, ...