... POIrCE INTELLIGANCE-TUESDAY. 13MV-STREET. THiE CITARAE o1) EMIIEZZL;EMrET AGAIXtST Nicno- 1..1S S Ti11., t VlE \'AI ;T TO TlllE L.A.TB ZIAHTARUESS OF 11 Iterrotn.D-I's }ptrson,who haii undergone several .c- unlhinlitiO tit th1is COUIrt O)L a charge of eibeusling nearly £8,tt000, the property of his hite master, aud who was re- mauded ibr a week, peudiujg, the iivestigiatious which M,. C. ...


... LAW INTELLIGENCE-WEDNESDAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, [The court sat at a little after twelve o'clock,. THEI ATTORNEY-GENERAL V. WtIMBOURsN UINSTEr. An information was filed against the governors ot the school at Wimbourn, which is regulated by a chlrter granted in the fifth of Elizabeth, and its prayer was that the governors, Mr. Henry Blankes and ethers, be compelled to make good out of their ...


... LA WV NOTICES-TIIs DAY. COURT OF CHANCERY, WESTMINSTER-Sit at eleven. In re Thorpe, lunatIc petition, by order-In re Hereford Charities, petition by order. AIrTALS.-Attorney.General v Winborne School, part heard- Htrrlng v Cloberry, part hienrtil-1ie samne v Sturgis, caose by order -Evetts v Hall-Treliwneyv Roberta. VICE-CHANCELLORS' COURTS, WESTMINSTER-At ten. Before Sir LANcgrCor StrAnWSLt. ...


... 1'OLICE IN7BLLIGENGE-TluEDAY. QUEEN-SQUAItE. Ronbirr Bligh, the keeper of a bcer-shop, inl Queen-st reet Chelsea, appeared to a summons charging him with having assaulted tile police, and obstructed theal in the execution of their duty. Luke Buck, 73 V, stated that on Tinirsday morning, the 20th inst., between one and two o'clock. lie heard a noise in delfendasue's house, us though a number of ...


... LA IV NVITICES-TIIIS DAY. COURT OF CHANCERiY, LINCOLN'S.lNN-Silt at ten. Arre-au. 51lrcivNt.-Ann Farnmer v James Farmer, part heard- JamaunY F'arrmrr v Ann Farmer-lu re Wercescor Clharltlea-Toletio v Vi\ta-Duan v Masa.y-E a.s v buorpan-Eyton v the same- Houls v Bryaet-Tarelacney e Hobertsa-Futardo v Futarda-JoneO v Rttl:erts. VICE-CHAN'CELLOntS'COURTS L.rNCOLNS.IlNN-Slt at !L' lictore Sir L, ...


... PULGCE I'A'NTELLIGEN'CE-TUMDAY. GUIUtLDN ALL. Sir 1'aler Lnurie called In) to nossist lto the disojsoal of snine rsnn'cr tbat reqotre two magistrates, Sir Peter belIng suiliciently ro coveredl from the effects of his late accident te attend to busIness nlitbough his left arm In In a sling. On the same merroilu that SI tPaler slipperd sdc,ira the steps at his door, Sir Chapman Marshal Slipped ...


... |CEST1?RAL (Jl.UlNAL COU1RT-SATURDAY. OLD COURT. Blefore Mr. Cotnini'sion'r 1iiiliock.L F()tlftiNGi AN ORDER11 I.R (i t). (( s. _iitt'ii/ C01n,,er, Itierd nittiteell, p~le:Ided guillty to ant in- dlctilienit charging Iinim with hlinittg flIoniously uttered it Itarguvl requeest tur ithe delivery of' goods thle propevrty' ef jTolu P'rice, wvell kiiowiiti tho camie to have been tiar~eo. Senitence ...


... CA SL;-iF P-'O'VJNG . - w - [FRaO-s THlE TYNE MtER(CIUD.] An inquest was held on F riday list, by adjournment Jrmn W\ednesday ev ening, before WV S toher, IEsq., coroner, at the house of Mr. Pentland, I'Aden Arms, Jlackett-street, to in- quire into the circumstances relating to the death ot' Ann Anderson. The deceased lived is servant to Mrs. Lax, 'ine-lane, anel was in the ha' ittc carryiiiic ...


... POLICE INT;ELLIGENCE-TnURMDAY. BMV+-STi'l'lET. lo It(;Ety.i,-Jole i co)u 1lrsn lip (I 18, was chirged with u terilig u forged ceheck for 1:42 with iitent to defraud 'Messrs. 'outts ina.d Co., the baiinkers. 'I' check purportca to be sigued by the l-ir ot' Messrs. lickinell, Isoberts, Fint chi utd Nc ill, solicitors, ot Lineoln's inn-fields. Mr. Nefil stiatud that the order now prodsred wva8 ...


... coJeuNel'I'S INV(s rJST. A i,it w 0,a 1- or,*-T AT07 lot UY1 ''l IF e. C.YVtT dliy eli fo1tj ocot 1`71`0 hefd Iheforr' V'. artc'r, HE¶ fit thle I arlri on71 dJroornl,W'l'tmnfll-ter-ro aI , onIO .h bOfdy o f D II ry Ge rviso Co ppeud oh, uged '7,who co oe bY hisd death tuidtr ll'01 incillifioly dfcllfi ee t ,fiaied litlow. 'Ih fnI iolry ocCCte iodnuicl In lercgt, it havoel '-771 lu 110.7(1]c~ ...


... COURT OP BANKRUPTCY-TUE8DAY. [Before Teir. Commissioner FHolroyd]. THE1 BIANKtRUPTCy OF U11A.IIJBIL AND CIHANDES, LATE 01i ItOND-STRCEET, flANKERS. C This dny was fixed for taking In audit of those bank- o rupte, against whnom a fiat was issued nearly eighteen P yeusrs ago, and the case hias been before the court in one n shupe or another nearly fifty times. Two of the creditors' '. assignees, ...

What is a libel? Whatever a jury of twelve men chooses to pronounce one. This is a shorter cut

... Wbht l; a libel ? Whatever a jury of twelve men chooses to pronounce one. This is a nborter cut than that taken by Chief Justice PIENNEFATUr c in the case of the Bleaste Vindicator,-though his a doctrine was sufficiently itartling,-that to find fault with any thing done by any public man in the exe-c cution of his office, except by proceeding against him in a legal tribunal, or petition to ...