... LAW IVTEL LIGEN(E-TuEsDAY. 11JO,9SE OF LORDS-APPEALS. The house :uet for tie purpose of delivering judgments in several la-p~eal cases. July. *tolux rFl USON' ANtD SEVEiN OTHER~t MINISTERtS, AWYT ANDREWl'S~l~lO A-I) TWO OTHFRS, tlt1tDE115 FORMING TimI lT'tE:llYTt1HY OF AUCEITERIAR1OEI, V. tIAtL OF tI-NNOLI. AN. ) 11EV. R. YOUaNt. This was I'n appeol uguiniot it decree of the Court of Ses- dNon ...


... ASSIZE INTBLLIGENCB. NORTHERN CIRCIJIT-YOiRK, SErT. 2. THE RIOTS AT LEEDS. [Before Lord Denman.] Joseph Armitaqe, T/weonas Chester, JohX Ciristy, Riobert Ellis, Williame 1'lesher, John Haddock, Joseph Ifeaton, Jeohn Heywood, Jonathan ilirst, Josia& 1oyg, Willi=a Haniard, James Longstaft; George Oates, Wi'illiam Perigo Thomas Rewder, Jamies Speight1 Francis Stead, and Charles Wilkinsone, 'were ...


... PEG1ST'RAT {iON COJ7i,~. cIrv 01' iAo)NAos. ~Ir, M'C'hristie yestetrdaiy delivered thle followivnlg judg- xitents t IN TulE MOATTERI Oil iO,,l, B nT'rEltFUoLn. John Butterfield, 7, Cante rbury'cclurt, St. Anti's, l31i14'k- friitrs, was Objected to. It aippearedi that thle 11ev. 31lr. .Nolrip, ofIfacrinlIt, goosq'ssts severa] simail hIoWs in St. Ann's,, Wu!ehkfriii-s tar the ates Of' Which he ...


... POLICE INTELLIGENCE-FRIDAY. WORSHIP-STiiERT. A Nuftsinsay on Tuttevis RionsN uor-GeorgeJohnosto alias Ghc .:A Gcevgi, W'illiaem Sty/lv alias Buoyrs, and A.frfed Herring, lades tilder 18 years of age, were finally brought up charged, con. jolutly with IfRositta Ilofarv, a young prostitute, vith having been concerned In itesling from tin omnibus a quantity of ladles' mittens, the property of ...


... OX FORD CtICUIT-i ,olUCBSTEl, AUnVST I?. CROWN SIDE. [Befora Air. Justice Erskine.] THE SiRISTOL MUtt)EDR. The Irbil of the six prisoners for the mUrder of the policeman at Bristol, which lias caused an much excitement In (tht cmutly, having been lixed for this rorning, nt the sitting of tile court, AS early as eight o'cIck tile gilleries alnd avenues leading to the court were densely tl ...


... 1. v 's- Act jES-Til l DA\. ; n El\Sf i ~l)'i 191 hi- I. liCOLN':i INN-At Ire. It .1- a.l j . r ;cill 04 ti-rL heorl-I. -'ad Aintiitkyg a N'tuooirrj, N - .:1 , -__1:: '1pl> ze 1 k-r Wilk. :'rj joarrl-0lbbrii.riiiii- . .s¢-:trawl. * -a iSjta 21-s ' I.iacrya *.Ianar~y(7] ' I-- rio- mlt:rrj gir1:it -lii.' Suttl~ r DOe S it, sian- tu~i ': iriiitti.* -.u.-irrn;i.,ir at.-- litre a ilittilec- ...


... CITY OF LONDON. The proceedings of this revision court on Saturday gave rise to the discussion of no question of general interest or importance. .Wvilliam Pinnican claimed as an occupier of a house in Vine-ftraet, and the claim Was objected to by Mr. Marr, for the Conservative party, on the grounds that the claimant was abroad, nnd a foreigner. Mr. W ansey in support of the claim, called a ...


... LIVERPOOL-WlDNESDAY. CROWN COURT. [Before Lord Abinger.] SENTENCES ON PRISONERS. John Hickey, Hlugh Cavanmllh, Mathlew Dalton, James Tweedale, and Jamees Sexton, were b~rought up to receive sentence, leaving been convicted on Monday of an attack on the mills of M~essrs. Stirling and ferkion, at Manchester. Saxton was sentenced to three months' imjrisonment, and the rest to twelvoe nnnths' ...


... PARTY CORRUPKION IN THE, ADMI1 NISTRATION OF J US TICE. 'ri.l.THE EItXAMON ER.j A characteristic Spi2conelli of thle Tory admlinistration of Justice bas been broUght to light inl n1 investtigation att Clerkenlwell. A noon nanted Stilultallt was brought Upl, charged With robbery. It appeared that the fellow's life had been one serise of'crimes and vil~latleS, thefts of aill kinds, seduction for ...


... COURI' CIRCULAR. WINVDSOR, MONDAY. The (iueun walked on the Terrace and in the Home Park lbrs tuorning, attended by the Countess of Mount Edge- eUu')e ard olen of the imaids of honour. At lint-past niie o'clock his Royal Highness Prince Albrt ,et off to Swiuley-lodge on a shooting excursion, steuded by Lord Hivers, Sir Edward Bowater, lion. Cap- taiu Dlauconbe, and the lion. C. A. Murray, ...


... CORONERS' INQUBSTS. SUDDEN DEATIIS.-Mr. Baker yesterday held three in- qUests on the bodies of persons who had died suddenly. Those on the bodies of John Bledworth, aged 75, and Mary Hathaway, aged 28, were at the Marquess Wellington, Upper Cornwall-street, St. George's-in-the-East. In the first cease, it appeared that the deceased had served in Egypt and India as a soldier, and had been for ...


... MIDDLBSBXY SESSIONS-TUEqDAY. [Before Mr. Sergeant Adams and a bench of Magistrates.] RIENTTAIL OF T~lB COUNTY-SYSTEM OF ASSESSMENT. The Chairman said, as the case of one parish stood over from the business of yesterday at the Guildhall, Westmin- ster, which ovas the receiving paroehial returns ot assess- ments for the purpose of making the county rats, and, as the return from the parish ...