STEAM to INDIA, via Alexandria.—Arrange- tit' f Ol the February Trip. — The Peninsular aud Oriental ' ..

... steam-ship LADY MARY ■'kiU EDWARD COOPER, Commandei, of 250 horse power, luenoi accommodation for passenger*, will start with the it Mail- of February, leaving Southampton the Ist and Fal- ,.i ?? tht 2d of that mouth for Gibraltar, where the mails and ?? be transferred to the (Great) Liverpool, which will ■ . • for Malta and Alexandria. Passengers for In. , .ire it may avail themselves of the ...

Published: Saturday 15 January 1842
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 12143 | Page: Page 1 | Tags: Classifieds 


... ?? M A N>IONS AUo, VIEWS ?? colored, 10/ 10s. drawn from W. R .° ML aod ite ENVIRONS. «£^.S&*B!. d BARO « ETAG£ - KSmrf^' I*6^1 * 6^ BARONETAGE, and Rtihß_. A ri*_r, l2,no * clo,h . 9«- -one *£' V*°> V LAND-JERUSALEM, pa.t ftakan « .V S ?? * r «-aimilea of the Ot.g.nal Drawings 1»i ' u° . ,pot ' * nd ewcmed in Lithography by la^iiM*. ' e .* q ' ) ' w,la ** Introductory View ol S2JB3?' by *•* ...

Published: Saturday 15 January 1842
Newspaper: Hampshire Advertiser
County: Hampshire, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 15745 | Page: Page 1, 2, 3 | Tags: Classifieds 

©TEAM from LIVERPOOL to BOSTON, Dallir.g at HALIFAX to Jai *d Her Majesty's Mails and Pas- tjhe^BßlTlSH and ..

... ROYAL MAIL STEAM-SHIPS will leave LIVERPOOL every month as under: CALEDONIA, Captain E. G. LOTT, FRIDAY, February 4. ACADIA, Captain A. RYRIE, FRIDAY, March 4. .Passage, including provisions, to Ha.ifax, .or Boston, 38 gui- *«*»; but without wines or liquors, w.hich can be obtained 'T'oard. Steward's fee. One Guinea. Do** charged oh each. .Excepting small parcels no cargo will be taken by ...

Published: Saturday 15 January 1842
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 3918 | Page: Page 1, 2 | Tags: Classifieds 


... JL t*ve Office of Lord High Admiral of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland DO HEREBY GIVE NOTICE, that on TUESDAY, the 'J-Vh instant, at One o'Clock, they will be ready to treat with such Persons as may be willing to CON- TRACT for SUPPLYING and DEL VERING Into Store at Ascension, 500 TONS of Graigola, Hrvndorway, Llmncenneck, Reaolven, Porthmawr Rock Vein. Fordel Main, Halbeath, ...

f£4l( from SUEZ to CALCUTTA, isin__AS and CEYLON.— Notice is hereby given, that the • *_.m-»hip INDIA, of 1,200 ..

... and 320 horse power, will ■\ IeawCALCUTTA for SUEZ, on the 15th instant, and will, arrive in the early part of next month at Suez, where she to receive the passengers from England by Uie Peninsular ■nw' Company's steamer, to sail from Southampton on the Th« India on her way bark to Calcutta will land pas- ?? and Madras, and parties leaving England on the ' ifisj expect to reash Calcutta by ...

Published: Monday 17 January 1842
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 8468 | Page: Page 1, 4 | Tags: Classifieds 

ROYAL MAIL STEAM PACKET COMPANY The Court of Directors of this Company PEIIEBY GIVE NOTICE, that they have this day

... made a ''flier CALL of FIVE POUNDS per SHARK on the Capital **°ck of this Corporation ; and the Shareholders are requested S Pay the same on their respective Shares on or before the ith dayof January next, to Messrs. Robarts, Curtis, Robarts, •-wtis, and Co. .°n paying the aliove Call the receipts for the 451. per Share, ?? paid, must be given up In exchange for other receipts lC 'uding ...

? t£A.M to INDIA, via Alexandria. — Arrange- .„,. foi the February Trip. — The Peninsular and Oriental ..

... new steam-ship LADY MARY WW I.I'vVAKD COOPER, Commands], of 250 horsepower, inmodation for passengers, will start with the if February, leaving Southampton on Uie Ist and Fal- -2d of that moath for Gibraltar, where the mails and -, will be transferred to the 'Great) Liverpool, winch will tartfoi Maltaand Alexandria. Passengers for India uiaj avail themselves of tin- Company's mail steamers ?? ...

Published: Tuesday 18 January 1842
Newspaper: Morning Post
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 20463 | Page: Page 1, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 


... Bcr.mmo aif Idiot to Df.ath. —Thr DufJin Erming Mail states that Mr. Magann, at whose house this occurrence is said to have taken place, is now in Dublin, in state great mental agony, at the charges brought against him ; and then proceeds to relate the following particulars of the affair : In the first place, the unfortunate person who has fallen victim to intemperance was not an * idiot boy,’ ...


... APPREHENSION OF A GANG OF ROBBERS THIS CITY. Friday night last, four fellows, named Thomas Squires, Ivan Hardwick, John Attwood, and John Brooks, tdius threefingered Jack, the heroes of most of the robberies which have alarmed the neighbourhood of this city, were captured by most skilful ruu- of our city police, more particularly the vigilant Inspector, Phillips. Sargeants Sanders and Cbipp, ...

Published: Thursday 20 January 1842
Newspaper: Worcester Journal
County: Worcestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1076 | Page: Page 2 | Tags: Classifieds