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... FAShION4AND 'ARERTIES. WsINDSO-FRIDAY. This morning her Majesty walked on the Terrace Wtith his Royal Highness Prince Albert. In the afternoon ihe the Queen and the Prince walked in the royal pleasure grounds. l Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent took walking exercise. The Hon. Sarah Mary Cavendish arrived at thecastle, to-day, on a visit to her Majesty. Viscount Melbourne is expected to ...


... -PdEWiY3EAINt'-fiBAY MIRJ INGS. Tmu riflies apace-irnd into the swelling tcrhtr Of tile past etemity lrath.dropt another year Of sin and sorrow, siekldness and shame, (creat tlroljblnas ofanmbitiongreat defeats, (-Crcat rhowingatief man's goodncss, but too rare! And yet 'tis but one year I-Almighty God ! O what a compound is tly creature man! In the green spring-timne like a littic bud, Feeble ...


... FJSSHION AND YARIETZES. i WINDSOSS, SATURDAY. Ner Majesty, accompahied by his Royal Highness Pritce Albert, walked for some time in the new pleasure grounds this morning. Viscount M elbourne arrived at the Castle, by invitation, this evening, and will have the honour of joing the royal dinner party. Hi, Excellency the Lord Lieutenant, accompanied by his gmisble Lady, the Countess De Grey, paid ...


... THE THEATRESLONDON. DRURY-LANE. - CHRISTMAS PANTOMTMES. To those who are lovers of the drama, who are in- terested in its progress, who are anxious to see it as- sume an important aspect, to see it cease to become a mere amccsemcet, on the same level with cribbage or all fours, and really take its position as the highest literary effort, the opening of Drury-lane as an addi- tional theatre for ...


... THIE MISLETOE. A IPROi'PHRT sat iil the Temple gate, And lie spoke cach passer by In thrilling toncs-with words of weiglht- And firc In his rolling esc. .'arse ttiee, Iclieeinq Jew ! -Aor 1alU/S one slej ooand Until thy hieart latd conned Tiz 7'crystery tf) ?? weand, And a rod froxii his robe lie drew;- 'Twas a vithered bough, Torn long ago i ,corn tih trunk on whichI it grew. 13ut the ...


... LITRRATURN. I -0 THE DUBLIN MONTHLY MAGAZINE. The Citizen, or Dublin M)nthly Magazine, appears in a new and greatly-improved form at the opening of the new year, and, dropping the former part of the title, will be hencefot th known by the latter and more appropriate and significative portion of it. With so much of novelty in its (ame, with a new aspect as regarls its shape and pages, with ...


... LITRAXTUAR. (No 12.) THE UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE This magazine begins tbe new year with, a good average number. Both the etching and memoir of Sir William Rowan Hamilton are among the very best which have appeared in the series of Our Porttait Gallery The account which is given of the scientific discoveres of Ott Irish Astronomer Royal will be read Pith universt irte rest. The Chapters on ...


... PAS4IoN AN1I rxIRIBIma& WINDSOR-SUNDAY. This morning her Majesty, his Royal Highness Prince LJ Albert, her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, And the itI whole of the Court, attended divine service in the' private gu chapel of the castle. Prayers were read by the Arehdeacon, to Wilberforce, who afterwards preached an eloquent and P imprsssive sermon from the 2d chapter and the 19th verse of ...


... FASHION AND AJR18RTIRS wl ItDSOD TURSDAY. F This morning her Majesty and his Royal Highness Prince Albert took their usual walking exercise. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent walked rt s Datchet, and returned to the Castle in a pony phaeton. I Lord Byron has succeeded Viscount Sydney as the Lord in Waiting on her Majesty, and Sir F. Stowin has Aucceededi Admiral Sir Robert Otlayas the ...


... IIP is gonc-thie Year !-I am free o am free! To revel again in my majesty. At the hour of his birth I hastened forth From my crystal halls in the gelid North. A ud the sun look'd palo at each frozen gem On my own imperial diadern, For ie bathi small power with me. And I prankt it rare, for I chilled the skies, And the erowded heartlis ot tile human styes, And blistered vith kibes both thle ...


... I F.4SM1ON .IND VJ4AR)RTIES'. WINDSOR, WEDNEsDmY. Her Majesty and His Royal Highness Prince Albert walked on the terrace this morning. Afterwards the Prince, attended by the Esrl Delawarr, Lord Chatles Wellesley, the Righ; lion. Sir Robert Peel, Colonel Bouverie,. and Mr. George Edward Anson, en- joyed several hours' shooting over Norfolk Farm. The Earl of Lincoln and Lady Clementira Villiers ...


... FASHION TnD rARlETIES. WINDSOR, FRIDAY. Her Majesty, accompanied by his Royal Highness Pr;i Albert, walked on the terrace both in the yxorting ?? in, the afternoon. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent has not left the Castle during the day. The Eail of Lincoln has taken his departur it is gratifying to state that the infant Prince and Prin. cess are enjoying excellent health. BIRTHDAY OF ...