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... A it tit 'itre . Poemts; by Rolert ANcoll-Tait, Edinburgh. There is a melancholy intcroht attached to this volume. Its author died early. Just as his vigorous mind had gallantly suc- ceeded, in a great measure, in obtaining the mastery over ad- verse circumstancesa-ust as his writings had begun to give the world assurance of a poet-the frail body proved unequal to the demands upon its ...


... LIZTZRlARS VARIETZES. IA GOLDErN BULE.-rn reflections on the absent, go) no farther than YOUL would if they were present. I resolve,' says Bishop Beveridge, 1never to speak of a man's virtnes befare hise face, nor of his faults behind his back, A rule, the observ- ance of which would, at one Stroke, banish from society beth fiattery~and defamation. Guurg.-Giiilt, though it may attain ...


... ?? VARIHTIES. Time is gtiven us that we may loketrare of eternity, arnd etcrnity will not lie too long to regret the loss of orr time, if we hiave mis-spent it. AlAC .iTiMAiTL OF BEUROVEANS.-he subject of religion, brings to mind a curiolus belief which exists among the Arabs, viz., that we in England are not Christians entirety, but of an ?? soinething between Christians and Mahonietans. They ...


... t t C V t? U ?* ),'cacd; its 'cody, fjhai'as'trs', de. PA.' Air. react sIb's. S. a flail. Part X V.- ilisic & Parsons, London. 'Ilse 1s'escsst part contains sonic incerostiiig isifoisnatico con- oseetod with tiso Wickloxv gold soisses mci the peat bogs of ire- laud , i sts's'snixeul wit Ii in agiecahiC prepostion of anecdote anti leg''x' lore, Tsixvss'ds the elose of thu naniber aro ...


... Voctrp. A SACRED LYRIC. GRoACOus Source of orerv joy! Thoulgits of thec sey heart employ: Ever bolunttous-ecr kinm, ; Let my tlooghts acceptance find. For ?? blessingo thoul hast selit- For the ?? thou host lent- For the friends tbat life elicheer, Hear my heart felt praises-hear! May thy kind protecting poaser Shield me in each dtasgerous bour,- May that pesce the righteous knowe Into my ...


... 'Fl'lE IRESPONSE. If; itei5 Oil ?? of ?? Oractslonzs delieerjj ini the GOioto1ona' Houese oJ' Pairliament. 'iusperisi Eurypyloin scitatum erartila Phiabi N\itilnias; lisqee adlytis haocc tristia dlicta rcportat..Enridoe, Lii, t?. Wc aenit Eur? pelus to leans) what an~swer us aflbrds Aolmlo's oralel; nnd hec britigs us back ?? choerle~is wvords. Hc wordr ItS, bos -he wvords us, that wec should ...


... Voetrp. TO AN INFANT PLAYING WITH A ROSE-BUB. FAin child, what dost thou with that fragile flower ?- A beauteous blossom, emblem apt of thee, Phick'd from its parent stem within this rour- Soo00 svil it fade, and dead aad peuisil'd be. SoD too, woull'st thou-torn from thy parents' arms- nkintk iearly, premature decay; Lost to their anxious eyes, thy bedding charrms Would In their absence pine ...


... I. TmRARY VARI T1S. MATRM~v aON'IAL SUeLrCS.'On the slightest misunderstand.l WIo, instead of udvisitsg, or quarreling, they becoule sulky, and' 'l eoy their recrimitnations. in silent dignity for ?? toethr. I T'is annoays the .wife dolightfully ;it vexes lidr, asid brigs oat, lin active oporcition, all the peevishness in hear nature. Bat will Site yield? No! Shte will -fret. likewise, und ...


... it e tit, r e. The Poetical fflars of Thnoras C/hatterton. with Notices of his E Life.-Printedlfor W. P.'Grout, Cambridge. These volumes ?? a 'ational and an intensuly local liter. est. II the language of the editor- To gratify that elass of n readers who recogniso, in the stady of tn, the )i)oper anld I most ennobling study of their raco, and who fnlid a delight in I |examining ilitoi the ...


... MITESAR&T VARIETIES. . DRUNKENNESS No EXCUSE.-A man may be violent and aroutrageous in his liquor, but wine seldom makes a gentleman a blackguard, or fuistgates a loyal anto to itter sedition. Wine unveils the passions and throws away restraint, but it does not create habits or opinions which did not previously exist in the ?? Walter Scott. SOUND AND LIGHT.-Slr John Herschel says that thunder ...

The Fine Arts

... ,Vtbe efnt arto. PROTOGRAPIEC PORTRAI=uRE. Among the many wonderful discoveries of modern sctence, we doubt if there be one more seemingly miraculous in its no ture, and presenting a wider field for investigation and researcb, than the system of photogratphic portraiture. A power by whioh we are enabled to impress on the polished surface of a plate of metal-in a few seconds of time, and by the ...


... it erattr c. England in thme Ninecteenth Cenmtury- Parts V.-Hows & Parsons, London. The present pert of the southern division rontains some tin. terestjsg- land instructive particulars relmative to the working of tise far-fansed Cornish mines. According to the plan prescribiort to themselves by thoe projectors of this excellent publication, Cornweall1 is concluded by a mruse of statistical ...