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... THE SMITHFIELD CATTLE SHOW. The Cattle Show this year exceeds in the appearance of the spelinmens, both of oxcn and sheep, the show of last vear. There are this year finer (that is to say, larger and fiittcr) oxen than any which were then exhibited. Ne believe last year there was a sort of inurrain amongst the kine, froml which this year they have been exempt. The sheep also are filler than ...


... Abhotesford Editiotn.-We congratulate alike thepublish- er and the public upon the appearance of Nos. 1 to 10, inclusive, of the Pictorial Waverley-a work abound- ing in the most exquisite engravings upon steel and wood, of the most reiparkable and interesting localities and per- sonages in the Waverley novels. This edition of the works of Sir Walter Scott will comprise upwards of two ...


... ILITh1IAlTVUE. The Abbotsford Edition of the Waverley Navels, CADELL, Edinburgh.-The first volume of this splendid work includes Waverley and Guy Mannering, with ten engravings on steel representing places where the scenes in the novels are laid, ind upwards of two hundred illus- trations on wood, principally from curiosities in the halls of Abbotsford, forming altogether a most interesting ...


... A LAY OF THtE LEAGUE. The following from Blacivood for this month is a good song, and in true tone and time:- AIR- Greel ?? I'll sing you a song of n worshiplful set, Who have done us some favours we s,,ould't forgct Such makers of mischief I neverhave met, Which nobody can deny. If You wish me to tell it, the League is their name, Who long shall enjoy Erntostratus' fame, Which consisted, you ...


... It was the intention of certain respectable inhabitants of the parish of St. Saviour's, Southwark, to give a perform. ance of sacred music in that church, for the benefit of the parochial and national schools. That intention having reached the ears of the Bishop of Winchester, the right rev. prelate has comsmanded that no such performance shall take place. The following handbill and ...


... TIPETFotb WOOL FAIfT. Irhis annual mart for the sale of wool, established by the late lamented Lord Leicester, was held at the Town Hall, Thet ior, on Friday last. Sir W. B. M. Folkes, Bart., as In the chair 'The dinner, which was served ul in ex- cellent style, was supplied by Mr. J. Edwards. of the Bell t Inn, Thetford- Amongst the buyers present were Mr. Gardiner, Mr. Revans, Mr. Moyse, Mr. ...


... To Edmotad Wodehouse, Esq., X. . f(!hairman of the Norvich Festival committee.J MY Dajkrt SiR,-The near approach of the Festival calls upon me to report to the Committee the completion of those arrangements with whice I have been intrusted, and which, I venture to think, will be found to be such as to sustain its present high reputation. Frout the commencement of our triennial meetings in 1821 ...


... (Ferom the London and Paris Ladies' ilfaazine of F2ashioim.) 31oasselinos de ?? ?? to he entirely replaced among, the more elegant Parisian belles by tcyoee, nmade either of worsted and silk, or all worsted, whicli, with oryanidys de laoqe, tafpitas glace, ?? watered or iliustres, barpo trn d'ete, &c., &e., now dividcefavour. Most of the materials for drcsses this Spring are either striped, ...


... LOX¢DON TtIATIVtS THE CHRISTMAS PANqOMIMES. .-ant~i~liiiS are graveiattes now-a-days! Very little . roaring, or gigging, or agmrnid or any frivolity of that ,sort, is to be~got ?? of a modern narlequinatde. You may h;tave grandeur enough, and machiner enough, and pos- . ures enough, but as fora good side spittig laugh, if such aithing occurs four times In a panto asts. three . hours, the ...


... AlME19 Suggested by the laying oftloe Foundation Stone* of Trood- bridge New Church, dedicated to St. JMhm the Baptist. Except the Lord build the house, their labour ix but lost that build ?? ANCIENT OF DAYS W We build on thee! Thou art our chief foundation stone; Our strong cement is unity, Our rock of ages, OURIST alone. Sole arbiter of earthly things ! Eteizal, bountiful, and great! LORD OF ...


... 1ATEUALTIME. ABBOTSFORD EDITION OF THE WAVlERTEY NOVELS. Cadetl, Edinburyk.-Since our last notice of this unique publication it has progressed with great spirit and variety, in respect of the embellishiments, In No. XV., now be- fore us, there is a beautiful steel engraving .of the Vale of Manor Water, Peebleshire; and of the illustrations on wood, those of Saunders Mlucklebacket mending his ...


... LITER ~AT1URE. Sl, ntertlzsd .',AtiquJitieS f Ireulund. Part XIL. VuITcE, Ivy-lane._We have before had occasion to notice this valuable work, and to commend it to the notice of our veaders. The present number bringsA with it increased at- tractions, containing, as it does, splendid engravings it the Itemainsof Kilcolman Ca'ile.-Lismore Castle, Scene at Gougane Blarra, and the Gap of ...