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... IL1 ct -. ?? DO NOT SAY TIIHAT it IATWi (MIOWS'S VON II. A tiAlLAl', ( DieTlwn, the ?? Bard.) (.iI d10 not soly tbat 1,011e grows lorfdor, %VWhicb shuns its idol now wni 111011 fleorins which canI over idly woider, IAlight rove0 lillt 0ot ret(urn klgil 1Nr is it rtI, to slay ffectiont Li 11e April-voither c lwn1getbI soon That hierts straillnger to perfeclion, \V bicl) li rlis lote's bri ...

Literary Notices

... UitcraiJ) r 'SOtiKcr. THiE MAGAZINES, I:ASEt.-There are fluctuntions in Literature as in every olher marketable commiodity-this time tit average crul), the rnext a scanty one, and by und bye these comes tn abundant one, It is the very nature of things that this diversity should be, and therefore it is hardly fair to infer from one or more deficient harvests, that the heart is taken quitoout uf ...


... J)tc t V). To) MY,1EF .,II(Ti0 : E R'S VICP21'U1 I:.. ?? Lady Halrriette D Oi'sey. I g zot upon thy ciilmi, still face, And love its linetiilotits to Irlipe, Nitilt thlir sw0eet mild inourniful grilce, I itok into liose rlarkl dteep eyes, \'liars suitlth a spell (itd sweetiess lies, And tears into minie owl' irite. Atl then I Ion6 my bead to rest Uptolt that faiir and lovitig briast, And in ...


... ?? ?? HOW' THE SEA MAKETHi SAl) MOAN. f BY JAMES BRiUTON. IN How the sca mnaketh sad moan, n As if voices be in its depth unknown; b Howling, howling, on for ever, ti For the rest that shall come never! b Nos it sreams, as if it had breath- it f:i, (erre1 i- ?? of a Soul near death g i>4Kl~tsl;: s lriclkig, ill its illadliess, i'oi aI tniri:rdloi'd sadness. h ?N ., Iipi , ?? it sco'i'l' tO ...

Literary Notices

... -. - ?? - ?? - - iii-irrarp Notirro. The? For07tunes ?? eclior O' Halloran7 and his Man illark zinvion tl 'oole. By J1.11H. AIViEiLLa ( I30oi. ?? naiie at Maxsvvll, asssraiaed as it is wiith I his ?? -ioriasof IWatrlaoojis a sugivitoe gaarsalee oar ihi, tnw wvnork, hic h, a ar the fash ion of' Dickens, is publishinig is luoialitly parts ; sad. firile lite cele- a brated Iluz is being fieted ...


... Double moire brochee silks, moire de Ninon, moire Pompadour, Pekin chin6 rayti, Pekiu A In reine, romab Chin6 gros de Naples broch6, in new designs and great variety; foulards with designs a Is guipure, renaissance, arabesque, regence, and bar6ges, botb of silk and worsted, constitute the fashionable materials of dress. TIhe weather hls been too cold to admit of much change in out-door costume ...

Literary Notices

... iltararp N'Olifro. THliE l.OVEIIS OF) VIRE. 1TA II. r. J.SIliS, tlIQ. The son was shininig ai fair as the sun coldil thine on a beautiful .avy nornillg; bright, vet *etntle warill, but deali mi dwav betwteii the Nvatering-pot of April, and the w~arminfg-pall of J I~ll,-EV.'lOll, iII ?? beautifill valle' of VAire- evurv body know's Vire--bht, lest there should be anv bodv in the wide world ?? ...


... wortip. A SONG AFTER A TOAST. If he to whom this toast wve drink Olath ?? thie needy to his door, Or raisede the wretch froi;t ruin's brink With the abun dance of his store; If be hath sootli'd the miriier's woe, ?? help'd vouriu merit into fomnc, This nizlit o6u et eps shall overflow In ho;-otr of his rltiae. If he e poolo and yet haiti ttrivetn To ease the kcad of hiontol I a0 ca If to the ...


... £- 1.- - ?? 'I ll 1:; E W\ - I) R O Y I R:aw dew-drop, cool ond clear. Dntce on a- myrtle !:prav s GRs coloart declkd the iuc;id tear, lotcc those vhich gleira and disoapptiar Wthe Ilmooers and stilbeamne play, ?? .Is othwvart n glinccro, And scorched the pearl away. fligh on a slender polished state A ?? ?? grew On the ptore petals mesly a gcm CGltttCrd, ai native diadem Ohlicalthy morling ...


... P 0 ET Y. Al0'J'i 'l ?? E'1' T) \WAl.ES. PI% (I g Iol ?? Wa\',s ! t'lo II Ea!'l( I: I 1( ?? ! j T9,111.1'd- (Aj'l hox elopw' li tI eittd ?? 111111 tit tittfi Ct iten 10, I ll illt tild muciulls, ?? ?? IImii. s ,1;, lit i tl ll ?? ?? IhirI! 'l.lli liii le' (V!ii StIilt Si l'iii~'t]t~llS- l I ti ' It I iti l: l i iI ]s II I II 1'S 1, ?? E S 1I. Iti IS II ai III rs- m -I , II I i,- re oolwi we ...

Literary Notices

... Atirl'itVI) WOWCO. ('iq I MitSTIA NM ks1) .II:; tMS . P(mn leildrei, lxiiig (it A rraeitii. iver l' Ofi iliti'ud- neg the l.racelites friomi the aitaclis of the le'Vgv, Whi %% Vei U illf iessaiRlI toeniC otilig hiu to insist titi Ihe iisittit, ti'lv-el or voliitalV, i)f all Jews- 011( ?? sent tor the Hill priest, Alid ConsIlt- -sr l)io iii ?? tleitest n1-alt s otroduc hi is floih ill- tlit ...


... vortrp. NEW READING FROMI LAMLA ROOKIt. 'Tr:as eer ths ointl ellillhood's 'toor I'NU SCye II 1ty ?? hol)es deciay I olever ?? d a tree or flower, Ilt 'NtwIS thetc filst to 0lhde aidly! Artd ontw, ?? IIIy st ?? I tolell, III goldull sov'reiigls, pure and bI ight, lv wayvvardltess of ate jc skIdt, '1ple' tWA .jYs liltppent to be liglt ! ,sON(GS OF TlIlE SEE1D1Y. Wheln t It illtp is frvsh kipoit ...