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... I - I would a whip were placed in every honest band, To lash such rascals naked through the world. TO THE EDITOR OF THE NORTHERN STAR. MY DEAR SIR,-Allow me tbrough your columns to lay before the readers of the Star the following case of rascally oppression, the subj~et of which is a wortby fellow, highly respected here, a native of Nottingham, larried, and having a family of three children. ...


... e ' DESTRUCTION OF THE CITY OF HAMBUHGH he so BY FIRE. id (From the Times of Wednesday.) he W The steamer Caledonia, Captain Cheesman, from ,k, Hamburgh, has brought the afflicting account of the bydestruction of that ancient town. A letter, dated Sa- IV turday, 9 30 a.m., says- ee The prisons are en fire. Ael Three o'clock p.m-St. Jacob's church is on fire. IAl the hotels are down, and I ...


... MR. O'CONNOR'S YORKSHIRE TOUR, CON. JR TINUED FROM OUR LAST. Ih MY DEAR FP.XNDS,-It was briefly noticed in last week's Star, that I visited Bingley on Wednesday to last; but it was not stated that I addressed the eon- , gregated thousands at considerable length ; and, t still more curious to relate, I was requested by the b, Chartists to comment upon the Whigs' last stretch. s3 Now, what will ...


... THE NORTHERN STAR. SATURDAY, JULY 16,1842. THE MIDDLE CLASS MOVEMENT AND THE RIGHT MODE OF' TREATING IT. NoTrHING can be more important than that the people should rightly understand and duly appre- eiate the disposition now manifested by a portion otf the middle classes to raise an outcry for ex- tended: suffrage. We are quite aware that by some (itmiiy be' hoeest-minded but we must think ...


... WATKINS' LEGACY To THE CHARTISTS. INTRODUCTORY LECTURE TO CHARTISM BEING THE SIXTH AND LAST, WHICH SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRST OF THE SERIES. I would we were all of one mind and one mind goo&-SHiARSPEARE. The Charter, in Its present pointed form, was the oM spring of a Workingren's Association in London-of a few Radicals of the old school, who, not content with the Reform Bill, wished for a more ...

Chartist Intelligence

... ECbartit 3EftUiaent. CRELTENHAIVI. QRAIND DEMONSTRATION AND PUBLIC MEET. ING, AND TRIUMPHANT ENTRY OF FEARGUS O'CONNOR, ESQ., ATTENDED BY UPWARDS OF TWENTY THOUSAND PERSONS. It having been understood in the latter part of last week, that the champion of the people's ease would pay Cheltenham a visit, on Monday the 18oh, notwithstanding the shortness of the notice, we lost no time in making ...

Chartist Intelligence

... ebartiot Euttufativet. CHELTENHAM. GIBAND DEMONSTRATION AND PUBLIC MEET. ING, AND TRIUMPHANT ENTRY OF FEARGUS O'CONNOR, ESQ., ATTENDED BY UPWARDS OF TWENTY THOUSAND PERSONS. It having been understood in the latter part of last week, that the champion of the people's cause would pay Cheltenham a visit, on Monday the 18bh, notwithstanding the shortness of the notice, we lost no time in making ...

Chartist Intelligence

... Cba't(ot Entenigece. NEESTON, (NEAR NOTTINGIIADI.)-Mr. W. D. Taylor delivered a leeture at the above place on Tuesday evening week. 3INGLEY.-DELEGATE MEETING.-A delegate ineeting was held at this place on Sunday last, when The following delegates were present:-Keighley, Mr. Joseph Firth; Haworth, Mr. Archibald Leighton; :Bingley, Mr. Wmn. W. Tipping; Shipley, Mr. George 33ateson; Silsden, Mr. ...

To Readers and Correspondents

... go MeaUrO any correopotment0i I ?? FROST, WILLIAMS, AND JONES.-Mr. T. P. Green, of No. 1, Bath-street, Birmingham, requests the rela. tions, friends, neighbours, and acouaintances in Wales, or those of any part of England, Scot- land, or elsewhere, to furnish him with as many particulars as possible of their life, character, political traits, biograpical sketches, the political persecutions ...


... The following is a copy of a petition which was pre- sented to the House if Commons by Mr. Wakley, on the 3jd of May, from the LAtter-Press Printers of London:- To the Rigsht Ho nouorab!e rnd Honousrable ?? Commons of th/e UnRdied Kingdom of Great Brifain and leland, in Paerlialriemg assrnmied. The Hnumble Petltijonof the Members of the Press Departmient of the Printing i3ueinces, ?? by Steanm ...


... SHE!FIELD - EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM SAMUEL HOLBERRY . e York Castle, May 24th, 1842. I 4M My DEAR HARN EY,-I received yours of thg 22ad, and am sorry to inform you that I g et worse In health evesy day; I cannot digest Buficient food to support my body; and all the medicine I have taken Ia not in the least benefited me; my side is very bad, E and the blisters, & c seem to do Itno good. I am ...


... MR. O'BRIEN AND HIS V INDICATION. - I TO THE EDITOR OFl THE NORTHIERN. STA.R- DUaLR SIR.-laving.lately had the distinguished honiour of proposing that. noble rdvocate of the I people's rights, Feargus O'Connor, Esq.4 as a fit and c proper person to represent this borough in Parlia- t ment. feeling-great attahmsent-to that gentleman for his services as well as to yoursolf, tha Arorthern t ...