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Advertisements & Notices

... 33nisToxL a& EXETER M1zLVAWAT. CONTRACT FOR WORKS. N OTICE is hereby given, that the Directors of Nothis Company will be ready to receiveat their OFFIcrtE, No. 30, BROAD-STILEET, Bristol, on FRIDAY,the 12th of August next, at or before 12 o'clock, TENDERS for the following Contracts:- t TUNNEL CONTRACTS, No. 1, 2, 3, and 4. Consisting ofthe Sinkingof Shaftsand Completion of the respective ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - -/FURS. RRElDUCTION O.F D-UTY! M~/ ESSRS. LAWSON & CO., Fun MANUFACTURERS, in announcing their REMOVAL from 18, c ,ARE STREET, to 26, COLLEGE-GREEN, the Premises formerly occupied by Messrs. GofF and Co., re invite the attentio of their Friends and the Public to their Newly.nsanifactured STOCK, which they are ntit o s TflE LFAROEST AND oST HAIONABLE THAT HAS EVER BEEN OFERr.En IN THIS ClTY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - HEA TIL-POYA-M, ZRISTOL. EXTR AORDINARY NOVELTY! An Engagement has been effected. for a Few Nights, with the Pantomimist and CLOWN, Mr. VIELAND, Whose Extraordinary Performances have elicited the Unanimous Approbation of Crowded Audiences at the Theatre-Royal, Drury-Lane. He will make his First Appearance this Season in an entirely NEW COMIC PANTOMIME, called, - PEPING 8TOM OF COVENTRY, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SOLD BY AHCr I ON, J By Mr. W. LANCASTER, On the PREMsnIS, on TUESDAY Next, Sept. 27th. ALL the Neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, TwA excellentA FEW PICTUORES. TwoeAcellent IRON REPO SITORIES , C MAHOGANY COt u FIXTNHOUSE DESKS, CouPair-oufTRCS oe XTURES, Two PairoFTRUCKS, One DRAY, LOT OF HARNESS, HYDROMERER, Adair of Dueoine PISTOLS, VoOLe IN and CASE, A nd various other EfSfeto ers oa eronremovin- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;^NEW LONDON HAT DEP0'r, N0 Z|5, UN!ON-5T1@;EET5 Pacilg the En;1d Of Winle-Streelt. STE ADMAN begs to intimtate to the Nobility, (Gentry, arid Public generally of Bristol, Clifton, and 5 Ea~rrvftO that hne hias Openled the shove Premises for the Sale of Loadon-mnade BEAxVER, GOSSAMER, and PRSHAT'S, whbich, for Quaaiity, Price, and Style, cannot be surpassed by tany House in the Trade. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE CH APEST ONLY IN TiE NUFAC/RfNG135T,4BjlSI~dIEN~ifg YWEST OF ENGLAND, IS -MANUFC IING ESTABLI8SHMEN : 4 MAY E R S' I8ONDON LOOSZIG - GLASS WAREHOUSE 8, CLARE-STREET, and 22, ST. JAMES'S BARTON, TOP OF BARR's LANE AND CORNER OF ST. JAMES's SQUARE, BRISTOL. Al/ MAYERS begs most respectfully to inform tile Nobility, Gentry, and Public in general, of Bristol, LV Clifton, and surroundins ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTANT TO FAMILIES AND PARTIES FURNISHING. ,3ISTOL C3lE[ZN.& ANBD GLASS WA MMOUSEv / No. 3, SAINT JAMES'S BARTroN, (ADJeNINtG TRAPNELL S CABINET MAmJurACTORSY), #*E CHEAPEST DEPOT IN THE WEST OF ENGLAND FOR BEST GOODS. / . 1]iI SOMERTON begs to announce to the Nobility, Gentry, and the Public of Bristol, Clifton, and mLe their Vicinities, that, for their better accommodation, she has ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of f rts, So8lenes, and blandfaiziftures, AT THE HORTICULTURAL ROOMS, tpSofP ofur-S'RtE rT, UN DER THE MANAGE-MENT OF THE COM MITTEEOF THEB ISTOL MECHANICS' INSTITUTION. HIS Exhibition contains a Ribbon Loom at T Work, Livery Laee-Loom; also a Lace Maker, and Wire Worker ; with Lithographic and Letter . Press Printing, Wood Engraving, and a Fountain, with a num- ber of beautiful Jets, a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TE? TOU?T, R OW? AND'S MACASSAR OIL, a vegetable production, is universally admired, and acknowledgel to tie the best and cheapest Article for nourialmiisg the 1-lAIR; prevents it from falling oil' or turning greq, changes grey hair to its original colour, produces and re- stores HAIR (even at a late period of life), frees it frota SCURF, and renders the most harsh and dry iair as soft as Silk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7Ij3poRTANT AND EXTRAORDINA:RY,' ;,' SALE or ~pAISZAN AND LONDON, . ' ' 29, COLLEGE-GREEN (Next. the Mayor's Chel) bwm~tjne the following List, the Proprietors feel persuaded that, fot NOVELTY of MATERIAL, J i N SU E rtENT IN VARlETY, andMODERAI'E PRICES, they can defycompetiton. Rich Silk or Satin Bonnets .1. IB 6 Blonde Dress Cap .. 9 Rich Silk Velvets, fully Trimmed .21 6 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE - ROYAL, BRISTOL. %iAND PnOMflNADE CON:CERTS. EVERY EVENING, EXCEPT SATURDAY. * compliance With the request of several Families ighest respectability. HERR ITJEN will play on MOeNAr pad TUESDAYE, the 14th and 15th of November, iha R nDS EOnN OF MUSIC will be performed, including the fallowN S Celebiaite OVERTU *m1R - C. C Figaro, Les DexNe,.eTeetIBaer,.czrmie AFd, by Particarre Deash ...

Advertisements & Notices

... i+ gahted. Middle-aged PERSON, conversant with the A OIL or DRUG TRADE to Travel, attend to Counting-house Business, &c. Applications by letters, paid, to Z., at th.9&8st-Oflice, Bristol, vill be attended to. WAN 2 -- D, Re Pcctable MAN, of good address, industrious habits, and without encumbrance, to introduce an Ar- ticle, in much request (in the couities ,f Wilts and Hants), for which a ...