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... rSTRAORDINARY PERFORMANCE-THEATRE, I FISHA MBLE-STIIEET. The ruined theatre in Fishamble-street-which, for the tt last two months, has been devoted exclusively to the do. ?? purposes of mice, rats, and other vermin-was las A night devoted to a more ignoble use, and was desecrated In la being made the scene of the insane caperinga and tumbling5 a 0f tbe Protestant operatives of the city, who ...


... FASLUON AND VARIETIES. WIcetos3, SUNDAY. This morning her Majesty, his Royal Highness Prince Albert, her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent and suite, attended divine service at the private chapel in the Castle The Rev. William Canning officiated. The Rev. William Canning will have the honour of join ing the royal dinner circle this evening. On TueEday next her Majesty and his Royal Highhets ...


... I F.4SM1ON .IND VJ4AR)RTIES'. WINDSOR, WEDNEsDmY. Her Majesty and His Royal Highness Prince Albert walked on the terrace this morning. Afterwards the Prince, attended by the Esrl Delawarr, Lord Chatles Wellesley, the Righ; lion. Sir Robert Peel, Colonel Bouverie,. and Mr. George Edward Anson, en- joyed several hours' shooting over Norfolk Farm. The Earl of Lincoln and Lady Clementira Villiers ...


... THE. LATE FANCY aBALL. We are not aware that there was anything offenisive or irritating in the allusion made to: Mr. John Vance in the notice of the fancy ball at 'j the Rotundo, upon Monday night last, which ap- peared next morning in this journal. The Mail has so characterised it, but, in our minds, most unjustly. But supposing that anything offensive or irritating towards Mr. Vance had ...


... FASHI ONABLE INTELLIQE~yO - Hls~ Serene: Highness the Hereditary Prince sq Mfecklcnburrg.Strelitz arrived at Lecds on Thursda~ I to meet his Royal Higiruess Prince George of Cambridge ani, Ca 0 Frijay his royal highness, as colonelI of the 17th iLancerg, iewed that fine cavalry regiment on Woodhrouse moori the presence of the hereditary prince. c .The Earl and Countess of Charleville and Lady ...


... FASHION AND ARiIEB prime WiNDSOR, TUESDAY. of the His Excellency le Comte de St. Aulaire, the French Am. where bassador, the Earl of Aberdeen, and Lord Ashburton ,r almost rived at the Castle to-day, on a visit to her Majesty. sposed Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, Lady C. Dundas, Lady Lyttelton, and the llonourahle Williajn and ~arly- Lavinit Lyttelton, will join the Toyal dinner ...


... FASHION AND VARIETIES milt WINDSOC, TUESDAY, the The Queen and Pritece Albert, the Hereditary Prince Ind and Prhicess of Saxe Coburg Gotha, walked this mornieg de to Adelaide-lodge and Frogmore, and returned to the Castle tu. in pony phaetons. iad About two o'clock in the afternoon her Royal 3Ij ing the Duchessof Kent arrived at Frogmore-lor e at0 11me by Lady Charlotte DuIndas and Sir George ...


... FASHION AND vARIE7lIE. The Queen and Prince Albert honoiured the tilA demy with a visit on Friday afternoon. 4~YIA5 Thle royal party arrived in Trafalgar.Ijarqi5 tre t royal carriages, at one o'clock, and weeltieof Sir Martin Archer Sliee, ?? ert reteiv1I who conducted her Majesty and the Prince cadein thre Lbi different schools. Her Royal Hligliness the1 Kent, attended by Lady Anne laria ...


... i . FFASHIONABLE INTBLL His Royal Highness the Duke of Susse Duchess of Inverness leave Castle Howard, the seat of of Carlisle, early in the ensuing week, for Wobil, 4fhefi honour the Duke and Duchess of Bedeford With tleir bbe), Earl and Countess Cowper, 'who, with 1,dP'l Lady Mary Vyner are still staying with his Excellen * at Countess De Grey, at the Viceregal Lodge, and wijeyta,12 week ...


... ;JITEAT URE. AlNSWFORTII S IAGAZINE. (ullghangl and Mortimer, London.) ,,e present number of Ainstorth's Magazine is one of re tnrdiav merit, containing a delightful collection torepnr, assorted with such judgotent as to suit the tastes Ih e of the literary public. Mr. Ainsworth's clever Ol c oe Mliser's VDan.lster occupies the post of ho- nd progrseses in interest page by page. The chap- ers ...


... Sheridan Knowles's new play, T/re Rose of Aragon, wa produced hero on Saturday night in a style highly creditable to the manager, with great eclat to the principal performers, and in a manner, on the whole, most satisfactory to the public. Before entering into the incidental particulars of the performance, it may not be amiss to give an outline ef the plot or story of the play:- Ulivia (Mrs. ...


... FASRION At VA4RBIETIR. WINDSORt, TUESDAY. Her Majesty has not left the Castle today. His Royal Highness Prince Albert and suite returned to. the Castle from town at twelve o'clock last night. Her Royal Highness the Duchess of Rent, attended by Lady Fanny Howard, arrived at the Castle this morning, Lord Ormonde and Lady Lyttelton have succeeded Lord Byron and the Countess of Sandwich as the ...