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... H O OLLANSD'S IALSAK-9FS to? .±COUGHS and COLDPS. , The enty.r v ifavourof this ex- traoidinary MedicineO i Liverpolng ?? 81 Derom rexertion i n withfei ursui of t mostlively gratitude that I Convey to You A knowledge of the cure that I have obtained by the use of yourt Ho-1 land's Balsam of Spruce. I feel it incumbent upon me to make you acquainted with my case; though unwilling to pat yself ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a Meeting oJ 11 of the Inhabitants of the Town-bin of Leeds, Chargeable to the ?? or Assessments for the Repairs of the Highways thereof, will be held in the I - Vestry of the Parish Church in Leeds aforesaid, on k FRIDAY, the FiesT DAY of APRIL next, at Twelve P ?? at Noon, to audit the Aceounts of the Board of Surveyors of the said Highways, fo.r the Year ! ending ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ARTISTS OF LONDON. CONCERT and BALL will be held at theH A Political Institute, 55, Old Bailey, on Easter F Wednesday, MARCH 30th, at Eight ?? in the MD; Evening. Tickets Threepenee each, to be had of the Ce1n- Tl mittee, and of G. Wyatt, Secretary. A B Just Published, the 12th Edition, Price 4s. in a B Sealed Envelo and sent Free to any part ot the United Ki e n the receipt of a Post Off deO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Now Pablishiug, in Penny Numbers and Fourpenny Parts, VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY, COMPRISING the whole of the Six Volumes J without Abridgement. This celebrated Workis now for the first time presented to the Public in a cheap ard elegant form, printed in double nolumns, with new Type, thus forming one handsome Volume fit for any Library. THE PENNY SUNDAY CHRONICLE will also contain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NO TAXED COF FES. TjlHE great and iucreasing demand for Afes7rs. 1 CROl & TYRRELL sBItEAKFA5 i .PO'.DKLEt, and the decided preference giveai to it (o crali others where it has been once tried, at once proves it to be an article that has no eql in. the Markat, It i9 more healthful than Colfea; and does not cost one- third the price. From its hale hianerto a good round sum has accrued to the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I q ASK FOR THE ENGLISH CHARTIST v CIRCULAR! PRICE ONE HALFPENNY. a CONTENTS of Part Eight, Price sixpence:- n U O'Connor's Letters on the Land-Sketches ef the ri French Revolution by Pro Chartist-Speech of Pat Henry, the Orator of American Independence- e Horrors of Transportation-Spy System and Blood Money-Lecture, by W. Jones, (lately confined in l Leicester Gaol)-What is Blasphemy 2-An ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CHARTIST H YMN BOOK. PUBLISHED BY MR T. COOPER, OF LEICESTER IS NOW READY, and may be had of all Chartist News Agents in the Khngdom.-PascE THREE- PRNCE. N.B.-Agents are requested to remit cash with the Orders. VOLTAIRE'S PHILOSOPHICAL DICTIONARY. COMPLETE IN ONE VOLUME. T HIS CELEBRATED WORK is now publish. 1ig, in Penny Numbers, and Fourpenr.y Parts, and will comprise the whole of the Six ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IT APRIL TEA CIRCULAR. IVHE AGENTS of the East India Tea Company 11 may have TEAS at all prices, from 2000 Chests down to 6ib. bags, and three sorts as low as 3s. 10d. per lb., the minimum price, that can safely be warranted. And upon the passing of the New Tariff, Roasted Ceylon or Jamaica COFFEES at One Shilling per lb. nett cash. No. 9, Great St. Helen's Church-yard, Bishopsgate-street. 4ji ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Satisfy the mind fipst, before YoU draw upon the 7socket, and You will neither be the dupe nor victim of Professional or ?? quackery. p ADER, if yow vish to understand the natura I cause and ?? disease, read and study M'DOUALL'S , MEDICAL- TRACT, publisbed by Cleave, 1,: Shoe Lane, London. Price One Penny. Ityou wish to remove suecessfully and naturally the diseases therein described, purchase ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .&r~ maind fst, defore 'y.^idtoh fi - I V . O F .iokt n 5,yo willeA, neo-.taer bi The don. .. E ,: I.SADERsio ?? 8C3~ ullyr td the natural- .e dse e ur~ei f dsolleasl-ureL read / andl rsuy . ,LOU.WLIe MEDICALI TRACT, pubisbed' ., ?? yP : M Wo . Cie; aied .ethil, t l, L ?? ndon. te. neb :plaee all ?? -oheraafjl audenatrlly -repared B. ? MWleal prieenaetlienl Sod W11olens : AGdT:- oft. Rpiehd ...

Advertisements & Notices

... OTICE IS BEREBY GIVEN, that of Leetl Nof h xbabitant's (f, the Tc1wflhPofLen in the Borough of Leeds( eont tn to l{ - way Rate, autbofiletd to be rftfed and cte]n d. ?? auth re P rend Plovi.sions of an Act of i'er- nnder the Pomcrs andpae in the Sixth YeP1 of the Fourth, intitulad An Act tO Consolidate and Amend the Laws relatilg to Highways in that part of Great Britain called England, will ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LEEDS BOROUGH SESSIONS. o TOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the next General Q iarter Sessions of the Peace for the Borough of Leeds, in the County of' York, will be holden before TnomAs FLOWER ELLIS, the younger, E quire, Recerfer of the said Borough, at the Courtt House in Leeds, on MONDAY, the Eleventh day of April next, at Two ?? in the Afternoon, at j which time and place all Jurors, ...