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Advertisements & Notices

... 'le NEV I'XINTEB GooDs~ 's LINEN D)RAPERY EiSTABLISHMElNT, on, 51QUE'EN.STRE~T, POtR'JSEA.. A on 7 B l.AhE teosoetfully annl.ontes bi8 Returnl duriir he v . froml London, and aoljclsa thle attentionl ot' the Public to a Superior Assortment ot' every dercription of e-(1OODt:, suitable for the Scason. In nddition to the N ir, Genseral Deparrtuent, the STOCKl will be found to FLA to cupiemany ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ties- = e' ert NEW ASSEMIBLY ROOMiS. OYST41t rI STREET, PORTS31OUTll. rth, 1T11HE committee beg to announce to the Ajeimnbe rt, and Friends of' this Socicety that the FIRST at1, FAMILY BALL tbir thepresent season, is-fixedfor Tuesday, January 4, 1842. Each memberisentitled brde tohis ownfree admission and to a free ticket for one 'sird iady.-'ea and Sandvwlcheski. Gd. each. Non-nub,. aid ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO ARCHITECTS. '4EYSSEL ASPHALTE COMPANY, Claritle's j Patent, established March, 1838, for working the Miineral Asphalte Rock of Pyrimont Seyssel. This valuable material has been extensively used since its first introduction into this country for the followving purposes :-Foot pavensents, public and other; in the carriage appsroach to man- sions, garden wvalks, and terracec; the flooring of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 Ri. GILES begs respectfully to inforin the publia that Mr. Plas had no autliority to connect tho late Mr. JAnIES GILES's ilamc with his Adveiisenment in last Wveel;'s Papers. Iiiiqz-strert, 2THE CITY SESSIoNS. 71IE Clerk of t/he Peacefor the City beys to reesind -U7-ulos and all Other Pere01u who hiacne business at the City Sessioen, on M1fonday next tie Thiird of January, t.'lat ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T QS', on Monday afternoon, a large handsome Liver and Whbite Coloured SPANIEL DOG. Whoever vsd sn pososesidn of it, and will return it to Mr. J1. Cnssenore, .W~heatley, shall be paid ail reasonable expenses- and if a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SHRIVENTIAM AN NUAL DAHLIA STHOW. T IE ,Show this Season wvill take place (by the kifnd'P Tpermisision of Viscount Barrington) iii the Grounds at, Becekett, onl Thursday the Eighth of Septensber, 1042.. &p A Band will be in attendance Onl thm occasion. WOODSTOCK UNION. TO BAKERS, BUTCHEMSt, AND (.1ROCERIS. mHE Board of Guardians of this Union will mooet at T.the Board Roorm, at the Wosrkhouse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... STARE ASSEMfBLY ROOMr, OXFORtD. MIR. MAi~RSHA.2LL ]3EG S to inform the Nob~ilit y, GCDntry, and Inhab~itanlts oft tbe ILniversitv naid (ity of Oxford, that hsis ANN'UAL Bl N~l'I'r CON(SIlltT will talho place (by the h~ind permission of the Reverenld tbe V'ice-Chancetior anud the W~orshipful the M71ayor) at thse above Boom, on TUESDAY, NOVEMiBER I, 1842, for wvhichl thc followving emineont Art ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Aft'., WILLLIA1 C0s'JPRR, deceaseed. A L prsons indebted to the lnte WIoLLIoAM COOPMEs, oAV, indiush, Cvloutestersihire, tailor, are requested to pay the souls due to his Estate jeto our hands, on behalt' of thlep Executrix, witbits one month frorni this day; and the Creditors of' the deceased are requested to transmit to us particulars Of their respective demands within the esrns period. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JESSE £?OLEGRAVV'S ASSIGNMENT. N OTICE ie hereby given that JESSE COLE- GRAY E, of Silafvcrd Ferris, in the county of Oxford, butcher, bath, byan indenture. 4ated the 16th day of November lisotant, assigned all hio ?? and Effects unto John Colegrave. of Tudmartan. in the county of Oxford, farmer, and Richard Wilits, of Sihford Ferris aferessid. farmer, upon the trusts therein mentioned, far' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BAKERS. I~rANTED,-A JOURNEYMAN BAKER, that t perfectly understands his business. A good character 1ih be ?? at the Ottice of this Jourlnal ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ell ot rotah a wI Perisca seaa k fox Itin NalDIemgts. rt J OfficeOf this Irianitution will hbe ?? in IIi I)2 to be opeO'clock, asl untal Jt be gis o ci ?? le Ces # F' Iill A N IN U 2itt - iro-, Sere'tl ?? ligh O'C ofclto . recv Deius ,C. G. Books- fur the purpose of haviig Cie Intere,r added tc- ?? at tle Scenult, tied to deliver ?? Book , which were lett which oa the preceding Friday. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Genrcal Inflirmaqy and Di ieasaur C VACANCYlirvn occurree in Z offic f EHC A'10USi SUI~tcgoNto tbis Institution,hfy thle Reint resgnaion--o Alt. ?? special GN R L coet til BETINril the GOVERtNORS, will be held in worthy o t'ileC Bor Rou ?? Jutte loth, at twelve Uarden,% O'lcfrthin purpose of filling up such vacancy. IAlso, I CirndidateS titlst be Aliembers of the College of' Stir- as above, ...