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... POLICE IrWTEZ.LIGEIrCE. Cove'aU-llo U.51?, BRiSTsoL, MTIIRADtY. s Maglistrates proe~lt: Mlessrs. Wood nnd Franiklynl. A teecetlr'idreaued nitin, giving his name Jo~seph Dory, wansc brought u~p in eastody of ithe offleers of St: Peter's Hlospitall, soid 1 chatrgedl with havinig loft his wvife chargeable to the parish. The wife, a pretty young- woman, with anr infanit in her arms, sitatedE that ...


... 'TBz coxT3p.T, E69. WINDSOlt, Sund(ay.-This mnorning the Queen and Prince. Albert, and top, Count Mensdorf, attended divine service in the royal chipel of St. George. The Rev. Mr. Markham preached a most eloquent sermon from the 4th and bth verses of the 15th chapter of St. Luke's gospel. The Queen received addresses on the throne, on Wednesday afternoon, at Buckingham Palasce, from the ...


... , : . . f LN : . , - PvQ1xcd*lv ATz6:G>92x¢;M C0 NOeIL-HBSRi BsrsrMa, SAV&DAY. Magistrates present i The Mor, and Messrs. Leani Newman, George, and tierapath. Sarah Bleekl was charged with stealing the goods of Sarah ,and Mary Nowmain; tappeared from the statement of ODe of the complainants, that theproperty consisting of a pair of boots, L two aprons; and a pair of stookiMs wis stolen from a ...


... CUnZOsVS CASE Oe AEDUICTION. THE Leeds Thisaes narrates an incident which has just occurredt in Yorkshire, fit to grace a novel. The hero is a groom, courted by his master's daughter; and his courage and determination towards the close of the eventful history prove that his discretion and distrust at the commencement were caused by no lack of manly spirit. About nine mouths ago, Mr. Charles ...


... POLICE Iz TiELL!GMNC. CovU L-jHoIvsls, BRISTOL, SATUrDAYt.' Mistightates present: The afayor, &A Mfcssrs.Howtll& lRiektts. Philip Crosqualnl ntid John King wote charged with having in picce of tiller in their possession, supposed to have been stole',, Policemainl 183 deposed to having found tie timber in question, Oiivteri ovre with striiw, in a. cart belouging to Crossman. A~ vituess, in thie ...


... The Princess Royal is teething, and a change of air is recouitmeuded. Hence the removal to Brighton; whither the Queen and Prince Albert, followed by their Royal guests and the suite with the infants, arrived about three o'clock on Thursday afternoon-the anniversary of the Queen's Great preparations have been made for their reception, both within and without the P'avilion. That ...


... :: I TRIAL':OFJ :HN, -FAC-IS , .TlFOR .THE ATTEMPT'UQN .T E LIFE OF .. - HER MwJSTY. . . -. The trial of this miscreait,; 'r9p firingi at her Majesty, eamo on at the 6eeitral Criminal Qoar1 on Friday. Numerous applicatlons a or'admittsnee to ?? vere iade early hi thoe moraeiig, but ns only.parties were admitted who had tickets from.I tlc Sheriffs, the court vvas by no ril beas ¢rowded. The ...


... THE cOURT. .; | Her ajgsty s~nd', Piioe'Albert left. )3nodogbxanm Patace for Windsor, ,foi;tbP eseson, cnalSatnrday.j'Thp,,P ?? and Princess o..EaxO (oburg ?? tho' Q Ysse.;. thoir ?? are not expected to return,,to Gerniipiy. 'umtil tho middle 'of inext inonth, .at the iearliestjg Eer i, DastyOwiVl'cOme to tboin'fori a' day' osntvo, to prorogue Parliament iin 6fl66,' and jifterwnards retbmn td ...


... Thle Court miovements have little incident this weck.- Tie Queen sas entertained a numereous circle of visitors at Wisndsor Castle, On Sunday the Queen and Princo Albert and the Royal Housebold attended Divine Service, in the Private Chapel within the Castle, The Hon. and Very Rev. Dr. Hobart, Dean of Windsoi, officiated. Her Royal. Highness the Duchess of Kenti attended by Lady Charlotte ...


... THE COURIT. The Court is expected to leave thle Castle at the latter col of next wook for Claremont, to remain for some days. It is said that the Queen and Prince Albert, with the infaists, will go to Brighton at the end of October, to remain at the Pavilion for a month or six woels. The Queen held a Privy Council, at three o'clocl on Saturday afternoon, at Windsor Castle, It was attended by ...


... Her Majesty left town atnoon on Monday, accompanied, f by his Royal Highness Prince Alberti and attended by a f numerous suite, for Windsor Castle. The Royal cortege was escorted from Buciinghan Palace by a party of li Hussarx. The Court willrem aiu until Fliday at Windsor; and daily, during the Ascot races, large parties will be entertained, a usual at this season, at the Castle. A vast ...


... 77777?? - . LZOE XN163ixiibmNcjm. CoUNorriOL- sB, BRAsTOL, SATVADAY. MapgistrateP present: The Mayor, and Messrs. Herapath and K. . Sanders. : Sarah Baker, remanded on a charge of stealing a brash, the proIorty of 4r. Withoy, of Castle.street, was again brought up, andtbofroaiutsiol not be6ng pressed against her, a io was ' Henry Bo31c (ahboy) fas eharged with breaking a quantity of glaisa ...