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Morning Chronicle


... .PBLI C A MUSMENTS. Her MAJESTY'S THEATRE.-The nobility subscribers to the Ora. Rfnd the public, are rvse'ct'tily l, otillee that thiA uriatre wil heOlPENIRD Toatmolsow EvtNetloN, Satiurda3 Narch 12th, vwhb'l will be Pro0acepd,flrqttilne in this country) D)o0I tsuld' Otpier OBziMA 1j1 VEEIJY. Conlte di Vergy, Shr. San (from the prlnviteW Tnieatrep in Italy, hbi irit appearence in ill countrvi ...


... MlUsic. A oly ~ts~mmv~well onl the pi~m notforte, and dei irtstO ntake thins mmmrOlspl shmten it a oiirce ofjlamr n otN 01 ,a tmmcmmnec to her frienlds, sliould be cairefu lto adap~t fill smI ot icr pm rtaritt-1ttcC to` the ircimmmstatcEes it' whitci it ecjlird for. aild Shouldt remetmnber that at ommY, mixtd coo- pamny us omitd be tired to death wcithI one ot those Ioni. a tt elmhor upme ms ...


... 0 The PRINCE of WALES and thle PRINCESS Rt0 YAL Ii their urnid twCottlbenadiriration or vory oto. Coolultnisiril tI.N and his CONSORT, MODELLED exporesu for thi. rXttltl- TION, by Ilelaqun. of Canton, Will tile holaunifivet lDreses worti by them. Thy (IORGEOUSCORONATION RltBE.S of GEORGE IV., die- lilered by ititxstif, at anl expoovre of £1500e. *ith thle room tittlod op for ubo PorPooe, IF ...


... THEATRE ROYAL DRUBY-LANE. Oa Saturday night Mr. WEISTLAND MARSTON'S tragedy of The Patrician's Daugyhter was produced with decisive and triumphant success. A great and bold experiment has thus been made- Mr. ASIRSTON'S play is a tragedy of the passing time; there is no remoteness either of age or locality. Its passions, interests, and collisions may even now be the living drama of abodes in ...


... TIFB ITALIAN OPBRA. Last night her MA.TfETY visited the opera, and her pre- sence produced an enthusiastic demonstration of the feel- ings which, at this moment, must be uuiversal among ber Subjects. Before the commencement of the opera, and be- fore her MAAeErTY'S arrival, God save the Queen waS eung with great effect by the whole strength of the company. During the first scene of the piece ...


... A VWL-PIIIREIYOLOGWlIL LECTURE, by MIir. BRJNDLEIY , at tlc ADELPIJI THIEA TRE. Mr. Brindley, tle antagonist of the Socialiists, under- took last evening a teaks of extraordinary boIdresis, and olle which, eN fAr as the existing feeliugs of society are con- eldered. was little likely to secure proselytes amoneg tho more enlightened portion of the community. The subject of his address on this ...


... CUV VIV7'-GA:Jz'B THEATRE. Oin Siitirday nip-t the EnCglis season at this thentre turrilisted, whei madtill VKSTRIS retired to make way for U,,. (i;rnmilu compaly, who make their first appearianie 'Ii: ' The Combhined attractions of Mi6YADELAIDeI Ii i:ii c' pc'rt'iuHICe of' A mien, il La Soyotainbulu? of et fii rri of P'ilterv. Clatter; of a Farewell Ad- I drhs', bg Mr. C. ldATillTtws; ...


... PUBLIC AMUSEM ENTS. ROYAL ADELAIDE GALLERY, LowIthEr Arcade, Strarld.-This SPLENDID EXHIBiTSON Is Oren dai:y frern Eleven to Five, amd fromi Seva- to Elevan every Eveniru.-ThC Infati sSapyhsi sli ie saga lsoleelt wdi shortly terminuntesms.rthis alleroScis ait H elf-pciI Three i, cleck. Tbe unrivailed lDis-s.ville Viewrs and splen-icti Gasr Sicrosscupe tire eahiliitrd darbo4 crit exhibitiow:n ...


... COVENT-GARDEN THBATRE. The English version of ROSSINI'S Sellfeanmide, with Miss Ki murat.t as the heroine, und the first appearance of Mrs. AL.FRESD SHAW o01 tho English stage, after her successes in Germauy and Italy, drew an overflowing audience to this theatre onl Saturday evening. For our part, we expeeted brilliant displays of individual talent, and were not disappointed; and, as we did ...


... 1/h,&1'A'RE ROYAL, DRURY-LANE. T'hir .'ams.eter wns peilornied hisut ni' ht at this tlisLtre, witit a verv strojei aste. It is iare to lW'P a plal'y with evert' chailnlier s(o well filled. The ellecit onl til! indieuref uil. obvionus; and we take this g'enerad interest in tn eltiire perih init ier to he the triest kind of' drinilatic eunjoyieint. 'ilio play of, 'it' 7nc.Sf is toIs Wi ell nowni ...


... HAYVMARKET T1JEATRPE. iTbe Prr'lia1ed IfuSeIand was the ploy selected herI for Tluesiav night, and NVe( attelned lbr thi purpoce ofi yitilns- iug MN, Sr t; A IlTS l-0rluiiwiifrnri' .,n Laid1 Tt't Il, anid the fitht ,piearaltice of ili ies Lie v M,,N N lilr, in the eharacter of alad Tti'J'e,'f. As in all gallantry a:id duty bound wa AsCII i ive it'. lIady pri'cdelleje in the lew relalirks we ...