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Bristol, Bristol, England

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... Voctv?. LlNE'i TO ClRCASSlA. Wrtirn!g on the occoa ionz ef the recent liussiane Excpedition ageinst thle Cirraasirzn Patriots. As a shall the thricc.crush1'd1 robhcr saniquis1 note- Anid mlust tlic cvpress shiade the patriot's browv I-fast thou nso frietnis but God, and brraucry- No arm to striko ilt uni'oti tottb thooe Still eoats the sear.llsg from thy meuutitoin towers- Still the srm'il ...


... i t Lv i? t jj Vt + faa/ca Vtiyt;cs -Siol th, London. F 'jo tt.o?e who wih to os.'e- a haatlotoe edition of thu doejuly- ? interesting aoya-zss of dante, Cook, wo con confidently rocons- toicad the prescot bone. due noiform clearness and beauty of olte t? tiograithy veiled great credit on thc printer, and trill he 0 fiottit Woot og recable to the i-coder. The illustrations on wood are ...


... I.ZT?RA1?.3Z vARIETr!?s. 'Ihe English language consists of about .?8,OOO words, of which oboist 25,000, or nearly live eighths, are of Auglo.Sa'son origin. MoOACrrs;-Iluman nature is so constituted by the Cres- ts,, that nisrality is iso isceessary to the prosperity of mankind as e:cygon te comhnstios, calorie to vegetation, and respiratien to Iianmn life.-Nptii'akrisi. Povisn?v.-lt is nut ...


... BRISTOL ? U?JZON. street, enTnsayat, fo teu purose of formingI janl Art Union~ 'J'be cha~ir was takenl atthrceeo'clock,l,5 tbhe Rer. JOHIN EseteC Mr. reciera, arho oeted als provisionlal secretary, goad thle mli- unstes of the prievious Inleeting, anid announced that, at the kinid itntGerCU~o)II of Qilentin Kennledy, Esq., who had~, on behialf of thoe last snleetinlg, umade thle app~licaltion ...


... 'Fl'lE IRESPONSE. If; itei5 Oil oCCOstsof of laIcte Oractslonzs delieerjj ini the GOioto1ona' Houese oJ' Pairliament. 'iusperisi Eurypyloin scitatum erartila Phiabi N\itilnias; lisqee adlytis haocc tristia dlicta rcportat..Enridoe, Lii, t?. Wc aenit Eur? pelus to leans) what an~swer us aflbrds Aolmlo's oralel; nnd hec britigs us back tIhcsc choerle~is wvords. Hc wordr ItS, bos -he wvords us, ...


... T?1I?A?Y V.&RZETI?S. Aairrrraselc -A science dift'ereistly studied by Fathers anid sorts, the farmer genlerl ly conininhg tlseoiselses to addition, the .sccopd to subtraction.-Ladly Bltes¢sing ton. XV.vrTca OF' NIAGAaA.--The quiantity of water precipitated) over the Falls hoe8 been titus calculated iby diffceret aluthorities --Presidcnt Dwight, of New laven, estimates it at ll,055,a7a tonis ...


... 1. 1 N E, S, LFo11 TtiE DAV 0 OTlle ItOYc.L CruinStrrESI'ar-. . 'rtrnrc is floating err the breerze, .fir joyous nlotes :rind sihi6 Sav! i tha~t prouid triulmph~ant strain lire rhoir~t of Yictorsv i'- Tetit it of eroipirou g:dlsie i far ir',s tic re sin parry? Or fbr aoreecasiquor'd field rises the mptilitiiir lay? Xc truasput-ssoto of eoniqucst r ain- No fienid.tike shuntt of sear That rises ...


... VA2?ZflTXES. If' tOII won II be knoss' it, and not know, veqctotc in a ii I- I age if on would kisliss', u?d not he known, 0cc in a city.-- ('a/ton. Mr. Stuart, generally knOWn, front his ptihlicstilan of' the Antiquities of Athens, by the .esttlriqsfet of Athenian Stuart, use one day sstentatipsqly ehacrOlilS that POetry was his wife, anti Architecture his mistress, svh?t5 lie was shi'u ily ...


... ?ottv?. IuAw itE lL' but wienll thlou 'rt far awa~y- \\'hntt Plea~siu'' i:i'khitg, Cllp is nilgh- Witeti oihcr irk. is atit othor -reunes lucite thy loin iisld glad~ Chinec cy', A sinlde tsouglit, ot~tiol tii bilisi,- A siglegi sigh, oh! imnlethiles gi sc To hitti who nle'er wvill thec forget; And let binm in thy memzory live. NVheii others loin thter, titlist not tlou 'I'heir lovc so warmn as ...


... ?ZThRA?1r VA?IE?XES. AN ILISaI MODE 01' TREATING A WITNESS.- -very thing depvended Ott Olle wvitness, llU obstinlitte beaist tbat wvould nt Ilisten to reasOn;, we got hold of him 7a~t itight; got tbhree doc- tors to certify he was out of his mind;* and a~t this cetocoent, wvith I ila head sbkated, alnd a grey suit on bite, be is thve noisiest inc Cmate in Gla~ssnevif mad-houseP-Jock Iibiilas. ...

CABINET CAROL.—TUNE—Hunting the Hare

... CABINET CA1LflL.-TUNE-ITh)?t?IIg the Hare. Tor'y role is the trio mph of tinrity! Tory fr ionus inro the choioe of the Qineni (a) NO SUChI C;IClC of saints, to n siroty, Rounid a Sos'orei~nn over were seenl There's Lynndhiunst, whlose funnotionl's Her MaIjesty's consoiuelll (llis ownI's 110 v elry gloeat trouible) to koep- flut sure thoy're altl sainted- Not Ellendhorougin'o toailetd. Hurrah ...