Advertisements & Notices

... a PHILADlELCPKHIA LINE OF Ea PAC TS. &E P ailing on t51 815 0/ evrj/ 1eaS. *Fis. 11110UNdIADipLA, E Tu~tLSV . M SUISQkU~EANNA. J. MliR CHst ?? otditllo, 8th AnriL SURNANDOAR. J. WeaT ?? os Oh MIaY THOMAS3 P. COPS,. M. F. 11lessctebo .cuotosss,athliue. Thesbe ,ae Aeisrallol the first olass, built expressly for thlit Bite adcombine every qiualit.- to render theta mafe and expe- dlII=si,. Loo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENTLEMEN'S 2FASHIONABLE EQAiVlNT ?? OUTFIT'T.IN(; .-E8TABJJSHMENT, For all Parts Of the Worid. P L. M1ACTAGGART, fro] ,JtoRs-])FET, ,r .very reetiully informs his numer=ues Fri ad the I'syablio; that heba -lc ?? t :-.X OPENED TlE PRIF No. 24, BOL D -8TRE .ctsir1 -s ~irt (opposito tho Lyceura,) eaargeA, ndlwla 3 lop5S to hm htonour W~himwirkth' theie~r o~rdters, that qyery exertion will be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Third T1IE THEATRE ROYAL, DUBLIN. Appearance of Mrs. HONEY, who is Engaged for a few Nightzs only. Second Appearance of Mr. BALLS. IS pRESENT THURSDAY,. FEBRUARY 3d, 842, will be produced a New Comedy, in Two Acts, lledTHE RUNAWAY; OR, MATCH HElR WHO CAN. Skire Chasewell, Mr Barrett; Jack Loveall, Mr Balls, ,5,onating Widow Blackberry; Kate Kearney, wst per peronating the characters of Norab, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE aTRE ROYAL, DRURY LANE. fNlN MONDAY will be performed Otway's Tragedy of % VENICE PRESERVED. Belidera, Miss H. Faucit (her first appearance). With (last time) THE PANTOMIME. On ''oesdav, Handel's AClS AND GALA TEA. On Wednesday, EVERY ONE RAS HIS FAULT. On Thursday, ACIS AND GALATEA. Os Friday, a PLAY. On Saturday, AdIS AND GALATEA. '[he New Comsedy ofVI'HE PRiSONER OF WAR wrill be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3& Hopper's Tide Tcabtes (eontinuec'1) ip JUST PUBLISHED AT THIS COURANT OppICE} PRICE IS And may be had of Norrie & (o., Lenhal London, and of the Booksellers in all the Se Towns throughout the Kingdor,, NEW ASTRONOMICAL TI DE - T A B L ES, Shewing at Sight THE TIME OF FLOOD, AND DEPTH OF WATER EVEly ON TIIE BARS OF SHIELDS AND SUNDERL4 For the Year 142, WITH A TABLE,I Showing how to find, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THEATRE ROYAL, EXETER. UNDER THE MANAGEMENT OF Ma. HARVEY. CbN Tul9snDY 17th, THE MERCHANT or VENICE, V0} AND THE THE OCEAN OF LIFE. Tlho Pablie is respeetrflly informed that MBS. WAYLETT, Of the ThIre-nRoyal. Drll'y-Lane, &c., is engaged.for ONE j NGiT only, FRIDAY next, Fcb. 18tb, Wheionll prsoented A COM E DY in S Acts, callel 'THE MAID OF MADRID. DONNA 011VJA, , ' , ! ,, ' lSMrs. WAYLETT. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -, INDIAN M f 41ALS h MoalAail ro~htnatdt'. isaoolne4 to, take out thle Malts of thn 15th of 1w!l cry. rho relotwillstart from Southamplton on Tueisday, cu r aticocoand Soil) proceed to F'altnouth, whore Tb, all takiin of r aioooioationel 17th and proceed on tier ton re line ~itatonfor both malis and pasnes gee to all pars of itoBritlosi and forelgn Wet Ind Is, anae Is th opnya stearniare whl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ri, Ilvo. price Is, C~I-RItST1AN FORBEARANCE ia Senasot pacod before the University of' Oxford, at St. Mlary's, on Se eeinia Sunday, 1842. By thie Rev. FuN EST HAWKINS, B. , Elilow of Exeter College. Published by request. Oxfss'd, J. H. Parker; and Rivingtons, St. Paul's Churchl-yard and Wasterloo-place, London. Jlouey to be adeaoevd. or 31ortqsss. 'rHE Stewards of the Steeple Astons Friendly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NOTICE OF SALE. THE Sale of FARMING STOCK and IM- PL&MENTS of HUSBANDRY, belonging to Mr Mauderson, will take place at Swinhoe, in the Parish of lBamburgh, on Monday the 9th of May next. Particulars will appear in a future Advertisement. In 'T'IIOS. STA'MP & SON, Auctioneers. Swinhoe, Feb.,14, 1842. I WYLAM HAALL. Ca __ an MESSRS SMA LL A ND BRO UGH fei Respectfully Announce that the Bi SALE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... REPEAL BOARD OF TRADE. * A SPECIAL MEETINGr of the REPEAj '1 ARD A OF TRADE will be held at tbe CORN-EI A NGE ROOMS, on SUNDAY NEXT, 13th Februa rt Two o'Clock, to make arrangements for the Coliec os com- mencing active operations to raise Funds for cal ng on the objects of the Board. By order, T. M. RAY, Honorary 8ocrptary. PRICES OF 1f11,a0 STJo(iKS DURINt: TlE WKEK. TRURs qAT. |1( 0 rS. I ...

Advertisements & Notices

... P TPHILIP and~ SYDNEY, with ins -ol I.,'ilitph, ain Etonl, yroomi for Iiiiit go wis aind at ew z.rl 1hL lie ru CGNT A 1. burden '.11- tool, %V.1. b.11sio. Cromnde, lingin ileLbond~ flcka '1410 1rciist lao .p1101 . l 011 4~ heigbt 10000v llcckl fgorpiggentiera.-Fot 1r140111 or; LA.Q RI,1 tIltY ID J. 1I. Arnold and AWoolltl. a. Claillent's1410il' at.ivet; or ito Hill Avid WOaikrbarthl, 1 ...